Birding Factoids

402 species
in 48 families

27 of the 246 species 
endemic to 
North America are 
represented here. 
No state endemics
1 USA endemics

Checklist of Ohio BirdsLocal EventsTours and GuidesRare Bird AlertsSpeciality BirdsMap
Check out Ohio native Bob Royse's Photo Gallery of North American Birds
Ohio Specialities
(Pause your cursor on the photo to see the species name. Click on the birds for more info... )
Northern Cardinal - Indiana State Bird - Photo by J. A. Spendelow
Photo by Michael Myers

Acadian Flycatcher - Photo copyright Steve Nanz

Photo copyright Steve Nanz

Blue-winged Warbler - Photo copyright Robert Royse

Photo copyright Robert Royse

Cooper's Hawk - Photo copyright Eric Van Poppel

Photo copyright Eric Van Poppel


    Key to Icons....Magee Marsh Wildlife Area - Located on the scenic shore of Lake 
      Erie, Crane Creek State Park offers a vast freshwater marsh and spacious sandy beach for enjoyment. Today, Crane Creek State Park comprises 79 acres of beach and marshlands adjoining the 2,600-acre Magee Marsh Wildlife Area and Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge. This coastal environment is home to more than 300 species of birds. Herons, waterfowl, warblers, gulls and the magnificent bald eagle make this park one of the best birdwatching areas in the country.
    Key to Icons....Ottawa NWR - The refuge is located 16 miles east of Oregon, Ohio 
      on State Route 2. The refuge is adjacent to the state-operated Magee Marsh Wildlife Area.
    ....Birding Ohio - with Mary Scott. My spring migration trip was a bit
      shorter than I had planned -- but it was great to be out and about after successful back surgery! I'm still working on the trip, so check back as more links become active. 
    ....Birding Hotspots in Ohio - by Tom Thompson. The site descriptions
      and instructions on how to get to the variously described locations are excerpted from the second edition of Birding In Ohio.
    ....Birding Guides to some of my favorite Ohio birding locations - by  ....Cleveland Area Birding Site Guide - This is a birding site guide for
      locations in the general commuting area of Cleveland, Ohio. Includes many links to specific lakeshore and suburban locations.
    ....Where to find Birds in Ohio  - by Vic Fazio - this website contains a
      clickable map of Ohio counties, with the best bird finding locations in each county provided.
    ....Lake Erie Coastal Ohio - Links more than 300 natural and historical
      sites along Lake Erie. Visitors can access Recent Sightings, calling cards for spreading the word about the importance of our resources to area businesses, visitation guidelines, and more. Although still under construction, the web site will eventually assist with finding hotels and restaurants near birding locations, and it will have bird and wildflower checklists for northern Ohio.
    ....Kelleys Island - With a land mass of twenty-eight hundred acres 
      (four square miles) and almost eighteen miles of shoreline, Kelleys Island is the largest American island situated in the western basin of Lake Erie, and is located three and one half miles north of Marblehead, Ohio. In 1992 a small group of Kelleys Island residents formed the Kelleys Island Audubon Club to protect, preserve and develop natural habitat for the birds and wildlife that inhabit the island. 
    ....Where to go birding in Cincinnati - There are lots of places to go 
      birding in and around Cincinnati, including the following suggestions:
      • Boone County Cliffs
      • Brookville Lake
      • East Fork State Park
      • Gilmore Ponds
      • Hueston Woods State Park
      • Miami Whitewater Wetlands
      • Muscatatuck N.W.R.
      • Oxbow Area
      • Riverside Natural Area
      • Summit Lake State Park
    ....Lima, OH Birding! This website, built by Jonathan Ruedisueli, provides
      lots of birding information for Allen and the surrounding counties in Ohio, with a great section on where to go birding. 
    ....Dayton Audobon Society - Favorite Dayton Area Birding Sites
    ....Birding in Lorain County - The region attracts more than 300 species
      of birds, and bald eagles, warblers and great blue herons are regular visitors. Birdwatchers also may catch a glimpse of the abundant animal and plant life-and even some rare species of our feathered friends-that make the area unique. Thousands of acres and miles of trails provide the perfect vantage point for birdwatching. Make sure you follow the link to the designated birding areas for the county.
    ....Ohio's Audubon Refuges - Brief information on Cedar Point NWR,
      Key to Icons Ottawa NWR, and West Sister Island NWR.
    ....Ohio's Watchable Wildlife Veiwing Sites - a search of this site offers
      directions to many of the state's best places to view wildlife
    ....Ohio Birding News - compiled by Gregg M. Pasterick.
    ....National Wildlife Refuge Index - Ohio - US Fish and Wildlife.
      Includes information on:
      • Cedar Point National Wildlife Refuge
      • Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge
      • West Sister National Wildlife Refuge

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Tours and Guides

>>>>>> A Birding Pal is not a paid guide, but someone who likes to help out of town visitors. You can become a Birding Pal today! Help someone to enjoy your local birding spots and find a pal to help you when you travel. Click here for Ohio Birding Pals, or join to be a Birding Pal!

