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North America

North America - Country Birding Statistics Comparison
North America - Endemics/Specialities List
North America - Endangered Birds
Top 200 Birding Spots in US and Canada

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North American Endemics/Specialities

Canada does not have any endemics. United States endemics and Mexican
endemics are listed seperately. The following table identifies birds that cannot be
found outside continental North America and the combination of countries
in which they are found. Information was derived from Sibley & Monroe checklists
in Thayer's Birder's Diary - Version 2.02. Species printed in red are extinct.
Species printed in blue are endangered.



___ Bachman's 
___ Sparrow
___ Baird's Sparrow
___ Blue Grouse
___ Bullock's Oriole
___ Carolina Chickadee
___ Chestnut-backed
___ Fish Crow
___ Grey-Crowned 
___ Harris's Sparrow
___ Labrador Duck
___ Le Conte's Sparrow
___ Northwestern Crow
___ Pileated 
___ Woodpecker
___ Red-Bellied
___ Woodpecker
___ Red-legged
___ Kittiwake
___ Ruffed Grouse
___ Scott's Oriole
___ Saltmarsh
___ Sharp-tailed 
___ Sparrow
___ Smith's Longspur
___ Spotted Towhee
___ Spruce Grouse
___ Western Scrub-Jay
___ White-headed
___ Woodpecker
___ White-tailed 
___ Ptarmigan
___ Anna's 
___ Hummingbird
___ Bendire's Thrasher
___ Bewick's Wren
___ Black Oystercatcher
___ Black-capped Vireo
___ Black-chinned
___ Hummingbird
___ Black-headed
___ Grosbeak
___ Black-throated
___ Sparrow
___ Black-vented
___ Shearwater
___ Brandt's Cormorant
___ Brewer's Sparrow
___ Broad-billed 
___ Hummingbird
___ California Gull
___ Calliope 
___ Hummingbird
___ Canyon Wren
___ Cassin's Auklet
___ Cassin's Finch
___ Cassin's Sparrow
___ Chestnut-collared
___ Longspur
___ Clark's Grebe
___ Clark's Nutcracker
___ Common Poorwill
___ Cordilleran 
___ Flycatcher
___ Costa's 
___ Hummingbird
___ Ferruginous Hawk
___ Grey Flycatcher
___ House Finch
___ Lewis's Woodpecker
___ McCowns Longspur
___ Mew Gull
___ Mountain Bluebird
___ Mountain Chickadee
___ Mountain Plover
___ Mountain Quail
___ Nelson's Sharp-
___ Tailed Sparrow
___ Phainopepla
___ Prairie Falcon
___ Pygmy Nuthatch
___ Red-breasted
___ Sapsucker
___ Red-naped
___ Sapsucker
___ Red-Shouldered
___ Hawk
___ Sage Sparrow
___ Sage Thrasher
___ Say's Phoebe
___ Scott's Oriole
___ Seaside Sparrow
___ Sharp-tailed Grouse
___ Spotted Owl
___ Timberline Sparrow
___ Townsend's 
___ Solitaire
___ Trumpeter Swan
___ Tufted Titmouse
___ Western Bluebird
___ Western Grebe
___ Western Gull
___ Western 
___ Screech-Owl
___ Whooping Crane
___ Williamson's
___ Sapsucker
___ Xantus's 
___ Hummingbird
___ Xantus's Murrelet
___ Abert's Towhee
___ Allen's Hummingbird
___ Ashy Storm-Petrel
___ Aztec Thrush
___ Black-capped 
___ Gnatcatcher
___ Black-chinned 
___ Sparrow
___ Black-tailed 
___ Gnatcatcher
___ Blue Mockingbird
___ Blue-throated 
___ Hummingbird
___ Bridled Titmouse
___ Bumblebee 
___ Hummingbird
___ Cactus wren
___ California 
___ Gnatcatcher
___ California Thrasher
___ California Towhee
___ Canyon Towhee
___ Chihuahuan Raven
___ Colima Warbler
___ Craveri's Murrelet
___ Crimson-collared
___ Grosbeak
___ Crissal Thrasher
___ Curve-billed 
___ Thrasher
___ Eared Trogon
___ Elf Owl
___ Five-Striped 
___ Sparrow
___ Gambel's Quail
___ Gila Woodpecker
___ Gilded Flicker
___ Greater Roadrunner
___ Grey Vireo
___ Lawrence's 
___ Goldfinch
___ LeConte's Thrasher
___ Long-billed Thrasher
___ Lucifer 
___ Hummingbird
___ Lucy's Warbler
___ Mexican Chickadee
___ Mexican Jay
___ Montezuma Quail
___ Mottled Duck
___ Nutall's Woodpecker
___ Pinyon Jay
___ Plain Titmouse
___ Pyrrhuloxia
___ Rufous-backed 
___ Thrush
___ Rufous-crowned
___ Sparrow
___ Rufous-winged
___ Sparrow
___ Scaled Quail
___ Strickland's 
___ Woodpecker
___ Tamaulipas Crow
___ Thick-billed Parrot
___ Tricolored Blackbird
___ Verdin
___ Violet-crowned 
___ Hummingbird
___ Worthen's Sparrow
___ Wrentit
___ Yellow-footed Gull

  • 24 Specialities

    60 Specialities

    56 Specialities

    North American Endangered Species

    This information is based on an unpublished draft updating Birds to Watch2 from Birdlife International.
    Mexican and Hawaiian endangered species are listed separately.

    Breeding Birds

    Non-breeding Birds

    ___ Bachman's Warbler
    ___ Black-capped Vireo
    ___ Bristle-thighed Curlew
    ___ California Condor
    ___ Eared Trogon
    ___ Eskimo Curlew
    ___ Golden-cheeked Warbler
    ___ Kirtland's Warbler
    ___ Mountain Plover
    ___ Piping Plover
    ___ Red-crowned Parrot
    ___ Red-legged Kittiwake
    ___ Red-cockaded Woodpecker
    ___ Spectacled Eider
    ___ Stellar's Eider
    ___ Thick-billed Parrot
    ___ Whooping Crane
    ___ Worthen's Sparrow
    ___ Spoonbill Sandpiper
    ___ Stellar's Sea-Eagle

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