Birding Factoids

453 species 
in 58 families

None of the 43 species 
endemic to 
the Caribbean are 
represented here. 
1 endemic species
3 threatened  species 
2 week trip expectation -
about 200 species

    Trinidad and Tobago
Checklist of Trinidad and Tobago BirdsTours and GuidesEco-LodgesRare Bird AlertsSpeciality BirdsPrint ResourcesMap and General Country Information
Check out Cliff Buckton's images from a 2003 Trinidad Trip
Also check out the Trinidad and Tobago Bird Gallery from the Trinidad and Tobago Field Naturalists' Club
Tom Davis's Trinidad and Tobago Wildlife (and trip report)
Steve Metz's Trinidad Bird Gallery
Peter Bono's Trinidad Bird Photos
Roger Neckles' great Gallery of Trinidad Fauna
Guiliano Gerro and Silvio Sommazzi's Trinidad and Tobago Birds
and Larry Master's Hummingbirds and Tanagers of Trinidad
Trinidad and Tobago Specialities
Scarlet Ibis - National Bird of Trinidad- Photo copyright Pat Goltz
Photo copyright Pat Goltz
Blue-grey Tanager - Photo copyright Gaby Schulemann
Photo copyright Gaby Schulemann
Crested Oropendola - Photo copyright David Tripp
Photo copyright David Tripp
Grey-lined Hawk - Photo copyright Arthur Grosset
Photo copyright Arthur Grosset
Oilbird - Photo copyright Cagan Sekercioglu
Photo copyright Cagan Sekercioglu
Caribbean Martin - Photo copyright Gaby Schulemann
Photo copyright Gaby Schulemann
Eared Dove - Photo copyright Alex Earnshaw
Photo copyright Alex Earnshaw
Scaled Dove - Photo copyright Arthur Grosset
Photo copyright Arthur Grosset
Tufted Coquette - Photo copyright Larry Master
Photo copyright Larry Master
Mottled Owl - Photo copyright Steve Metz
Photo copyright Steve Metz
Blue Dacnis - Photo copyright James Ownby
Photo copyright James Ownby
White-necked Jacobin - Photo copyright David Tripp
Photo copyright David Tripp
    ....Asa Wright Nature Centre - Located at 1200 feet in the mountains of
      the Northern Range of Trinidad, seven miles north of the Town of Arima, the Asa Wright Nature Centre is a world-class natural history destination for students of tropical ecosystems and is of particular interest to birdwatchers. Also check out Tim Carney's Checklist of the Birds of the Asa Wright Centre.
    ....Trinidad and Tobago Birding Sites - from the Fatbirder. 
    ....Nature Reserves in Trinidad and Tobago - this site identifies all nature
      reserves, and the birds they contain, in the two islands, including:
    • El Tucuche Reserve, Maracas
    • Asa Wright Nature Centre and Lodge, Arima
    • Valencia Wildlife Sanctuary, Valencia
    • Caroni Bird Sanctuary, Caroni
    • Bush Bush Wildlife Reserve, Nariva Swamp
    • Wild Fowl Trust, Pointe-a-Pierre
    • Little Tobago or Bird of Paradise, Northeast Tobago
    • St. Giles Island, Northeast Tobago
    ....The National Birds of Trinidad and Tobago - The Scarlet Ibis 
      (Eudocimus ruber), locally known as "flamingo," makes its home in the Caroni Bird Sanctuary in the Caroni Swamp--an area set aside by the government for the protection of these colourful birds. The Caroni Swamp includes fifteen thousand acres of marshland, tidal lagoons, and mangrove trees.
    ....Pointe-à-Pierre Wild Fowl Trust - The Pointe-à-Pierre Wild Fowl Trust
      is a refuge for the island's endangered species.
    ....Birding with Bill Oddie - information from a birding tour to Trinidad
    ....Trinidad & Tobago - Fauna & Flora
    ....Caroni Bird Sanctuary - Located near Port-of-Spain, Trinidad, this 
      sanctuary comprises more than 100 square kilometers (40 square miles) of mangrove swampland crossed by waterways.
    ....Birds of Trinidad & Tobago - by Dr. Russell Barrow
    ....Oceanpoint's Tobago: A Birding Excerpt 
    ....Trinidad - Directory of Wetlands of International Importance
      includes information on Trinidad's Ramsar designated site:
      • Nariva Swamp
    ....Eco-Vacations in Trinidad and Tobago - Where in creation could
      compare? 2300 species of flowering plants; over 600 different butterflies; over 400 species of birds. South America? No, just Trinidad & Tobago. Long the secret of wildlife film makers – (David Attenbourough has shot many sequences here) – T&T is a veritable ark flora and fauna, awaiting exploration…..
    ....Bird Trinidad! -- Trinidad and Tobago Birding Tools - This isn't about 
      birding hotspots, but I thought it might come in useful (says Tina)!