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Local Birding Events

    ....Audubon Society of Ohio - Upcoming Events
    ....Columbus Audubon Society - Activities
    ....Dayton Audubon Society - Field Trip Schedule
    ....Greater Akron Audubon Society  - Spring Bird Walks 
    ....Greater Mohican Audubon Society - Activities
    ....Kirtland Bird Club - Trips
    ....Oxford Audubon Society - Calendar of Events
    ....Toledo Natural History Society - Field Trips

    ....Lake Erie Wing Watch Weekend - April 5-7, 2002 - Port Clinton, OH

      The possibility of seeing over 300 species along the southwest coast of Lake Erie during migration. Identification workshops for shorebirds, waterfoul, warblers and raptors will be offered. Contact: Magee Marsh Wildlife Area - 13229 W. State Route 2 - Oak Harbor, OH 43449 - Phone: 419-898-0960 or 800-441-1271
    ....Nest with the Birds - May 12-18, 2002 - Kelleys Island, OH
      Phone: 419-746-2258
    ....Thirteenth Annual Monarch and Migrants Weekend - August 29-31,
      1998 -  Brighton, OH. Phone: 613-475-4324
    ....Feather and Foliage Festival - September 28, 2001 - 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM. 
      We are watching the trees for leaves and birds, all day long! Our State Park manager will lead a tree identification walk through the State Park. We will have a guided bird walk at the new North Pond Preserve and Boardwalk. Join us to view a variety of migrating birds along the trail and from the observation deck overlooking the pond. And if you rather just stay put visit the Glacial Grooves for an all day hawk watch or follow the signs to Long Point to see birds up close at our bi-annual banding station. All events are free of charge. For more information contact the Kelleys Island Audubon Club, PO Box 42, Kelleys Island, Oh 43438 or call 419 746-2258 or 440 461-1084.

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Rare Bird Alert

    ....Birding News Around Ohio - An electronic journal by Victor W. Fazio III
         Cincinnati Hotline: (513) 521-2847 
         Cleveland (Northeast Ohio) Hotline: (216) 556-0700 
         Columbus Hotline: (614) 221-9736 
    ....Central Ohio RBA
         Blendon Woods Metro Park Hotline: (614) 895-6222 
         Northwest Ohio Hotline: (419) 877-9640 
         Southwest Ohio Hotline: (937) 277-6446 
         Youngstown Hotline: (330) 742-6661 
         Check also Ohio RBA Archives

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North American Specialities in Ohio

Information derived from Sibley & Monroe checklists in Thayer's Birder's Diary - Version 2.5.
These counts will differ in minor ways from counts based on the ABA classification,
but an international checklist system was required to enable world-wide
country to country comparisons.These speciality birds may be uncommon, or extremely rare
at this location, or may only be present in migration. However, documented sightings of each species
noted below have been made in Ohio. Consult the Breeding Bird Survey or
Christmas Bird Count data on the Patuxent Wildlife Research Center website
to determine the "best" place to see each bird. Species printed in blue are endangered.

USA Endemics in Ohio

___ Red-cockaded Woodpecker
North American Endemic Specialities in Ohio

___ Bachman's Sparrow
___ Baird's Sparrow
___ Bewick's Wren
___ Black-headed Grosbeak
___ Black-throated Sparrow
___ Bullock's Oriole
___ California Gull
___ Carolina Chickadee
___ Grey Flycatcher
___ Grey-crowned Rosy-Finch
___ Harris's Sparrow
___ House Sparrow
___ Le Conte's Sparrow
___ Mountain Bluebird
___ Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow
___ Pileated Woodpecker
___ Prairie Falcon
___ Red-bellied Woodpecker
___ Red-shouldered Hawk
___ Ruffed Grouse
___ Say's Phoebe
___ Smith's Longspur
___ Spotted Towhee
___ Townsend's Solitaire
___ Trumpeter Swan
___ Tufted Titmouse
___ Western Grebe

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Links checked December 2, 2000