Senegal Specialities
copyright Ross Warner
Photo copyright Birdlife
On-Line Magazine
Photo copyright Eric
Van Poppel
Photo copyright Erik
Photo copyright Minnattallah
National Bird Sanctuary, Senegal -
In the Senegal River delta,
the Djoudj Sanctuary is a wetland of 16,000 hectares, comprised of a large
lake surrounded by streams, ponds and backwaters. More
information on the sanctuary.
National Park - There are about 330
species of bird recorded
in the park. Birds include Denham's bustard, ground hornbill, violet turaco,
spur-winged goose, white-faced tree duck, martial eagle and bateleur.
off Senegal, West Africa: by Tony Marr, Dick Newell and
Richard Porter, from Bulletin
of the African Bird Club, volume 5.1, March 1998. Despite its location
on the extreme western coast of Africa, Senegal has attracted attention
from only a few intrepid seabird observers. This is surprising given the
unique location of the capital, Dakar, on a low-lying peninsula, the tip
of which projects 50 km out to sea from the main north-south line of the
coast, offering exceptional opportunities for observations, especially
in autumn.
Birding in Senegal and Cape Verde Islands - by Angus Wilson.
Cape Verde Peninsula, in the West African nation of Senegal, juts out into
the Atlantic Ocean. The seawatching potential of this locality has only
just been realized and initial results are very exciting.
Birder's Paradise - by Irma Weinstein. During the last
ten days in May, I visited
Senegal as part of a group observing literacy programs and small business
development. In the course of my travels in and around Dakar, the capital,
and Goree Island off the coast of Dakar, I observed fifteen bird species.
Parks - brief information is provided on:
Parc National du Djoudj
Parc National de la Basse Casamance
Parc Nationale de la Langue
de Barbarie
Parc National du Niokolo-Koba
Parc National de Sine Saloum
- Directory of Wetlands of International Importance - includes
information on all Senegal's
Ramsar designated sites, including:
Bassin du Ndiaël
Delta du Saloum
Report: Senegal: January-February, 2001, by J. P. Paris.
visited all the West part of the Country except the Casamance. The both
sites the most remarkable were the Djoudj in the North well known by naturalists,
and the delta of the Sine Saloum in the South with the forest of Fatala.
Finaly I saw more than 220 species and more than 150 in the Sine Saloum
List: Senegal, June 30 - July 14, 1998. By Artur Degollada i
Factoids taken from Where
to Watch Birds in Africa - by Nigel Wheatley.