BirdLife Botswana
IUCN Private Bag 00300 Plot 2403 Hospital Way Gaborone, Botswana Tel/Fax 371584 Email: |
If you prefer, you can click here to download the checklist in Excel format.
Birdlife Botswana are specifically interested in two lists of species, the 'A' list and the 'B' list (below). Any reporting and sighting would be of useful interest. The A list denotes, very rare and normally requires some form of photographic evidence, the minimum a full description, location and names of the recorders. B list is a notification list only. Roadside counts would also be appreciated of Ground Hornbill, Kori Bustard and African Skimmer (transect, time, milage and number counted).
The number is the reference
number in Roberts Birds of Southern Africa.
A - A list species |
___ 1 Ostrich R
___ 6 Great Crested Grebe BR ___ 7 Black-Necked Grebe BR ___ 8 Dabchick R ___ 49 White Pelican BR ___ 50 Pinkback Pelican BR ___ 55 White-breasted Cormorant R ___ 58 Reed Cormorant R ___ 60 Darter R ___ 62 Grey Heron R ___ 63 Black-headed Heron R ___ 64 Goliath Heron R ___ 65 Purple Heron R ___ 66 Great White Egret R ___ 67 Little Egret R ___ 68 Yellow Billed Egret BR ___ 69 Black Egret BR ___ 70 Slaty Egret BR ___ 71 Cattle Egret R ___ 72 Squacco Heron R ___ 74 Green-backed Heron R ___ 75 Rufous bellied Heron R ___ 76 Black-crowned Night Heron R ___ 77 White-backed Night Heron BR ___ 78 Little Bittern BS ___ 79 Dwarf Bittern BS ___ 80 Bittern AR ___ 81 Hamerkap R ___ 83 White Stork S ___ 84 Black Stork R ___ 85 Abdim's Stork S ___ 86 Woolly-necked Stork BR ___ 87 Openbill Stork R ___ 88 Saddlebill Stork BR ___ 89 Marabou Stork R ___ 90 Yellow-billed Stork R ___ 91 Sacred Ibis R ___ 93 Glossy Ibis R ___ 94 Hadeda Ibis R ___ 95 African Spoonbill R ___ 96 Greater Flamingo R ___ 97 Lesser Flamingo R ___ 99 White-faced Duck R ___ 100 Fulvous Duck BR ___ 101 White-backed Duck BR ___ 102 Egyption Goose R ___ 103 South African Shelduck R ___ 104 Yellow-billed Duck R ___ 105 African Black Duck BR ___ 106 Cape Teal R ___ 106 Hottentot Teal R ___ 108 Red-billed Teal R ___ 109 Pintail AV ___ 110 Garganey AV ___ 112 Cape Shoveller R ___ 113 Southern Pochard R ___ 114 Pygmy Goose R ___ 115 Knob-billed Duck R ___ 116 Spurwinged Goose R ___ 117 Maccoa Duck BR ___ 118 Secretary Bird R ___ 120 Egyption Vulture AV ___ 121 Hooded Vulture BR ___ 122 Cape Vulture BR ___ 123 White-backed Vulture R ___ 124 Lappet-faced Vulture R ___ 125 White-headed Vulture BR ___ 126a Black Kite S ___ 126b Yellow Billed Kite S ___ 127 Black Shouldered Kite R ___ 128 Cuckoo Hawk AV ___ 129 Bat Hawk BR ___ 130 Honey Buzzard AS ___ 131 Black Eagle R ___ 132 Tawney Eagle R ___ 133 Steppe Eagle BS ___ 134 Lesser Spotted Eagle BS ___ 135 Wahlberg's Eagle S ___ 136 Booted