To find out how you can help, visit The Yellow-eared Parrot Conservation Page. Donations are always welcome! |
Ognorhynchus/Bernabe Lopez-Lanus |
....Purace Park, Columbia - no useable information available on
....Birding in Colombia - the country is a birder's dream; with the highest
....Colombian Birding and Ornithological Hub - by Paul Salaman.
....Birding (safely) in Colombia - by Jurgen Beckers. Colombia has the
....Amacayacu (National Park), River of the Hammocks - by Nelson H.
....Los Katíos National Park - Los Katíos is located in north-west
....Forest Wetlands of the Colombian Southern Amazon - In Colombia,
....Biosphere Reserves in Colombia - map showing location of
....The Hummingbirds of Nariño, Colombia - by Paul G. W. Salaman
....Cartagena Birding - a report of a day's birding in Cartegena from
....E-mail response from Tina to a visitor inquiring about Cartegena ... ....Columbia Tourism - in addition to a lot of information about
....An Ornithological Expedition to Nature Reserve, Cauca,
....Birding Trip Colombia 1999 - by John Penhallurick. A report on
....Trip report Colombia 1987 - by Erik A. Toorman. In the summer of 1987
....Trip Report: Peru, Ecuador, and Colombia - 6 June – 5 August 1999.
....Trip Report: Central Colombia, April 2004 - by Jurgen Beckers of
|>> | A Birding Pal is not a paid guide, but someone who likes to help out of town visitors. You can become a Birding Pal today! Help someone to enjoy your local birding spots and find a pal to help you when you travel. Click here for Colombia Birding Pals, or join to be a Birding Pal! |
Lozano |
___ Antioquia Bristle-Tyrant
___ Apical Flycatcher ___ Apolinar's Wren ___ Baudo Oropendola ___ Bicolored Antpitta ___ Blossomcrown ___ Black Inca ___ Black-and-gold Tanager ___ Black-backed Thornbill ___ Blue-knobbed Curassow ___ Bogota Rail ___ Bogota Sunangel ___ Brown-banded Antpitta ___ Brown-breasted Parakeet ___ Brown-rumped Tapaculo ___ Cauca Guan ___ Chestnut Wood-Quail ___ Chestnut-bellied ___ Flower-piercer ___ Chestnut-winged Chacalaca ___ Chiribiquete Emerald ___ Choco Vireo |
___ Colombian Grebe
___ Colorful Puffleg ___ Crested Ant-Tanager ___ Cundinamarca Antpitta ___ Dusky-headed Brush-Finch ___ Gold-ringed Tanager ___ Gorgeted Wood-Quail ___ Greyish Piculet ___ Indigo-winged Parrot ___ Mountain Grackle ___ Moustached Antpitta ___ Multicolored Tanager ___ Niceforo's Wren ___ Olive-headed Brush-Finch ___ Red-bellied Grackle ___ Rufous-fronted Parakeet ___ Rusty-headed Spinetail ___ Sapphire-bellied Hummingbird ___ Santa Marta Antpitta ___ Santa Marta Brush-Finch ___ Santa Marta Bush-Tyrant |
___ Santa Marta
___ Mountain-Tanager ___ Santa Marta Parakeet ___ Santa Marta Sabrewing ___ Santa Marta Tapaculo ___ Santa Marta Warbler ___ Santa Marta Woodstar ___ Santa Marta Wren ___ Silvery-throated Spinetail ___ Sooty Ant-Tanager ___ Sooty-capped Puffbird ___ Streak-capped Spinetail ___ Tolima Dove ___ Tumaco Seedeater ___ Turquoise Dacnis-Tanager ___ Velvet-fronted Euphonia ___ White-lored Warbler ___ White-mantled Barbet ___ White-tailed Starfrontlet ___ Yellow-crowned Redstart |
(endemics printed in bold italic) |
___ Antioquia Bristle-Tyrant
___ Apolinar's Wren ___ Banded Ground-Cuckoo ___ Baudo Guan ___ Baudo Oropendola ___ Bicolored Antpitta ___ Bicolored Antvireo ___ Black Inca ___ Black Tinamou ___ Black-and-gold Tanager ___ Blue-knobbed Curassow ___ Bogota Rail ___ Bogota Sunangel ___ Brown Wood-Rail ___ Brown-banded Antpitta ___ Brown-breasted Parakeet ___ Cauca Guan ___ Chestnut-bellied Cotinga ___ Chestnut-bellied Hummingbird ___ Choco Tinamou ___ Choco Vireo ___ Colorful Puffleg |
___ Coppery-chested Jacamar
___ Cundinamarca Antpitta ___ Five-colored Barbet ___ Giant Antpitta ___ Gold-ringed Tanager ___ Golden-plumed Parakeet ___ Gorgeted Wood-Quail ___ Helmeted Curassow ___ Hooded Antpitta ___ Indigo-winged Parrot ___ Long-wattled Umbrellabird ___ Magdelena Tinamou ___ Masked Mountain-Tanager ___ Military Macaw ___ Moustached Antpitta ___ Multicolored Tanager ___ Niceforo's Wren ___ Ochraceous Attila ___ Olive-headed Brush-Finch ___ Plumbeous Forest-Falcon ___ Recurve-billed Bushbird ___ Red Siskin |
___ Red-bellied Grackle
___ Rufous-fronted Parakeet ___ Rusty-faced Parrot ___ Santa Marta Bush-Tyrant ___ Santa Marta Parakeet ___ Sapphire-bellied ___ Hummingbird ___ Scarlet-breasted Dacnis ___ Speckled Antshrike ___ Speckled Rail ___ Spot-winged Parrotlet ___ St. Andrew Vireo ___ Tanager Finch ___ Tolima Dove ___ Tumaco Seedeater ___ Turquoise Dacnis ___ Turquoise-throated Puffleg ___ Wattled Curassow ___ White-chested Swift ___ White-mantled Barbet ___ Yellow-eared Parrot ___ Yellow-green Bush-Tanager |
Other Speciality Birds in Colombia (from Where to Watch Birds in South America - by Nigel Wheatley.) |
___ Bearded Helmetcrest
___ Black Solitaire ___ Black-necked Red-Cotinga ___ Black-tipped Cotinga ___ Blue Cotinga ___ Bogota Rail ___ Chestnut-bellied Hummingbird ___ Golden-chested Tanager ___ Indigo-capped Hummingbird |
___ Lanceolated Monklet
___ Long-wattled Umbrellabird ___ Masked Mountain-Tanager ___ Moss-backed Tanager ___ Nocturnal Curassow ___ Northern Screamer ___ Orange-breasted Fruiteater ___ Plumbeous Forest-Falcon ___ Russet-bellied Spinetail |
___ Scarlet-and-white Tanager
___ Tanager Finch ___ Toucan Barbet ___ Turquoise-throated Puffleg ___ White-capped Tanager ___ White-chested Swift ___ White-eared Jacamar ___ White-faced Nunbird ___ White-tipped Quetzal |