your cursor on the photo to see the species name. Click on the birds for
more info... )
by Jim Stasz
by Marcus Martin
Photo copyright Don
Photo copyright Olivier
Photo copyright Don
Photo copyright Peter
Photo copyright David
copyright Bruce Craig
Photo copyright Cliff
Photo copyright Steve
Photo copyright Erik
Photo copyright Erik
Flats - this is a prime site to see 13 species of birds of prey.
Eagles on the Upper Skagit - Trained volunteers will
stationed at a number of convenient locations along the Skagit River to
help you learn more about the largest wintering bald eagle population in
the Lower 48. Here is more information to help you plan your visit to the
Upper Skagit.
Spots in Gray's Harbor County - on the Pacific
coast, 30 minutes west of
Aberdeen, WA. Grays Harbor Estuary in Hoquiam, Washington became the newest
site in the Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network (WHSRN) on April
28, 1996.
Harbor Estuary - Grays Harbor, located on the west coast
the State of Washington, is one of two major estuaries on the Washington
coast. The estuary is a nursery ground and passage way for a vast array
of living resources and an important link in the migratory patterns of
many fish and wildlife species. Grays Harbor is of critical importance
to migrating shorebirds, including as many as 24 species.
National Park - Because the park includes
ocean coastline and mountain
peaks, a wide variety of animals may be found here.There are over 300 species
of birds and 70 species of mammals in the park. At least 18 are found no
where else in the world. Another Olympic
National Park Site, with pictures.
National Wildlife Refuge - located
near Sequim in Clallam County,
Washington, on the Strait of Juan de Fuca.Key wintering and spring gathering
area for brant and other waterfowl. The calmer waters of Dungeness Bay
make this an outstanding shorebird area.
in Washington State - by the National Audubon
Society of Washington. This
excellent site provides a clickable map to many birding places in Washington.
Includes specialized chicklists and links to more detailed information
Coastal Washington - by Bob Morse. A birder in Washington
could see up to 365 species of birds by visiting the Washington Coast.
This represents almost 80% of the species that have been found in the state.
With this many species, it is easy to see why the Washington coast is such
an attraction for birders and why it is one of the top 10 best regions
to bird in the United States. Many come to see the coastal specialties
and hope for the rarity that occasionally appears.
in North Central Idaho and Eastern Washington - by the
NorthWest Bird Guide - by Greg Gillson. This website includes
site guides to:
Mount St. Helens
Long Beach
Nisqually National Wildlife
Around in Sequim, WA - located on the Olympic
Peninsula along the shore
of the Strait of Juan De Fuca.
Hills Greenbelt - by Stig Linander. The Lake Hills Greenbelt
Park is located in Bellevue,
a suburb to Seattle in Washington State, USA. The Greenbelt contains many
different habitats: lakes, streams, meadows, and woodlands. As a large
number of different birds can be seen in a relatively small area - about
150 acres - the Greenbelt is ideal for a short birding trip. This site
also contains other information about birding in the Seattle area.
to Bird in Clark County - Information is provided on:
Vancouver Lake Area
The Columbia River Gorge
Ridgefield National Wildlife
Steigerwald National Wildlife
in Klickitat County - This website provides everything you
want to know about birding in Klickitat County Washington, including checklists,
Important Bird Areas, and local events.
Birds in South Kings County - from the Rainier Audubon
(Auburn, Washington area). See this
site also.
to Watch Wildlife - from the Skagit Audubon Society (Mount
Favourite Birding Spots - from the East Lake Audubon Society
to find BIRDS on the North Olympic Peninsula - The North
Peninsula offers exceptional year-round bird watching. Our mild winter
supports large numbers of ocean birds, including waterfowl. Spring and
fall are migration times and offer great diversity in species. Summer residents
are numerous and varied due to the diversity of habitat - from rainforest
to tidelands.
Washington - Photo-essays on two birding trips with Mary
to Washington, including Nisqually, Dungeness and Willapa NWRs, Tokeland
(where she filmed the bar-tailed godwit), Ocean Shores, Hurricane Ridge,
Cape Flattery, and other sites on the Olympic peninsula.
at Potholes Reservoir - by Mike Denny, College Place,
Washington (originally published
in "Winging It" June 1997, the newsletter of the American Birding Association).
Potholes Reservoir is located approximately 3.5 miles southwest of Moses
Lake in east-central Washington. This reservoir, which serves the irrigation
needs of the central Columbia Basin, and the surrounding lands form part
of the Columbia Basin Habitat Management Area. Together, the Potholes and
the Desert Units cover some 89,000 acres.
Audubon Society's Area Hotspots - The Palouse Audubon
has been serving the Palouse region of North Central Idaho and Eastern
Washington since 1973. Chapter Headquarters is in Moscow, Idaho.
R. Wallace of U. Washington - The
Birding Page gives
some Birding Hot Spots in
Seabirds from Land in the Pacific Northwest
Great Birding Spots on Whidby Island, WA (link broken pending
chapter getting a new server).
See this
site also.
Puget Sound's Best Places for Bird Watching - from the Black
Audubon Society. Information is provided for:
Lake Meadows
Mud Bay-Perry
Point Park
National Wildlife Refuge - Olympia, Washington
Includes a checklist for
the area.
Cascades National Park Complex - Bird Zones in
the Cascade Range in northwestern
Watching Hotspots in Walla Walla Vicinity.
Shirley Muse lists several
of her favorite birding locations within an hour's drive of Walla Walla.
Counts On The Canopy Crane - Three Dimensional Birding-
by Don Baccus - A few years
ago, University of Washington researches hit upon the idea of erecting
a large construction crane in the middle of a patch of old-growth forest,
using it to haul researchers to various points within the canopy. Originally
it was planned for northwestern Washington, but local timber communities,
which figure that more knowledge means less logging, opposed the project,
so it ended up being built in southern Washington's Gifford Pinchot National
Forest. While the main focus of the project is on the phsysiology of trees,
the Forest Service has taken advantage of the crane to conduct systematic
point counts of bird species utilizing the canopy.
National Wildlife Refuges Index - clickable
map leads to all of the
Washington Wildlife Refuges
Trip Reports - a number of Washington trip reports are
from Blake Maybank's "Birding the Americas - Trip Report and Trip Planning