Birding Factoids

350+ species

3 families are unique to New Zealand: Kiwis, New Zealand Wrens and Wattlebirds
61 endemic species
58 threatened  and near-threatened species
3 week trip expectation -
about 120 species

    New Zealand
Checklist of New Zealand BirdsTours and GuidesEco-LodgesLocal EventsRare Bird AlertsMap and General Information
See more drawings and descriptions of NZ birds at The New Zealand Bird Gallery,
Forento New Zealand's Birding Gallery
Mike Danzenbaker's New Zealand Birds
Martin Kramer's Birds of New Zealand
and Gavin O Se's New Zealand Bird Images.
New Zealand Specialities
Kiwi - New Zealand National Bird
Photo copyright Kiwi WildlifeTours
Gray Gerygone - Photo copyright Don Roberson
Photo copyright Don Roberson
Kaka - Photo copyright Peter LaTourrette
Photo copyright Peter LaTourrette
New Zealand Robin - Photo copyright Forento New Zealand
Photo copyright Forento New Zealand
Kelp Gull - Photo copyright Eric Van Poppel
Photo copyright Eric Van Poppel
New Zealand Scaup - Photo copyright Gavin O Se
Photo copyright Gavin O Se
Kea - Photo copyright Jeff Blincow
Photo copyright Jeff Blincow
Takahe - Photo copyright Jeff Blincow
Photo copyright Jeff Blincow
Wrybill - ENDANGERED - Photo copyright Forento New Zealand
Photo copyright Forento New Zealand
Weka - Photo copyright Peter LaTourrette
Photo copyright Peter LaTourrette
New Zealand Pigeon - THREATENED - Photo copyright Martin Kramer
Photo copyright Martin Kramer
Fairy Tern - THREATENED - Photo copyright Eric Van Poppel
Photo copyright Eric Van Poppel
Kokako - Courtesy of Kiwi Tours
Photo copyright Kiwi WildlifeTours
    ....Where to see birds in New Zealand - from the Royal Forest and 
      Bird Protection Society. The information provided is in response to requests from the public and is provided with the best of intentions to assist people wishing to make the most of their New Zealand birding holiday.
    ....New Zealand - Sites of Interest for Birdwatchers - by Jeff Blincow.
      This page contains a list of sites where endemic or difficult to see birds can be found. It is aimed at people planning a birdwatching trip to New Zealand. This page is best used to supplement the following excellent report:
    ....Bird Watching in New Zealand - by Narena Olliver. In this
      comprehensive site on New Zealand's birds is a section on places to go birdwatching. The section on Whale Island in the Eastern Bay of Plenty is complete, with information planned to be added on Ohiwa Harbour, Te Urewera National Park, and White Island. Check out the other sections of the site for more information on the history and location of key endemic birds. 
    ....Birds of New Zealand - This site has sections on the main types 
      of New Zealand birds, including extinct birds, Moas, forest birds,  seashore birds, and oceanic birds. At the very bottom of the left-had menu are links to sections of where to find each of these types of birds in New Zealand. 
    ....New Zealand Birding Directory - an interesting site with links to 
      many New Zealand birding locations, and a listing of many New Zealand Tour Operators and Lodges.
    ....Te Wahipounamu (South-West New Zealand World Heritage Area) -
      As the least modified region on mainland New Zealand, the South-West is the core habitat for many indigenous animals including a number of primitive taxa and contains the largest and most significant populations of forest birds in the country, most of which are endemic to New Zealand. Okarito Lagoon is the largest estuarine lagoon on the South Island's west coast and is an important habitat for wading birds.
    ....Pelagic Birding in New Zealand - by Angus Wilson. New Zealand is
      one of the world's great hotspots for seabirding, and can be legitimately be called the albatross capital of the world, with more breeding albatrosses than any other country. Besides a large number of breeding species, the rich offshore waters provide wintering habitat for a number of additional species that breed on Subantarctic Islands or Antarctica itself.
    ....Pelagic Birding Trip Reports - courtesy of Wrybills Tours, 
      this page links to a number of pelagic trip reports, many illustrated. 
    ....New Zealand - Seabird centre of the World. Because of its 
      extensive coastline and many inshore and offshore islands, as well as its well developed logistics, it is possible for the interested observer to see more seabirds here than in any other country. Site includes checklists and maps.
    ....Okarito Lagoon - this commercial website provides information 
      on the Lagoon, which provides superb habitat for a wide range of bird life.  It is used by over 70 bird species. The Lagoon is the main feeding ground for the White Herons or Kotuku (Egretta alba) whose only NZ breeding colony adjoins at Waitangiroto.  Other significant species are South Island fern birds and Australasian bitterns.  The Okarito brown kiwi inhabits the southern forest margins. Site includes a bird checklist for the area.
    ....Pelagic Birding in Kaikoura, New Zealand - this area has one of the
      greatest number of different types of seabirds within a small area than anywhere along the New Zealand coastline. This informative page provides information on the seabirds that have been sighted in an area from Kaikoura Peninsula south to a distance of 10 miles off the Conway rivermouth. See also Tours and Guides below.
    ....Waituna Wetlands Scientific Reserve - Waituna Wetlands 
      comprise an area of approximately 3,556ha situated on the southern coast of the South Island of New Zealand. The wetlands encompass the Waituna Lagoon along with adjacent peatlands, numerous ponds/lakes and coastline forming part of a larger complex of estuaries and lagoons within the Southland area. 
    ....Karori Wildlife Sanctuary - an island in the middle of Wellington,
      teeming with birds and wildlife, accessible and enjoyed by all; a place of rest and peace where you can once again be in touch with New Zealand’s unique natural heritage. This is the Karori Wildlife Sanctuary: the most ambitious conservation project in New Zealand. 
    ....Miranda Shorebirds Centre Trust  - The Miranda coast is a
      world-renowned destination for birdwatchers. Thousands of wading birds from the Arctic tundra, along with similar numbers of New Zealand breeding shorebirds gather at Miranda each year.
    ....Gannet Colony, Muriwai Regional Park, Auckland, NZ. - by Dennis
