Czech Republic
Photo copyright Graham
in the Czech Republic - This map of the Czech
Republic provides a description
(including the rarities spotted at each site) of each site recommended
in the Czech Republic - by Gerard
Gorman of Pro-Birder.
The most westerly of the
formerly so-called "eastern bloc" countries the Czech Republic is a land
of surprisingly diverse habitats and landscapes. There are high mountains,
dense forests, riverine woods and in particular numerous fish-ponds. See
also Czech Birding,
also by Gerard Gorman.
Republic - Directory of Wetlands of International Importance -
includes information on
all Czech Republic Ramsar designated sites, including:
Šumavská rašelinište
(Šumava peatlands)
Trebonské rybníky
(Trebon fishponds)
Novozámecký a
Brehynský rybník (Novozámecký & Brehynský
Lednické rybníky
(Lednice fishponds)
Peterborough Ornithological Group Trip Report - Bavaria and
19-23 April 1995 - by Brian Stone. This is a helpful and entertaining report
of a trip through Germany and the Czech Republic.
Report: Germany, Austria and the Czech Republic -
July to 11 August 1994. By Gerard Joannes. The aim of this trip was mainly
to visit places and I did not do much bird-watching. I nevertheless saw
a few interesting things.
Report: Central Europe, September 18 - 30, 1995 by Paul Pisano.
Here's a brief report of
my recent trip to Central Europe (Prague, Czech Republic; Munich, Germany;
and Padova and Venice, Italy) from the 18th to 30th of September, 1995.
The trip was some business and some pleasure, with the pleasure part being
split among many interests, of which birding was only one of them. Consequently,
my species list is not real long, however I think that this report will
be of interest to anyone visiting these areas.
Report: Warsaw and Cracow (Poland), Prague (Czech Republic),
(Hungary), July 23 - August 6, 1997, by Terry Witt. My wife and I recently
returned from an 18 day tour af Eastern Europe. This was a tourist type
trip run by Grand Circle Tours. I had been birding in Europe several times
before but hoped to slip away from the group when possible and perhaps
even see a few new birds. Using this strategy, I took an early AM walk
on most days, and despite being lodged in the middle of 4 large cities
still had a modest amount of success.
Report: Prague (Czech Republic), May 18-25, 1997 by Jerry Griggs.
I just returned from my
first trip to the Czech Republic, to attend and speak at a mathematics
conference near Prague. During the conference, I had time to go exploring
for birds (on foot). I also picked up a few birds while in transit during
an afternoon excursion.
Report: Czech Republic, August 7-15, 1998 by Bob Lewis.
I have just returned from
a short (one week) trip to the Czech Republic. I spent four days in Prague
at a professional conference, and then my wife and I spent three days driving
around the southern part of the country (Bohemia).
Report: Czech Republic - 30th May - 11th June 2002, by
& Kate Broughton. I chose the areas to visit using Gerard Gorman's
excellent 'Where to Watch Birds in Eastern Europe' marked the areas on
a countrywide map and worked out the itinerary from that.