Eagle BS ___ 137 African Hawk Eagle R ___ 138 Ayre's Eagle BS ___ 139 Long-creasted Eagle R ___ 140 Martial Eagle R ___ 141 Crowned Eagle AV ___ 142 Brown SnakeEagle R ___ 143 Black Breasted Snake Eagle R ___ 145 Western Bnded Snake Eagle R ___ 146 Bateleur R ___ 147 Palm Nut Vulture AV ___ 148 African Fish Eagle R ___ 149 Steppe Buzzard S ___ 152 Jackal Buzzard AV ___ 154 Lizard Buzzard BR ___ 156 Ovambo Sparrowhawk R ___ 157 Little Sparrowhawk R ___ 158 Black Sparrowhawk BR ___ 159 Little Banded Goshawk R ___ 160 African Goshawk AV ___ 161 Gabar Goshawk R ___ 162 Pale Chanting Goshawk R ___ 163 Dark Chanting Goshawk R ___ 164 European Marsh Harrier BS ___ 165 African Marsh Harrier R ___ 166 Montagu's Harrier BS ___ 167 Pallid Harrier BS ___ 168 Black Harrier AV ___ 169 Gymnogene R ___ 170 Osprey BS ___ 171 Peregrine Falcon AR ___ 172 Lanner Falcon R ___ 173 Hobby Falcon BS ___ 174 African Hobby Falcon AV ___ 175 Sooty Falcon AV ___ 178 Red-necked Falcon R ___ 179 Western Redfooted Falcon BS ___ 180 Eastern Redfooted Falcon BS ___ 181 Rock Kestrel R ___ 182 Greater Kestrel R ___ 183 Lesser Kestrel BS ___ 185 Dickinson's Kestrel R ___ 186 Pygmy Falcon R ___ 188 Coqui Francolin R ___ 189 Crested Francolin R ___ 193 Orange River Francolin R ___ 194 Red-billed Francolin R ___ 196 Natal Francolin R ___ 199 Swainson's Francolin R ___ 200 Common Quail AS ___ 201 Harlequin Quail S ___ 202 Helmeted Guineafowl R ___ 203 Blue Quail V ___ 205 Kurrichane Buttonquail R ___ 207 Wattled Crane BR ___ 208 Blue Crane AV ___ 209 Crowned Crane BR ___ 210 African Rail BR ___ 211 Corncrake AV ___ 212 African Crake BS ___ 213 Black Crake R ___ 214 Spotted Crake AS ___ 215 Baillon's Crake AV ___ 216 Striped Crake AV ___ 217 Red-chested Flufftail AR ___ 218 Buff-spotted Flufftail AV ___ 223 Purple Gallinule R ___ 224 Lesser Gallinule BS ___ 226 Moorhen R ___ 227 Lesser Moorhen BS ___ 228 Red-knobbed Coot R ___ 229 African Finfoot AR ___ 230 Kori Bustard R ___ 231 Stanley's Bustard BR ___ 232 Ludwig's Bustard AV ___ 233 White-bellied Korhaan AR ___ 237 Red-crested Korhaan R ___ 238 Black-bellied Korhaan BR ___ 239 Black Korhaan R ___ 240 African Jacana R ___ 241 Lesser Jacana R ___ 242 Painted Snipe R ___ 245 Ringed Plover S ___ 246 White Fronted Plover BR ___ 247 Chestnut Banded Plover BR ___ 248 Kittlitz's Plover R ___ 249 Three-banded Plover R ___ 252 Caspian Plover S ___ 254 Grey Plover BS ___ 255 Crowned Plover R ___ 258 Blacksmith Plover R ___ 259 White-crowned Plover BR ___ 260 Wattled Plover R ___ 261 Longtoed Plover R ___ 262 Turnstone BS ___ 263 Terek Sandpiper AS ___ 264 Common Sandpiper S ___ 265 Green Sandpiper BS ___ 266 Wood Sandpiper S ___ 267 Spotted Redshank AV ___ 268 Redshank AV ___ 269 Marsh Sandpiper S ___ 