      Chua. Visit this photographic essay by on the gannet colony.
    ....New Zealand Birds and Birding Hotspots - this commercial site
      provides information on New Zealand hotspots and the New Zealand endemic bird species.
    ....The Royal Albatross Colony at Taiaroa Head - on the tip of the
      Otago Peninsula, is the only mainland breeding colony of albatross in the world. Visitors to the Royal Albatross Centre can view the interpretative wildlife displays, learn of the historical use of the area, and experience the famous Unique Taiaroa guided tours.
    ....Tiritiri Matangi - New Zealand's only open wildlife sanctuary.
      Off the northern coast of New Zealand, on Tiri the public can see endangered birds such as Takahe in a natural environment.
    ....Biodiversity on the Chatham Islands of New Zealand - by Bruce Marcot.
      The bird fauna of CI is a poignant reflection of how the native and the exotic have intermingled here among the surprising array
      of habitats.  In the reserves' native forests and fens of treeferns and Dracophyllum, I spot grey duck, fantail, and the endemic
      Chatham Island warbler, all of which are found in the less disturbed natural environments. 
    ....Penguins in New Zealand - This site emphasizes penquins, and
      provides information on viewing sites, and species information.
    ....New Zealand - Directory of Wetlands of International Importance
      includes information on all New Zealand's Ramsar designated sites, including:
      • Waituna Lagoon
      • Farewell Spit
      • Whangamarino
      • Kopuatai Peat Dome
      • Firth of Thames
    ....Trip Report: New Zealand, August 1996 - Richard Fairbank
    ....Trip Report: New Zealand, October 22-30, 1996 - by Linda Lee Baker.
      We visited only the South Island and Stewart Island. We had a couple of mixups with guides for birdwatching. The biggest surprise and the highlight of the entire trip was the country itself! New Zealand is gorgeous: a combination of the rolling hills and sheep of Scotland, the snow-capped craggy mountains of Switzerland, and the fiords of Norway.
    ....Trip Report: Tiritiri Matangi Island (New Zealand), August 8-9, 1998 - 
      by Ken Blackshaw. For those of you across the world, Tiritiri (for short) is about 20 miles to the north-northeast of Auckland, out in the Hauraki Gulf. It is an 'open' sanctuary; that is, there is relatively unrestricted access for the public to visit. 
    ....Trip Report: New Zealand (Land and Pelagic Birding), November 4-24, 
      1999 - by Neva Pruess.The trip was planned to maximize chances of seeing endemic and native birds along with a good number of pelagic birds and migrant shorebirds. Birding New Zealand requires long treks between places, and often we would drive much of a day (through scenery that ranged from pleasant to downright spectacular) to a location that would add one or a few species to the trip list. Three weeks is barely enough time to get to all the key sites. 
    ....Trip Report: New Zealand - December 1999 by Steve Clark. A work 
      trip to Hamilton, New Zealand allowed me two days birding. Advice from an Aukland birder was to visit Miranda for waders and Pureora and Marpara Forest Parks for a few of the bush birds. 
    ....New Zealand Trip Report - March 29, 1998 - April 19, 1998 by 
      Peter Waanders. This trip report is a downloadable WORD document.,
    ....Trip Report: New Zealand & Hawaïi, April - May 1998, by Justin 
      Jansen. I spent between 28th April to 3rd May 1998 in New Zealand and from 2nd to 7th May I spent some time at Oahu, Hawaii. This  after 6 months in Australia. The trip was low-budget, I was very tired and as a result I only did a small amount of birding, particularly in Hawaii. The most important bird areas I visited and a brief description of these spots is in this trip report.
    ....New Zealand Report - 20th October - 3rd November, 2000. A birding
      and sightseeing trip report by Helen Baines, photos by John & Helen Baines. We visited New Zealand to see friends and bird as much of
      the country as we could in two weeks. We began our trip in the Auckland area, then flew down to Queenstown in South Island, hiring a car and driving back up the west coast to catch the ferry back to Wellington, where we spent our last few days.
    ....Trip Report: New Zealand, November 6-25, 2000, by Neil Money.
      This was my wife Diana's and my first visit to New Zealand, so the objective was not only to find birds but also to see something of the country and its culture. There were occasions when birding took second place to other considerations, and as a result we undoubtedly missed some birding opportunities and did not see as many species as would have been possible had we dedicated the time available solely to birding. But then, it is always good to have missed a few species to be able to justify a return visit! 
    ....Trip Report: New Zealand - 9th Nov - 3rd Dec 2001, by Steve
      Bird. A Birdseekers Tour Report. 128 Species of birds seen plus Whales, Dolphins and much more!
    ....Trip Report: New Zealand, 9th to 30th November 2002, by Robert
      Grimmond. After four weeks in Australia, we were to spend three weeks visiting both North and South Islands of New Zealand. Three weeks is the bare minimum to give the main birding areas justice! 
    ....New Zealand Trip Report, November 5-30, 2003 - by Keith Taylor.
      New Zealand has very few native birds for the buck. A list of 50-70 species. excluding the numerous introduced species is expected. This should include the three endemic New Zealand families: New Zealand wrens, wattlebirds and kiwis. Reserve as many pelagic trips from as many ports as possible.The Ocean Wings pelagic tours were a highlight of the trip, but at two hours in length, these should be extended to eight hours for serious birders, especially if a full boat is involved. Re-boarding for the three separate daily trips leaves an individual wasting valuable time on land with only six hours at sea. "Counting" the many transplanted or re-introduced species to various islands and parks such as Tiritiri Matangi, Ulva and Motuara Islands and Karori Wildlife Sanctuary was offensive personally, but a component of New Zealand birding. 
    ....New Zealand Trip Reports - you can find New Zealand trip reports
      on John Girdley's Bird Tours website by following the Australisia/New Zealand link from the main page.
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Tours and Guides

