New York
your cursor on the photo to see the species name. Click on the birds for
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Photo by J.R.
Photo copyright Robert
Photo copyright Steve
Photo copyright Stefan
Photo copyright Larry
Photo copyright Harold
Photo copyright Jeremy
Bay National Wildlife Refuge - at the Gateway
National Recreation Area,
Floyd Bennett Field, Brooklyn, NY
Scholtz's Jamaica
Bay Photo Journal
Bay - Contributed by: Tom Lathrop & Kurt
Fox and other
area birders - The Braddock
Bay Wildlife Management Area (WMA) includes the land and waters of Braddock
Bay, Cranberry Pond, Long Pond and Buck Pond, and portions of Buttonwood
and Salmon Creek, all of which are along the Lake Ontario shoreline. The
WMA hosts a variety of nesting and migrant birds. Recently, it was nominated
as the first Important Bird Area in Kingbird Region 2. See also Raptor
Research at Braddock Bay. And one
more site.
York City Central Park Birdwatching by Christopher Hayes.
York City - Birding in the Big Apple - Out-of-towners are usually
to learn about the great birding opportunities in New York City. This site
highlights one good winter birding spot for each of the five boroughs.
Island Birding - Seasonal spots on Long Island, Suffolk &
Counties, New York.
City Naturalist - Observing
Birds in Central Park and
Falls and the Niagara
River - Birding is better from the
Canadian side of the River
Bird Club Local Area Hotspots - best birding hotspots in
Brooklyn and Queens, and
around the JFK Airport. Information is provided on:
Arverne Piping Plover Nesting
Breezy Point
Floyd Bennett Field
Fort Tilden/Riis Park
Greenwood Cemetery
Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge
Prospect Park
Other Coastal Areas
New York Birding Site Guide - Western New York includes
the areas west of the larger Finger Lakes. Major geographic features that
affect birding include Lake Erie, Lake Ontario, the Niagara River, the
Genesee River Valley and the western portions of parts of the Allegany
plateau. Sites are described, as well as specifics on where
to find local birds.
New York Birdwatching - Kirkland Bird Society - site
links are provided for:
in New York State.
Ferd's Bog - Eagle Bay, NY
Derby Hill - Mexico, NY
Sulphur Springs Road - Sauquoit,
Many more sites are under construction
at Montauk Point - part of Noel Wamer's birding site.
Peregrine Foundation - The Canadian Peregrine Foundation
dedicated to providing whatever means are necessary to continue studying,
documenting and protecting this species, not just in Ontario but throughout
Canada. Webcams are operating in Rochester,
New York.
Mountain State Park - one of the best places for
spring birding
in southern New York State
has got to be Doodletown Road. It is located in Bear Mountain State
Park, on the west side of the Hudson River, south of West Point. In spring,
Doodletown is fabulous. Breeding birds include Hooded, Cerulean,
Golden-winged, Blue-winged, and Kentucky Warblers, Pileated Woodpecker,
Indigo Bunting, Ruffed Grouse, etc. etc. Last year Common Ravens
bred in the area. The Queens County Bird Club recorded close to 100
species on a spring outing there last year. That's pretty good for a location
away from the coast.
Birding Region Areas of Interest - includes links to site
(and information on planned
sites) including:
Bare Hill
Finger Lakes National Forest
Hi Tor / West River Wildlife
Management Area
Hoskins Woods - The Nature Conservancy
Howland Island Wildlife Management
Seneca Lake State Park
Stid Hill W.M.A.
West Hill Preserve - The Nature
West Side of Canandaigua Lake
- Ms. Barbara Lyons
The Little Lakes
County Hot Spots - from the Rockland Audubon Society.
Valley Audubon Society: Where to Bird in the Chemung
County Birding Spots - includes seperate sections
site guides to northern
Westchester County, the Hudson River area, Long Island Sound and southern
Westchester County. See also the information provided by the Hudson
River Audubon Society.
Harbors Birding Sites - serving Smithtown, Port Jefferson,
Stony Brook and surrounding
communities. The site differentiates key locations by season.