270 Greenshank S ___ 271 Knot AV ___ 272 Curlew Sandpiper S ___ 274 Little Stint S ___ 279 Pectoral Sandpiper AV ___ 280 Temminck's Stint AV ___ 281 Sanderling BS ___ 284 Ruff S ___ 285 Great Snipe AV ___ 286 Ethiopian Snipe R ___ 287 Black-tailed Godwit BS |
___ 288 Bar-tailed Godwit
___ 289 Curlew BS ___ 290 Whimbrel BS ___ 291 Grey Phalarope AV ___ 294 Avocet R ___ 295 Black-winged Stilt R ___ 297 Spotted Dikkop R ___ 298 Water Dikkop R ___ 299 Burchell's Courser AR ___ 300 Temminck's Courser R ___ 301 Double-banded Courser R ___ 302 Three-banded Courser BR ___ 303 Bronze-winged Courser R ___ 304 Red-winged Pratincole R ___ 305 Black-winged Pratincole BS ___ 306 Rock Pratincole AR ___ 308 Long-tailed Skua AV ___ 313 Lesser Blackbacked Gull AV ___ 315 Grey-headed Gull R ___ 319 Black-headed Gull AV ___ 321 Gull-billed Tern AV ___ 322 Caspian Tern BR ___ 338 Whiskered Tern R ___ 339 White-winged Tern R ___ 343 African Skimmer BR ___ 344 Namaqua Sandgrouse R ___ 345 Burchell's Sandgrouse R ___ 46 Yellow-throated Sandgrouse R ___ 347 Double-banded Sandgrouse R ___ 348 Feral Pigeon R ___ 349 Rock Pigoen R ___ 352 Red-eyed Dove R ___ 353 Mourning Dove R ___ 354 Cape Turtle Dove R ___ 355 Laughing Dove R ___ 356 Namaqua Dove R ___ 358 Green-spotted Dove R ___ 361 Green Pigeon R ___ 362 Cape Parrot AR ___ 364 Meyer's Parrot R ___ 370b Livingstone's Lourie S ___ 370 Knysna Lourie AR ___ 372 Ross's Lourie AS ___ 373 Grey Lourie R ___ 374 European Couckoo BR ___ 375 African Cuckoo S ___ 377 Red-chested Cuckoo R ___ 378 Black Cuckoo S ___ 380 Great Spotted Cuckoo R ___ 381 Striped Cuckoo R ___ 382 Jacobin Cuckoo R ___ 383 Thick-billed Cuckoo AR ___ 384 Emerald Cuckoo AR ___ 385 Klaas's Cuckoo R ___ 386 Diederik Cuckoo R ___ 388 Black Cuckoo BR ___ 389 Coppery-tailed Coucal R ___ 390 Senegal Coucal R ___ 391a Burchell's Cuckall R ___ 391b White-browed Coucal R ___ 392 Barn Owl R ___ 393 Grass Owl AR ___ 394 Wood Owl R ___ 395 Marsh Owl R ___ 396 Scops Owl R ___ 397 White-faced Owl R ___ 398 Pearl-spotted Owl R ___ 399 Barred Owl R ___ 401 Spotted Eagle Owl R ___ 402 Giant EagleOwl R ___ 403 Pel's Fishing Owl R ___ 404 European Nightjar AV ___ 405 Fiery-necked Nightjar R ___ 406 Rufous-cheecked Nightjar R ___ 407 Natal nightjar BR ___ 408 Freckled Nightjar R ___ 409 Mozambique Nightjar R ___ 410 Pennant-winged Nightjar BR ___ 411 European Swift AV ___ 412 Black Swift BR ___ 413 White-rumped Swift R ___ 416 Horus Swift BR ___ 417 Little Swift R ___ 418 Alpine Swift BR ___ 421 Palm Swift S ___ 423 Bohm's Spintail AS ___ 424 Speckled Mousebird R ___ 425 White-backed mousebird R ___ 426 Red-faced mousebird R ___ 427 Narina Trogan AR ___ 428 Pied Kingfisher R ___ 429 Giant Kingfisher BR ___ 430 Half-collared Kingfisher