All information published on this site is believed correct at the time
writing and is offered in good faith. However, I accept no responsibility
for any loss incurred directly or indirectly as a result of the information
published on these pages. Any opinions expressed are the personal
views of one person and must be treated as such. You are advised to
cross check the information given before committing any expenditure
or resources.
I am not an "expert" in birds or birding locations. Although every effort
is made to ensure accuracy, some mistakes
may creep in. For these,
I apologize, but I take no responsibility
for the effect these mistakes may
have on your travel plans, etc.
I am not responsible for the content and accuracy of the information
on any site linked to this website. Any
inconvenience or injury caused by
mis-information on any linked site is
the responsibility of that site's author.
I am not recommending the goods or services of any commercial company
linked to this website (eg. guides, tours,
eco-lodges or software).
This information is provided only for
the convenience of individuals who
may wish to do further research on commercial
travel, resources or
accomodation in a specific area. I am
not liable for any damages,
misfortune or other calamity that individuals
may incur by using the
goods and services of these companies.
I have chosen the links on this site with some care. However, I do not
have to include any site suggested to
me by a user of this web-site,
and will not include a site unless it
meets my specifications.