your cursor on the photo to see the species name. Click on the birds for
more info... )
by Bob O'Brien
by Terry Brashear
copyright Erik
Photo copyright Eric
Van Poppel
by Don Baccus
copyright Marcus Martin
copyright Marcus Martin
Photo copyright Jan
Kåre Ness
Photo copyright Paul
Photo copyright Frode
Photo copyright Don
Photo copyright Don
Photo copyright Rudd
and Kitty Kampf
Photo copyright Jim
Photo copyright Peter
Photo copyright Paul
Photo copyright Ken
Photo copyright Robert
Royse |
in St. Paul - "I discovered there wasn't much information
on the web about birding
trips to St. Paul Island while planning my June '97 trip to the Pribilofs.
I made this page to provide a bit more for birders contemplating a trip
there." The Pribilof Islands of Alaska are a small cluster of four islands
located about 250 mile north of the Aleutian Chain and are known for their
rich bird life and fur seals. The only way to visit is on a "St.
Paul Island Tour", put together by Reeve Aleutian Air and the local
native corporation, Tanagadusix Corp.
in Nome - May 25 - 29, 2001. Your webmaster's visit to Nome!
lengthy trip report with detailed maps, a bird list and MANY photos.
in Nome - Nome is a little know treasure for birders.
The city of Nome is bounded
by tundra on three sides and the Bering Sea coast on the other. Small ponds
on the edge of town attract migrants before larger bodies of water and
ice free. Once the ice begins to break up, migration begins. Virtually
the entire area of the Seward Peninsula that is accessible by road from
Nome is comprised of extremely valuable nesting areas for many bird species
including most North American waterfowl.
a Wild Time, Call Nome - by Lana Creer-Harris. Known in Gold
days as one of the wildest towns in Alaska, Nome still lives up to its
reputation. However, claim jumpers, crooked judges and
light-fingered saloon dollies are things of the past. Now the wild time
is provided by real wildlife.
Report, Nome and Gambell - by David Powell. Rod Norden
and I ventured north to
the land of the midnight sun last week. Actually, we were just south
of the Arctic Circle, but it remained light for the entire duration of
our visit to Alaska.
of Gambell, Alaska - by Monte and Christopher Taylor. Follow
on an 'adventure' tour of the sights of Gambell. Although you may see many
of the bird species found at Gambell in the accompanying galleries, we
have left this gallery page as a scenic tour of a visit to this remote
island in the Bering Sea.
The Last Frontier: Attu Island - by Sandy Komito. This article
from Sandy Komito's latest book "I Came, I Saw, I Counted" chronicling
his exhausting adventures during his North American Big Year quest in 1998.
Sandy went on to shatter records in this year tallying a grand total of
745 species. The article can be found in the Features section of this website.
Hill's Attu Adventures: a 6-part series of excellent
trip reports on Attu and
other Alaskan sites.
Island, Alaska - Images of the Island - A Birder's Paradise!
Monte and Christopher Taylor. Attu - the name yields many special thoughts
for those who have been there, and a mystery and a sense of anticipation
for those who haven't!
River Delta Hemispheric Migratory Bird Reserve
(comprised of a large proportion
of tidal and submerged lands in Orca Inlet, near Cordoba, Alaska and extensive
intertidal and freshwater wetlands and the barrier islands near the mouth
of the Copper River). Another
site on the Delta.
Bald Eagle Preserve - located near Haines, Alaska
National Park & Preserve - features North America's
highest mountain, 20,320'
Mount McKinley. The Park was designated an international biosphere reserve
in 1976.
Birding Resources -
Sites in Anchorage - by the Anchorage Audubon Society.
Anchorage is a surprisingly
good birding area. We have a variety of habitats: coastal, forest and alpine,
and the city is situated at the edge of three major flyways. Check out
Birding Tours for a great way to get to the best spots! See also Tina
MacDonald's report on Potter's
in Alaska - lots of links to birding sites in Alaska.
Birding Center - Although the diversity of birds is somewhat
the annual visitors are spectacular. All four species of Eider ducks
migrate along the coast and nest in the tundra around Barrow. Numerous
other ducks and waterfowl also nest in the millions of small puddles and
lakes across the tundra. Barrow is also prime habitat for many shorebirds.