AR ___ 431 Malachite Kingfisher R ___ 432 Pygmy Kingfisher BS ___ 433 Woodland Kingfisher S ___ 435 Brown-hooded Kingfisher R ___ 436 Grey-hooded Kingfisher BS ___ 437 Striped Kingfisher R ___ 438 European Bee-eater S ___ 439 Olive Bee-eater AS ___ 440 Blue-cheeked Bee-eater S ___ 441 Carmine Bee-eater S ___ 443 White-fronted Bee-eater R ___ 444 Little Bee-eater R ___ 445 Swallow-tailed Beeater R ___ 446 European Roller S ___ 447 Liliac-breasted Roller R ___ 448 Racket-tailed Roller BR ___ 449 Purple Roller R ___ 450 Broad-billed Roller S ___ 451 Hoopoe R ___ 452 Red-billed Woodhoopoe R ___ 454 Scimetre-billed Woodhoopoe R ___ 455 Trumpeter Hornbill R ___ 457 Grey Hornbill R ___ 458 Red-billed Hornbill R ___ 459 Yellow-billed Hornbill R ___ 461 Bradfields Hornbill R ___ 463 Ground Hornbill R ___ 464 Black-collared Barbet R ___ 465 Pied Barbet R ___ 470 Yellow-fronted Tinker Barbet R ___ 473 Crested Barbet R ___ 474 Greater Honeyguide R ___ 476 Lesser Honeyguide R ___ 478 Sharp-billed Honeyguide BR ___ 479 Slender-billed Honeyguide AR ___ 481 Bennett's Woodpecker R ___ 483 Golden-tailed Woodpecker R ___ 486 Cardinal Woodpecker R ___ 487 Bearded Woodpecker R ___ 490 African Broadbill AV ___ 492 Melodious Lark AV ___ 493 Motonous Lark R ___ 494 Rufus-naped Lark R ___ 495 Clapper Lark R ___ 496 Flappet Lark R ___ 497 Fawn-couloured Lark R ___ 498 Sabota Lark R ___ 501 Short-clawed Lark R ___ 505 Dusky Lark S ___ 506 Spiked-heeled Lark R ___ 507 Red-capped Lark R ___ 508 Pink-billed Lark R ___ 511 Starks Lark AV ___ 515 Chestnut-backed lark R ___ 516 Grey-backed finch Lark R ___ 517 Black-eared Lark AV ___ 518 European Swallow S ___ 520 White-throated Swallow S ___ 522 Wire-tailed Swallow R ___ 523 Pearl-breasted Swallow BW ___ 524 Redbreasted Swallow S ___ 525 Mosque Swallow BS ___ 526 Greater Stripped Swallow S ___ 527 Lesser Stripped Swallow R ___ 528 South African Cliff Swallow BS ___ 529 Rock Martin R ___ 530 House Martin S ___ 531 Greyrumped Swallow R ___ 532 Sand Martin S ___ 533 Brown Throated Martin BR ___ 534 Banded Martin R ___ 536 Blacksawwing swallow AV ___ 538 Black Cuckooshrike S ___ 539 Whitebreasted Couckooshrike S ___ 541 Forktailed Drongo R ___ 543 European Golden Oriole S ___ 544 Africn Golden Oriole R ___ 545 Black Headed Oriole R ___ 547 Black Crow R ___ 548 Pied Crow R ___ 552 Ashy Tit R ___ 554 Southern Black Tit R ___ 556 Rufous-bellied Tit AR ___ 557 Cape Penduline Tit R ___ 558 Grey Penduline Tit R ___ 559 Spotted Creeper AV ___ 560 Arrow-marked Babbler R ___ 561 Black-faced babbler R ___ 562 White-rumped babbler R ___ 563 Pied Babbler R ___ 567 Red-eyed Bulbul R ___ 568 Black-eyed Bulbul R ___ 569 Terrestrial Bulbul R ___ 574 Yellow-bellied Bulbul R ___ 576 Kurrichan Thrush R ___ 577 Olive Thrush R ___ 580 Ground-scraper Thrush R ___ 583 Short-toed Rock Thrush R |
___ 584 Miombo Rock Thrush
___ 586 Mountain Chat AV ___ 587 Capped Wheatear R ___ 589 Familiar Chat R ___ 591 Sickle-winged Chat AV ___ 593 Mocking Chat R ___ 594 Arnots Chat R ___ 595 Anteating Chat R ___ 596 Stonechat R ___ 597 Winchat AV ___ 599 Heuglin's Robin R ___ 600 Natal Robin AV ___ 601 Cape Robin AV ___ 602 White-throated Robin R ___ 603 Collared Palm Thrush AV ___ 609 Thrush Nightingale BV ___ 610 Boulder Chat R ___ 613 White-browed Robin S ___ 615 Kalahari Robin R ___ 617 Bearded Robin AR ___ 619 Garden Warbler BS ___ 620 White-throated Robin S ___ 621 Titbabbler R ___ 625 Icterine Warbler S ___ 626 Olivetree Warbler BS ___ 627 River Warbler AS ___ 628 Great Reed Warbler S ___ 629 Basra Reed Warbler AV ___ 630 European Reed Warbler BS ___ 631 African Marsh Warbler R ___ 633 European Marsh Warbler BS ___ 634 European Sedge Warbler S ___ 635 Cape Reed Warbler R ___ 636 Greater Swamp Warbler R ___ 637 Yellow Warbler AV ___ 638 African Sedge Warbler BR ___ 643 Willow Warbler S ___ 645 Bar-throated Aplis R ___ 648 Yellow-breasted Aplis R ___ 651 Long-billed Crombec R ___ 653 Yellow-bellied Eremomela R ___ 655 Green-capped Eremomela R ___ 656 Burnt-necked Eremomela R ___ 657 Bleating Warbler R ___ 658 Barred Warbler R ___ 659 Stierling's Barred Warbler BR ___ 664 Fan-tailed Cisticola R ___ 665 Desert Cisticola R ___ 668 Pale-crowned Cisticola AV ___ 671 Tinkling Cisticola R ___ 672 Rattling Cisticola R ___ 674 Red-face cisticola R ___ 675 Black-backed Cisticola R ___ 676 Chirping Cisticola R ___ 677 Levaillant's Cistocola AV ___ 678 Croaking Cisticola AR ___ 679 Lazy Cisticola BR ___ 681 Neddicky R ___ 683 Tawny-flanked Prinia R ___ 685 Black-chested Prinia R ___ 688 Rufous-eared Warbler R ___ 689 Spotted Flycatcher S ___ 691 Bluegrey Flycatcher R ___ 693 Fantailed Flycatcher R ___ 694 Black Flycatcher R ___ 695 Marico Flycatcher R ___ 696 Pallid Flycatcher R ___ 697 Chat Flycatcher R ___ 698 Fiscal Flycatcher W ___ 700 Cape Batis AV ___ 701 Chinspot Batis R ___ 703 Prirt Batis R ___ 706 Fairy Flycatcher BW ___ 710 Paradise Flycatcher S ___ 711 African Pied Wagtail R ___ 713 Cape Wagtail R ___ 714 Yellow Wagtail BS ___ 715 Grey Wagtail AV ___ 716 Grassveld (Richard's) Pipit R ___ 717 Long-billed Pipit BR ___ 718 Plain-backed Pipit R ___ 719 Buffy Pipit R ___ 720 Striped Pipit BR ___ 722 Tree Pipit AR ___ 723 Bushveld Pipit AS ___ 727 Orange-throated Lonclaw R ___ 730 Pink-throated Longclaw R ___ 731 Lessar Grey Shrike R ___ 732 Fiscal Shrike R ___ 733 Red-back Shrike S ___ 734 Sous's Shrike AW ___ 735 Long-tailed Shrike S ___ 736 Southern Boubou BV ___ 737 Tropical Boubou R ___ 738 Swamp Boubou R ___ 739 