Poland Specialities
Photo copyright Frode
Photo copyright Eric
Photo copyright James
Photo copyright Eric
Polska - this website is heading to be the most
online guide to birding in Poland. Poland is a great country for birds
and birders: there are vast marshes, dense coniferous and deciduous forests,
a long coastline, thousands of lakes, old riverine forests, high mountains,
and mile after mile of traditionally worked farmlands. The site offers
hotspot information on:
Bug River
Lower Valley
River Upper Valley
River Mouth
Pushcha National Park - 212 bird species have
National Parks - this site provides links to all
Polish national
parks. Of particular importance
to birders are the following, both of which are recognized as RAMSAR sites:
National Park - Biebrzanski National Park was established on September
9, 1993. This National Park covers a large part of the Biebrza proglacial
valley, including the Biebrza Marshes and most of the area of the peatland.
National Park - About 255 species of birds, that is ca. 70% of those
found in Poland, have been recorded here. Such a great number and variety
results from the fact, that many environments have preserved their natural
features within the Park. The Park, sitting by the sea-side, is located
on the most important way of annual bird migrations. Another
site on this park.
Poland - this commercial site has some excellent
(and a clickable map) regarding bird habitats (and the birds to be found
there) in Poland. Follow the "Sites" link on the main page.
Kepa Nature Reserve - Five years ago the future
of Poland's Karsiborska
Kepa, home to some of Europe's rarest bird life, looked bleak. Now, with
the help of Swarovski Optik, it is thriving. Article by Laurence Weinberger.
Towarzystwo Ochrony Ptakow Bialowieza)
North Podlassian Society for Birds Protection is the oldest Polish Bird
Protection society. Here you can find a simple clickable map of interesting
places, as well as checklist of birds in the area.
Dyczkowski's Birding Pages - this great website provides
in Poland - by Gerard Gorman
of PROBIRDER. Poland is
a great country for birds
and birders: there are vast marshes and forests, a long coastline, thousands
of lakes, high mountains and mile after mile of traditionally worked farmlands.
But Poland is a large country needing several visits to do it justice.
Most birders head from Warsaw straight to the forests and wetlands of the
north-east or the Baltic Coast, though the country is dotted with great
birding areas
with Bill Oddie - In some parts of the Polish countryside it
is like going back in time. Peaceful villages, flower meadows, unspoilt
forest, grazing marshes and tiny traditional farms. And in mid-May it's
simply alive with birdlife.
Marshes and Forests - Poland has much to offer
birdwatcher and naturalist,
as it possesses superb untouched forests and enormous areas of marshland
that hold remnant strongholds of many rare and interesting birds and animals.
This outdated commercial tour itinerary outlines a detailed itnierary for
birding Poland.
Report: Karsiborska Kepa N.R. (NW Poland),
July 15-18 1997 - by P.
William and Susan A. Smith, Florida, USA
Report: Swina Delta (Poland), August 23-24, 1997
- by Paul Rakow. This is
a trip report of a weekend spent in the Swina delta in Western Poland.
The Swina is a channel that takes part of the water from the Oder river
(the one with the recent floods) and delivers it to the Baltic sea. This
area wasn't affected by the floods, the flood-water dissipated in the lagoon
North of Szczecin.
Swietokrzyskie Mountains, Biebrza Marshes -
by Haynes Miller, June 10--19,
1994. I attended a conference in Warsaw, took a couple of early-morning
walks in a park in the university district, a day-trip with other participants
to the Swietokrzyskie Mountains (some 3 hours from Warsaw, past a potentially
interesting area at the crossing of the Pilice River), and two days in
the Biebrza National Park.
Report: Warsaw and Cracow (Poland), Prague (Czech Republic),
(Hungary), July 23 - August 6, 1997, by Terry Witt. My wife and I recently
returned from an 18 day tour af Eastern Europe. This was a tourist type
trip run by Grand Circle Tours. I had been birding in Europe several times
before but hoped to slip away from the group when possible and perhaps
even see a few new birds. Using this strategy, I took an early AM walk
on most days, and despite being lodged in the middle of 4 large cities
still had a modest amount of success.
Poland, July 19-27, 1997 - by Dirk Raes. Leaving (for the
agency Ro-Travel) Antwerpen
on July 19th, as a guide for a Wielewaal-excursion, I knew that there were
some problems with the river Odra in the West and South-West Poland. An
extremely high water level, the highest since 300 years, caused a total
disruption of life. Some 60 victims were already counted. What will this
trip bring us?
Report: 5th Annual Polish Birding Festival - May 8 - 15, 1999. By
Jones. The festival was held in the North East of Poland near to good birdwatching
locations at Lake Siemianowka, Bialowieski Forest and, further afield,
the Narew and Biebrza Marshes. The festival attracted over 50 birdwatchers
from great Britain and a smaller number of birdwatchers fron other countries.
Polish Birdwatchers had previously staked out the forests and several woodpecker
nest sites were located prior to the festival. Each day, particpants had
the choice of guided tours to the forest, lake or marshes, or could make
their own arrangements.
Report - Eastern Poland - 13th–20th May, 2000 - by Dirk Raes.
is a summary of a 172-species birding trip to eastern Poland in May 2000,
and should be of interest to birders planning to visit Bialowieza Forest
and Biebrza Marshes.
Report: Eastern Europe (Poland - Hungary - Croatia - Austria),
2003 - by: Rob van Bemmelen, Kasper Hendriks, Wesley Overman, and Ben Wielstra.
July 2003 was the moment for 4 young birders from The Netherlands to do
some interesting birding in the eastern part of Europe. July is of
course not the best time to go birding because most birds are relatively
non-active in summer. But, as all the participants attain some sort of
school during the rest of the year, a trip this long in spring was no option.
The group departed on Saturday the 28th of June and returned on Sunday
the 27th of July 2003.
Report - Birdwatching in the National Park Warta Estuary
Narodowy Ujcie Warty) and in its Surroundings (District Gorzów,
Poland). June 14 – 15, 2003, by Hans Schick. See also Han's
2004 trip report from the same area. This is one of the most interesting
birding sites within a radius of about 100 km around Berlin.
Trip Report - you can find Poland trip reports on John Girdley's
website by following the Europe/Poland links from the main page.