...>> A Birding Pal is not a paid guide, but someone who likes to help out of town visitors. You can become a Birding Pal today! Help someone to enjoy your local birding spots and find a pal to help you when you travel. Click here for New Zealand Birding Pals, or join to be a Birding Pal!
Tieke (Saddleback) - Photo copyright Kiwi WildlifeTours
Photo copyright Kiwi WildlifeTours
Royal Spoonbill - Photo courtesy of White Heron Sanctuary Tours
Photo courtesy of White Heron Sanctuary Tours
Black-billed Gull - Photo copyright Forento New Zealand
Photo copyright Forento New Zealand
Yellow-eyed Penguin - Photo copyright Kiwi WildlifeTours
Photo copyright Kiwi WildlifeTours
Yellow-fronted Parakeet- Photo copyright Forenzo New Zealand
Photo copyright Forenzo New Zealand
Paradise Shelduck - Photo copyright Peter LaTourrette
Photo copyright Peter LaTourrette
    **..Ocean Wings - Pelagic Birding - situated in Kaikoura, 
      New Zealand, famous for whales and Dolphins and argubly one of the world's most exciting arenas for pelagic (ocean going) birds. Within close proximity of the beautiful Kaikoura Peninsula, range a considerable array of albatross, petrels, shearwaters, terns, shags and gulls. Check the Newsletter section to find out about current sightings.
    **..Ruggedy Range™ Wilderness Experience - Ruggedy Range™ 
      Wilderness Experience is a small ecotourism business based on Stewart Island, in New Zealand's deep south. We specialise in ecotours, guided nature walks/tramps, kiwi spotting trips and bird watching on Stewart Island and Ulva Island. A key aspect of our business is our local knowledge and a personal friendly service with small group sizes so that participants can fully benefit from their wilderness experience. 
    **..Kiwi Wildlife Tours - Birds are our business! We know what they look 
      like and sound like, and of course where to find them. Come with us in a small group and we will show you the secrets of New Zealand's unique birds, bats and marine mammals. At the same time, you will see some of the most wild and beautiful places on earth. And in comfort and style!
    **..White Heron Sanctuary Tours - The Waitangi Roto Nature Reserve is
      a sanctuary to most of the bird life that you will see in the South West Heritage Area.  The pristine rainforest, predominantly Kahikatea, stands tall, and shos off it's untouched beauty.  During the summer months, the majestic Kotuku (White Heron) can be viewed, in all it's pluming glory as it nests in the swamp forests on the banks of the Waitangi Roto Stream.  The Kotuku Ngutu Papa (Royal Spoonbill) and the Kawapaka (Little Black Shag) also take advantage of this prime spot to rear their young.
    **..Wrybill Tours - New Zealand’s most enthusiastic and up to date bird
      guiding service, with their fingers on the pulse of the birding scene here in New Zealand, and pride thenselves on being able to provide a flexible and customised service.  Whether it is a full service tour of New Zealand, taking in some of its amazing scenery and birdlife, or living out of a backpack and doing things on the cheap, then you need to talk to Brent Stephenson and Sav Saville.
    **..New Zealand with Victor Emanuel Nature Tours (VENT)
      This tour offers a fascinating cross section of New Zealand. Designed by Mark Hanger, a native New Zealander who worked for the Park Service for seven years, it will give participants the opportunity to see most of the New Zealand endemic birds. New Zealand has much more to offer than its birds. Scenery is paramount, from the steaming sulphurous thermal areas of the North Island to the South Island's majestic Mount Cook, Tasman Glacier, famous Milford Sound, and the magnificent southern beech forests of Eglinton Valley. 
      • New Zealand - October 21 - November 03, 2001 (14.0 days - Limit 13) with leader Mark Hangar. 
      VENT offers nearly 140 tours to over 100 land-based destinations each year and is the largest tour company in the world specializing in birding and natural history.
    **..Birdwatchers' Special Tour with Dolphin Watch Marlboro - Queen
      Charlotte Sound is home to two of New Zealand's rare birds - the South Island Saddleback and the King Shag. This tour takes you to see these marvellous birds, and many others.
    **..Forento New Zealand Birding Tours - specialises in customised bird
      watching tours throughout New Zealand. With professional guides and local ornithologists you will see rare and endemic bird species such as wattlebirds and parrots in some of our country's most magical locations. On boat trips you will see albatrosses and mollymawks, the highlight being the royal albatross with a wingspan of close to three metres. Along the Southland coast yellow-eyed penguins are every bird watchers treat. In our majestic podocarp forests there are whiteheads, rifleman, tomtits, robins, bellbirds, tui, kaka. In the Southern Alps there is the intelligent and mischievous kea, and rock wren, in fact there is always a new experience to be had in every region of New Zealand.
    **..Birding New Zealand with Nature Quest. Nature Quest's ever 
      developing operations offer perhaps the most definitive selection of nature and birdwatching holidays and natural history study programmes in New Zealand. Each is carefully handcrafted with the exact requirements of the individual, group or company in mind. It is a concept of flexibility in tailor made travel so as to maximise the enjoyment and fulfillment for participants, be they professional or amateur. No two departures are the same. 

