of the 246 species
Hotspots |
(Pause your cursor on the photo to see the species name. Click on the birds for more info... )
....Skagit Flats - this is a prime site to see 13 species of birds of prey. ... ....Bald Eagles on the Upper Skagit - Trained volunteers will
....Bird Spots in Gray's Harbor County - on the Pacific
....Grays Harbor Estuary - Grays Harbor, located on the west coast
....Olympic National Park - Because the park includes
....Dungeness National Wildlife Refuge - located
....Birdwatching in Washington State - by the National Audubon
....Birding Coastal Washington - by Bob Morse. A birder in Washington
....Hotspots in North Central Idaho and Eastern Washington - by the
....The NorthWest Bird Guide - by Greg Gillson. This website includes
....Birding Around in Sequim, WA - located on the Olympic
....Lake Hills Greenbelt - by Stig Linander. The Lake Hills Greenbelt
....Where to Bird in Clark County - Information is provided on: ....Birding in Klickitat County - This website provides everything you
....Watching Birds in South Kings County - from the Rainier Audubon
....Where to Watch Wildlife - from the Skagit Audubon Society (Mount
....Our Favourite Birding Spots - from the East Lake Audubon Society
....Where to find BIRDS on the North Olympic Peninsula - The North
....Birding Washington - Photo-essays on two birding trips with Mary
....Birdwatching at Potholes Reservoir - by Mike Denny, College Place,
....Palouse Audubon Society's Area Hotspots - The Palouse Audubon
....John R. Wallace of U. Washington - The Birding Page gives
....Watching Seabirds from Land in the Pacific Northwest .... ....15 Great Birding Spots on Whidby Island, WA (link broken pending
....South Puget Sound's Best Places for Bird Watching - from the Black
....Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge - Olympia, Washington
....North Cascades National Park Complex - Bird Zones in
....Bird Watching Hotspots in Walla Walla Vicinity.
....Point Counts On The Canopy Crane - Three Dimensional Birding-
....Washington National Wildlife Refuges Index - clickable
....Washington Trip Reports - a number of Washington trip reports are
birdingpal.com...>> | A Birding Pal is not a paid guide, but someone who likes to help out of town visitors. You can become a Birding Pal today! Help someone to enjoy your local birding spots and find a pal to help you when you travel. Click here for Washington Birding Pals, or join to be a Birding Pal! |
Washington State, for our all day trips to Grays Canyon, a submarine canyon which lies 35 nautical miles due west from the mouth of Grays Harbor, on the edge of the North American continental shelf.
....Pilchuk Audubon Society (Everett, Washington) - Field Trips ....Ranier Audubon Society (Washington State South King
....Skagit Audubon Society (Mount Vernon, Washington) - Field Trips ....Tahoma Audubon Society (Tacoma) - Calendar and
....Whidbey Audubon Society (Langley, Washington) - Upcoming
....Upper Skagit Bald Eagle Festival - February 3 - 4, 2001. Contact
....TriCities Area (509) 943-6957 ....SE Washington (208) 882-6195 ....Check
RBA Archives
___ McKay's Bunting | ||
___ Anna's Hummingbird
___ Bewick's Wren ___ Black Oystercatcher ___ Black-chinned Hummingbird ___ Black-headed Grosbeak ___ Blue Grouse ___ Brandt's Cormorant ___ Brewer's Sparrow ___ Bullock's Oriole ___ California Gull ___ Calliope Hummingbird ___ Canyon Wren ___ Cassin's Auklet ___ Cassin's Finch ___ Chestnut-backed Chickadee ___ Clark's Grebe ___ Clark's Nutcracker ___ Common Poorwill |
___ Cordilleran Flycatcher
___ Ferruginous Hawk ___ Gray Flycatcher ___ Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch ___ Harris's Sparrow ___ Lewis's Woodpecker ___ Mew Gull ___ Mountain Bluebird ___ Mountain Quail ___ Northwestern Crow ___ Pileated Woodpecker ___ Prairie Falcon ___ Pygmy Nuthatch ___ Red-breasted Sapsucker ___ Red-Legged Kittiwake ___ Red-naped Sapsucker ___ Ruffed Grouse ___ Sage Sparrow |
___ Sage Thrasher
___ Say's Phoebe ___ Sharp-tailed Grouse ___ Spotted Owl ___ Spotted Towhee ___ Spruce Grouse ___ Timberline Sparrow ___ Townsend's Solitaire ___ Trumpeter Swan ___ Western Bluebird ___ Western Grebe ___ Western Gull ___ Western Screech-Owl ___ Western Scrub-Jay ___ White-headed Woodpecker ___ White-tailed Ptarmigan ___ Williamson's Sapsucker ___ Xantus's Murrelet |
Speciality Birds in Washington (or why you should want to bird in Washington!) Information provided by Bob Morse ... |
___ Black-footed Albatross
___ Northern Fulmar ___ Buller's Shearwater ___ Pink-footed Shearwater ___ Flesh-footed Shearwater ___ Short-tailed Shearwater ___ Leach's Storm-Petrel ___ Fork-tailed Storm-Petrel ___ Pelagic Cormorant ___ Harlequin Duck |
___ Peregrine
___ Pacific Golden-Plover ___ Wandering Tattler ___ Bar-tailed Godwit ___ Rock Sandpiper ___ South Polar Skua ___ Thayer's Gull ___ Pigeon Guillemot ___ Marbled Murrelet ___ Rufous Hummingbird |
___ Pacific-slope Flycatcher
___ Hutton's Vireo ___ Varied Thrush ___ Townsend's Warbler ___ Hermit Warbler ___ "Sooty" Fox Sparrow ___ Golden-crowned Sparrow ___ Red Crossbill |
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....National Geographic Guide to Birdwatching Sites : Western U.S.