Site includes a check list of birds found in Barrow.
Birding Home Page - Juneau is one of Alaska's
nicest places to go birding.
The combination of mountains, forest, wetlands, intertidal, and marine
habitats, all accessible from the Juneau road and trail system, provides
for extensive and diverse birding opportunities. See also the Juneau
Audubon website.
Around Fairbanks - Some opportunities for
birding around the Fairbanks,
Alaska area.
Hot Spots - from the Arctic Audubon Society. Want to do
bird watching, but you're not sure where the best spots are? Here
is a list of locations in the Fairbanks area that offer good opportunities
for viewing local and migratory birds.
the Denali Highway, 1998 - illustrated trip report and site
Island Birding - by by the Kodiak Visitors Bureau.
around Wrangell - Wrangell is the Gateway to the Stikine
River. The City of Wrangell,
located at the northern end of Wrangell Island, overlooks the mouth of
the Stikine River and the Stikine River Delta. The Stikine River delta
is a significant stopover on the Pacific Flyway for migrating birds. The
delta is 11,000 hectares (27,200 acres), and 16 miles wide.
to Alaska, 1996 - a detailed, humorous and illustrated
trip report by Bert and
Shari Frenz that describes their "trip of a lifetime". The itinerary chronicles
their time in Alaska, British Columbia and Yukon territory.
of Alaska Refuges, Critical Habitat Areas and Sanctuaries -
includes links to additional
information on:
Anchorage Coastal Wildlife Refuge
Creamer's Field
Mendenhall Wetlands
Dude Creek
Walrus Islands
McNeil River
Stan Price State Wildlife Sanctuary....
Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve -
National Wildlife Refuges - US Fish and Wildlife
National Wildlife Refuges: links to 16 National Wildlife
Refuges in Alaska, including:
Alaska Maritime
Alaska Peninsula
Izembek (RAMSAR
Yukon Delta
Yukon Flats National Wildlife
Report: Alaska, 24 May - 16 June 2004, by Mary Beth Stowe.
report covers Gambell, Nome, Anchorage. the Pribilofs, Denali, Seward and
Kenai and Barrow.
Report: Birding Alaska from a Cruise Ship, August 2002 - by
Baines. The following is a write up of the birding opportunities possible
while taking a cruise from Alaska, south along the Inside Passage to Vancouver.
It also includes 2 days of birding in Anchorage prior to the beginning
of the cruise.
Report - Aleutian Island Expedition (30 May - 14 June 1997)
Society Expeditions aboard the "World Discoverer" - by Angus Wilson. This
trip report covers a cruise of more than 2000 nautical miles through the
Aleutian Island chain from Seward, Alaska to Petropavlosk on the Kamchatka
Peninsula, Russia. Although a number of islands within the chain have been
birded on a regular basis, the most notably being Attu, relatively few
birders have had the good fortune to explore the length of the archipelago,
and even fewer groups have been able to visit the Russian Commander Islands.
1997, June 6 to July 7 - by Ruud and Kitty Kampf. Join Ruud
Kitty on their month-long expedition on a birding/camping trip through
Northern Alaska. Places visited include:
WFO Conference Trip Report May 30 – June 12, 1999 - by
Report: Western Canada and Alaska - Yukon Territory, British
and Alaska - 2 - 13 July 1991 by Blake Maybank. During the first two weeks
of July, 1991, I was fortunate to have a meeting scheduled in the S.W.
Yukon, with an itinerary requiring a visit to all the national and historic
parks in the area. I managed to fit in as much birding as possible
before and after each day's conclave, and while travelling between sites.
In addition, at the conclusion of the event, I took several days off to
bird as intensively as possible. In recounting my experiences, I
hope to leave you with a better understanding of this rarely birded, but
quite accessible, corner of Canada (and Alaska).
Trip Reports - a number (over 30 at last count) of Alaska trip
are available from Blake Maybank's "Birding the Americas - Trip Report
and Trip Planning Repository".