Where do you want to go birding today?

Recent Additions

This page identifies major new additions to this website. Please note that new links are
generally not highlighted here since it would make this page far too long.
You will just have to hit "Reload" periodically for country pages that you visit frequently.
Do you have something you think should be added? Tell me about it!
December 30, 2001
November 18, 2001
November 1, 2001
October 30, 2001
October 27, 2001
October 25, 2001
    ......Received a great trip report from Dennis Buss and Larry
      Manfredi about their recent trip to Montserrat. Thanks to them it pushed me into setting up a whole new country page for Montserrat, with a focus on the plight of the Montserrat Oriole.
October 20, 2001
October 11, 2001
October 9, 2001
October 7, 2001
September 30, 2001
September 27, 2001
    ......Completed a brief trip report on the one and only day
September 8, 2001
    ......Some times you need more than virtual birds...


      Back on September 22. Don't expect any rapid answers to e-mails <grin>.
September 6, 2001
September 5, 2001
    ......Trevor Quested of Australia has started a wonderful new 
      photo gallery, hosted on this website, specializing in Australian endemics. Unfortunately, the Australia page on this website is chock full of bird images already, so all Trevor's images are in the World Bird Gallery, and are best viewed through his website. Included there are: Australian Bush-turkey, Australian Kestrel, Blue Vanga, Sulphur-crested Cockatoo, Gull-billed Tern, Beach Thick-knee, Bell Miner, MacLeay's Honeyeater, New Holland Honeyeater, Yellow Robin, Flame Robin, Rufous Bristlebird, Rockwarbler, Varied Sitella, Silvereye, Bush Thick-knee, MacLeay's Honeyeater, Musk Duck and Sri Lanka Magpie.
September 1 - 3, 2001
August 22-24, 2001
August 22-24, 2001
August 19, 2001
August 18, 2001
August 15, 2001
August 13, 2001
July 28-29, 2001
July 25, 2001
July 24, 2001
July 21, 2001
July 5 - 20, 2001
    ......Off on a brief vacation - little birding, unfortunately! But I
      did spot an incredible sight while I was in Telegraph Cove on Vancouver Island - a partial albino Stellar's Jay, that I actually managed to photograph! Check it out!!!
July 1, 2001
    ......Happy Canada Day to all! While waiting for the 
June 30, 2001
June 29, 2001
June 26, 2001
June 22, 2001
June 20, 2001
June 18, 2001
June 17, 2001
June 15, 2001
June 10, 2001
June 7, 2001
May 23 - June 6, 2001
    ......Sometimes you need more than virtual birds.


      Stay tuned for a trip report...
May 8, 2001
May 6, 2001
May 5, 2001
May 3, 2001
May 1, 2001
April 30, 2001
April 29, 2001
April 28, 2001
April 27, 2001
April 24, 2001
April 23, 2001
April 22, 2001
April 21, 2001
April 20, 2001
April 12, 2001
April 11 2001
April 10, 2001
April 7, 2001
April 6, 2001
April 5, 2001
April 4, 2001
April 3, 2001
    ......FINALLY!!!  Have completed the Bird Photo Index and all
      photos have been included in the World Bird Gallery.  That's a total of 1107 species represented on thumbnail photos! Huge kudos to all the contributing photographers! I am also starting to follow up on a personal interest of mine regarding endangered birds. You can see the start of this work here. Anyone out there with photos of birds (especially endangered birds) not included already, please get in touch
April 2, 2001
    .....Tony Robertson forwarded a great trip report from Portugal.
      He says: "I plundered your site for info before I went and thought it was only fair to contribute in turn." What a marvellous thought! And a big thank-you to Tony!
March 29, 2001
March 23, 2001
March 22, 2001
    ......Adolfo Cruz  of Aventuras Naturales, Guatemala's 
      Birdwatching & Ecotourism Travel Specialists, has been kind enough to send a checklist for Guatemala. I believe this is the only one on the web (or at least I couldn't find one...) Thanks so much, Adolfo!
March 13, 2001
March 10, 2001
March 6, 2001
March 3, 2001
March 1, 2001
February 28, 2001
February 26, 2001
February 17, 2001
February 10, 2001
February 8, 2001
    ......Yikes, why do I do these things to myself... I have started
      cataloguing alphabetically all bird images found on this site. You can find the index from the Bird Photo Index link on the main page. This page also contains brief distribution information and scientific names for all birds which have photos on this site.
February 5, 2001
    ......Tim Allwood has sent three wonderful new trip reports
February 3, 2001
February 1, 2001
January 26, 2001
January 12, 2001
January 10, 2001
January 9, 2001
January 8, 2001
    ......Didier Godreau has sent an interesting New Year's 
      present - a photo of a Thick-billed Raven, a near-endemic from Ethiopia.
    ......Lawrence Poh has just returned from a photographic 
      trip to Australia, bringing many new images home with him - and we get to share! Australian King-Parrot, Crimson Rosella, Red-capped Plover, Gang Gang Cockatoo, Wonga Pigeon, and Regent Bowerbird can be found on the Australia page. The Dollarbird went to India, and the Magpie-Lark migrated to Papua-New Guinea. Thanks, Lawrence.
January 2, 2001
2000 Additions Archive
1999 Additions Archive
1998 Additions Archive