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Birder's Bed and Breakfast


Fairy Prion - Photo copyright Jeff Blincow
Photo copyright Jeff Blincow
    ....Godwit House, a guesthouse for birdwatchers, is situated at Burke
      Road overlooking Ohiwa Harbour. This purpose built distinctive homestay is set on two hectares (five acres) of former farmland which has magnificent views of the Bay of Plenty extending from the volcanic Whale and White Islands around to the East Cape. The land  is in the process of being restored to native bush to encourage bush birds: one  thousand trees have already been planted. There is  direct access to the Ohiwa Harbour. Your hostess is Narena Olliver, the developer of the New Zealand Birds' web site and writer in New Zealand's natural  history. 

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Local Birding Events

Shy (Salvin's) Albatross - ENDANGERED - Photo copyright Tony Palliser
Photo copyright Tony Palliser


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Rare Bird Alert

Royal Penguin - Photo copyright Peter and Barabara Barham
Photo copyright Peter and Barabara Barham
    ....New Zealand Birds Discussion Group - This newsgroup is for the
      distribution of information regarding birding and birds in New Zealand. Its primary purpose is to enable birders to immediately broadcast rare/unusual bird sightings to other interested birders.  However, relevant information on birding, birding events, birding locations, and birds in New Zealand is also a function of the group.


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