Crimson-brested Boubou R ___ 740 Puffback R ___ 741 Brubru R ___ 743 Three-streaked Tchagra R ___ 744 Black-crowned Tchagra R ___ 746 Bokmakierie AV ___ 748 Orange-breasted Bushshrike R ___ 751 Grey-headed Bush Shrike R ___ 753 White Helmet Shrike R ___ 754 Red-billed Helmet Shrike R ___ 756 White-crowned Shrike R ___ 757 European Starling AV ___ 760 Wattled Starling R ___ 761 Plum-coloured Starling S ___ 762 Burchells's Starling R ___ 763 Long-tailed Starling R ___ 764 Glossy Starling R ___ 765 Greater Blue-Ear Starling R ___ 766 Lesser Blue-Ear Starling AV ___ 767 Sharp-tailed Starling AV ___ 769 Red-wing Starling R ___ 770 Pale-winged Starling AV ___ 771 Yellow-billed Oxpecker R ___ 772 Red-billed Oxpecker V ___ 778 Coppery Sunbird R ___ 779 Marico Sunbird R ___ 780 Purple Banded Sunbird AV ___ 787 White-bellied Sunbird R ___ 788 Dusky Sunbird BR ___ 791 Scarlet-cheasted Sunbird R ___ 792 Black Sunbird R ___ 793 Collard Sunbird R ___ 796 Cape White-eye R ___ 797 Yellow White-eye R ___ 798 Red-billed Buffolo Weaver R ___ 799 White-browed Sparrow Weaver R ___ 800 Sociable Weaver R ___ 801 House Sparrow R ___ 802 Great Sparrow R ___ 803 Cape Sparrow R ___ 804 Grey-headed Sparrow R ___ 805 Yellow-throated sparrow R ___ 806 Scaly-feathered Finch R ___ 807 Thick-billed Weaver BR ___ 810 Spectacled Weaver R ___ 811 Spotted-backed Weaver BR ___ 812 Chestnut Weaver BV ___ 814 Masked Weaver R ___ 815 Lesser masked Weaver R ___ 816 Golden Weaver R ___ 818 Brown Throated Weaver R ___ 819 Red-headed Weaver R ___ 820 Cuckoo Finch AV ___ 821 Red-billed Queala R ___ 822 Red-headed Queala AV ___ 824 Red Bishop R ___ 826 Golden Bishop R ___ 828 Red Shouldered Widow R ___ 829 White-winged Widow R ___ 831 Red-collared Widow AV ___ 832 Long-tailed Widow BR ___ 833 Golden Backed Pytilia AR ___ 834 Melba Finch R ___ 841 Jameson's Firefinch R ___ 842 Red-billed Firefinch R ___ 843 Brown Firefinch R ___ 844 Blue Waxbill R ___ 845 Violet-eared Waxbill R ___ 846 Common Waxbill R ___ 847 Black-cheeked Waxbill R ___ 852 Quail Finch R ___ 853 Locust Finch AV ___ 854 Orange Breasted Waxbill BR ___ 855 Cutthroat Fimch R ___ 856 Red-headed Finch R ___ 857 Bronze Mannikin BR ___ 859 Pied Mannikn AV ___ 860 Pin-tailed Whydah R ___ 861 Shaft-tailed Whydah R ___ 862 Paradise Whydah R ___ 863 Broad-tailed Paradise Whydah BV ___ 864 Black Widow Finch V ___ 865 Purple Widow Finch R ___ 867 Steel-blue Widow Finch R ___ 869 Yellow-eye Canary R ___ 870 Black-throated Canary R ___ 876 Black-headed Canary AV ___ 878 Yellow Canary R ___ 881 Streaky-headed Canary BR ___ 882 Black-eared Canary AV ___ 884 Golden-breasted Bunting R ___ 885 Cape Bunting AV ___ 886 Rock Bunting R ___ 887 Larklike Bunting R ___ 901 Mountain Pipit AV ___ 909 Wood Pipit AR |