Site Want List
There are a few standard
items that appear on nearly every page of this web-site. In many cases,
I cannot locate the information on the web. If you have any of the following
about a specific place, please send me the information, or a website which
contains the information to which I can link. Key missing items include:
I was unable to find checklists for many countries.
If you know where a "missing" checklist is located on the web, please let
me know. If you have an electronic checklist for one of these countries
(in English, please), are willing to make it public, but have no means
of mounting it on the web, please send it to me. I will mount it and give
you the credit.
Any information you may have on a "best sites"
list for a particular country or continent would be very welcome!
There are also many countries where I was
unable to find the name of the national bird. If you know the name of any
of these missing national birds, please let me know. A picture would be
nice, too!
Sources of photographs for endemic and speciality
birds for each country. The Photographer's
Index page lists all bird images that are already included somewhere
in this web site. After obtaining explicit permission from the copyright
holder, I will take a "thumbnail" for placement on the relevant page, and
include it in the World Bird Sampler. Copyright
is given to the copyright holder, and a link is provided back to the photo
gallery for those who want to see the larger version.
Please contact me via e-mail at:
providing the specifics regarding the
location of these missing items.