New York Birding Sites - includes site guides to Ferd's Bog -
Eagle Bay, Derby Hill -
Mexico and Sulphur Springs Road - Sauquoit. Other sites are under construction
the Lake Ontario Plains - from the Buffalo Ornithological
Buffalo area birders primarily bird the Niagara River area, and the lakeshores
of Lake Erie and Lake Ontario. Additionally, the BOS region includes the
entire Niagara Peninsula, which includes not only NYS, but also parts of
southern Ontario.
Audubon Society Nature Preserves - for directions and
maps to these important areas.
to Important SSAS Locations - from the South Shore
Nature Preserve - Less than three miles from downtown Buffalo,
Nature Preserve is a 264-acre refuge dedicated to environmental education
and conservation. Its 75-acre cattail marsh abounds with wildlife. Migrating
birds use the marsh and adjoining woods as a rest site. Animals like beaver
and fox make their homes in its fields, thickets, streams and ponds.
Hill Bird Observatory, Helen Jahn Memorial, is located on
shore of Lake Ontario in
the Town of Mexico, Oswego County.
and the Genesee Region - Recommended Birding Spots
("Only one day to bird ...").
Contributed by: Kurt Fox.
Birding Association - Site Guides: The Rochester
Association publishes site guides which are part of the RBA Handbook. These
guides include maps, lists of expected and uncommon birds, and recommendations
of when to visit each location. Two samples are available on-line: Hamlin
Beach State Park and Highland Park.
National Wildlife Refuge - a great place to watch birds....
Beach State Park - Hamlin Beach State Park is on
Ontario about 25 miles northwest of Rochester. The park offers good birding
year-round but is especially good in migration as the buffering effect
of the lake holds small, northbound landbirds on shore and holds southbound
waterfowl just offshore. It is especially good during fall waterfowl migration.
Valley: East Bank of River: Birding
Valley: Westchester County: Activities & Recreation: Bird
G. Reist Wildlife Sanctuary - Hudson Mohawk Bird Club
Guide to the Birds of Queens - From the NYC Department
Parks & Recreation.
Includes descriptions of:
Alley Pond Park
Udall's Park Preserve
Cunningham Park
Kissena Park
Forest Park
Willow Lake Natural Area
Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge
Fort Tilden and Jacob Riis Parks
Island National Wildlife Refuge Complex is comprised
of seven
National Wildlife Refuges
and one Wildlife Management Area.
National Wildlife Refuge - Montezuma National Wildlife
(MNWR) lies at the north end of Cayuga Lake, five miles east of Seneca
Falls. The refuge serves primarily as a major resting area for migratory
waterfowl, but is also managed to provide habitat to other birds, notably
Conservation on Long Island - this site, by Dr. John Potente
the bluebird prervation acticities underway. Also see "Preservation" for
information on the Grandifolia Sandhills area.
Swamp National Wildlife Refuge - established in
1960, lies
26 miles west of New York
City's Times Square and seven miles south of Morristown, New Jersey.
Viewing Guide - The information on DEC's Wildlife Viewing
Web page comes from the
New York Wildlife Viewing Guide, which was published early in 1998 as a
cooperative venture of Defenders of Wildlife, Falcon Press and DEC's Division
of Fish, Wildlife and Marine Resources. Information is provided on:
Derby Hill Bird Observatory
Dunkirk Harbor
Lime Hollow Nature Center
Finger Lakes National Forest
Fire Island National Seashore
Mashomack Preserve
Roger Tory Peterson Institute
of Natural History
Tillman Road Wildlife Management
Wildlife Refuge Index - New York - US Fish and Wildlife
Includes information on:
Long Island Refuges Complex
Montezuma National Wildlife
Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge
Nature Conservancy of Central and Western New York - preserve
profiles including:
Moss Lake - Allegheny county
El Dorado Beach Preserve - Jefferson
Sandy Pond Beach Preserve -
Chaumont Barrens - Jefferson
York Trip Reports - a number of New York trip reports are available
Blake Maybank's "Birding the Americas - Trip Report and Trip Planning Repository".