Steve's Owl Page
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Comments or questions are welcome.
All photographs on this page were taken by Steve Metz.
Copyright 2001.
North American Owls
(all 19 US and Canadian owl species are represented here)
Barn Owl - Photo copyright Steve Metz
Barn Owl
16 inches
Distribution - Several subspecies - world-wide
Short-eared Owl - Photo copyright Steve Metz
Short-eared Owl
15 inches
Distribution - North America, Europe, Asia, Mexico, Caribbean, South America, northern Africa
Long-eared Owl - Photo copyright Steve Metz
Long-eared Owl
15 inches
Distribution - British Isles, Scandinavia, Russia, Siberia throughout Europe to the Canary Islands and Northern Africa, Turkey, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, China, Korea, Japan, Canada, US.  Winters in Mexico, Gulf coast, Florida, Cuba, northern Africa and southern Asia
Great Horned Owl - Photo copyright Steve Metz
Great Horned Owl
22 inches
Distribution - North America, Mexico, Central America, South America
Barred Owl - Photo copyright Steve Metz
Barred Owl
21 inches
Distribution - Canada, US, Mexico
Gret Grey Owl - Photo copyright Steve Metz
Great Grey Owl
27 inches
Distribution - Sweden, Finland, Russia, Siberia, Mongolia, China, western Canada to Ontario, Washington, Oregon, California, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan
California (Northern) Spotted Owl - Photo copyright Steve Metz
California (Northern) Spotted Owl
(Strix occidentalis
17 1/2 inches
Distribution - British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, California
Snowy Owl - Photo copyright Steve Metz
Snowy Owl
23 inches
Distribution - Greenland, Iceland, Scandinavia, Russia, Siberia, Alaska, Yukon, Northwest Territories. Winters south to northern US, Europe, China, Japan
Eastern Screech-Owl (Grey Morph) - Photo copyright Steve Metz
Eastern Screech-Owl
(Grey Morph)
8 1/2 inches
Distribution - Central and eastern US and Canada
Eastern Screech-Owl (Red Morph) - Photo copyright Steve Metz
Eastern Screech-Owl
(Red Morph)
8 1/2 inches
Distribution - Central and eastern US and Canada
Western Screech-Owl - Photo copyright Steve Metz
Western Screech-Owl
8 1/2 inches
Distribution - Alaska, British Colombia, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, Oklahoma, Texas, California, Mexico
Whiskerred Screech-Owl - Photo copyright Steve Metz
7 1/4 inches
Distribution - Arizona, Mexico, Belize, Honduras, El Salvadore, Nicaragua
Flammulated Owl - Photo copyright Steve Metz
Flammulated Owl
6 3/4 inches
Distribution - British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Utah, Wyoming, Colorado, California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Mexico
Elf Owl - Photo copyright Steve Metz
Elf Owl
5 3/4 inches
Distribution - Nevada, California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Mexico
Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl - Photo copyright Steve Metz
6 3/4 inches
Distribution - Arizona, Texas, Belize, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Venezueala, Trinidad, Guianas, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, Chile, Mexico
Northern Pygmy-Owl - Photo copyright Steve Metz
Northern Pygmy-Owl
6 3/4 inches
Distribution - Alaska, British Columbia, Alberta, Montana, Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, California, Arizona, New Mexico, Baja California
Northern Saw-whet Owl - Photo copyright Steve Metz
Saw-whet Owl
8 inches
Distribution - Canada, US, nothern Mexico
Nortehrn Hawk-Owl - Photo copyright Steve Metz
Northern Hawk Owl
16 inches
Distribution - Scandinavia, Russia, Siberia, China, Mongolia, Alaska, Canada (except Nova Scotia, PEI), Minnesota
Boreal Owl - Photo copyright Steve Metz
Boreal Owl
10 inches
Distribution - Scandinavia, Russia, Pyreenees (locally in Europe), India, China, Japan, Siberia, Alaska, Canada, western US 
Buffowing Owl - Photo copyright Steve Metz
Burrowing Owl
9 1/2 inches
Distribution - Western Canada, west-central US, Mexico, Trinidad/Tobago, South America, Bahamas, Cuba
Neotropical Owls
Black-and-white Owl - Photo copyright Steve Metz
Black-and-white Owl
16 3/4 inches
Distribution - Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru
Crested Owl - Photo copyright Steve Metz
Crested Owl
15 1/2 inches
Distribution - Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyane, Guyana, Surinam, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil
Mottled Owl - Photo copyright Steve Metz
Mottled Owl
13 inches
Distribution - Mexico, Central America, Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Trinidad, Guyane, Guyana, Surinam, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina.
Spotted Owl - Photo copyright Steve Metz
Mexican (Mountain) Spotted Owl
(Strix occidentalis lucida)
17 1/2 inches
Distribution - Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Texas, Utah, Mexico
Tamaulipas Pygmy-Owl - Photo copyright Steve Metz
Tamaulipas Pygmy-Owl
6 inches
Distribution - Mexico
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