    ....Birdtrip Report - Trinidad. March 21 to April 20 - by Harry J Lehto. 
      My trip to Trinidad was a business trip and not really a birding trip. However, I managed to do some birding on weekends, and even on weekdays by getting up early enough to bird a couple of hours before work, and again for an hour in the evening after work. I managed to see well over 200 different species. For alist of species, and locations where the birds were seen, see also Part II.
    ....Trinidad & Tobago - November 26 - December 6, 1998. By Bill Murphy ....
    ....The Birds of Isla Marguerita and Tobago - check under the 
      "Caribbean Index" on John Girdley's site for this great trip report by Charles and Joy Fletcher.
    ....Trip Report: Lesser Antilles and Orinoco Jungle River Cruise
      January 5-13, 1996 - by Bill Murphy.  In 1995 the American Birding Association contacted me to offer me an opportunity to serve as their representative on a Clipper Cruise Line voyage through the southern Caribbean in January 1996. The tour itinerary included the Netherlands Antilles islands of Curacao and Bonaire, coastal Venezuela, Tobago, the Orinoco River, and Trinidad -- 1200 sea miles in all. See also Bill's report on the Trinidad extension to this cruise. 
    ....Trinidad and Tobago Trip Report - March 18-27, 2000 - by Mike 
      and Cindy Fahay. This was our third birding trip to T&T. Trinidad and Tobago are both wonderful places to spend time, birding and otherwise. My wife and I prefer to go on these trips unguided, do the necessary research, and find birds on our own. Probably because of this habit, we always seem to leave a few species behind, and the omission of those species on our trip lists provides a great excuse for returning to our favorite birding places.
    ....Trip Report: Trinidad and Tobago 2000 and Trinidad and Tobago 2001.
      These .pdf format trip reports are made available by Birdfinding Holidays.
    ....Trip Report: Isla Margarita/Tobago, July/Aug 1999, by Charles and
      Joy Fletcher. This was a family holiday and not a birding trip.  The package was an all inclusive deal through First Choice with accommodation at the Isla Bonita Hotel in the north of Margarita, and the Turtle Beach Hotel in Tobago.To get round the problem of two teenage children who were completely uninterested in birds, most birding took place in the early morning before breakfast, and on days out with plenty of “non-birding” activities for all the family.
    ....Trip Report: Trinidad. March 23-30, 1997. By Linda Baker. Asa Wright
      Nature Center (AWNC) is a wonderful spot, located in a tropical rain forest on a mountainside.  Before breakfast, I had 18 life birds!! 
    ....Birding Trinidad and Tobago: February 28-March 8, 1998. By  Eva
    ....Trip Report: Trinidad and Tobago, 10/97. By Jean Bicknell. Basically 
      my family are not interested in birds and I am very keen. On Trinidad I had negotiated 3 nights at Asa Wright before travelling to Tobago and spending the rest of the time at Blue Waters Inn. Click on the "Next by same author" link for parts 2, 3, and 4.
    ....Trip Report - Trinidad and Tobago - by "Fat Birder", January 12 - 27,
      1998. I am, by misfortune, disabled. I am also, entirely through greed, overweight. These two factors combine to create a third; I am by misfortune and my own disposition, indolent. This guide is, then, for those of you who are restricted by disability, or lazy by inclination. This is an essential characteristic of all reports from the "Fat Birder". (Don't let this author's prologue fool you - this is a very comprehensive and entertaining trip report).
    ....Trip Report: Trinidad and Tobago, April 22nd - May 5th, 2000 by
      Dr Steve M. R. Young. With basic gen on just a few sites in Trinidad and Tobago my wife Penny and I booked a straightforward package holiday with Kuoni via Wildwings to the holiday island of Tobago. However I then planned a 3-4 day excursion of solid birding to Trinidad. 
    ....Trip Report: Florida, Trinidad and Tobago Trip, 2004 by Tom Davis. 
      Ellyn and I just returned from a trip to southern Florida, Trinidad and Tobago. We got some nice photos, displayed in the galleries below, and we had one amazing adventure (well, it's amazing if you're a birder -- we were present at the first sighting of a new bird in Trinidad). 
    ....Trinidad and Tobago Trip Reports - seven additional Trinidad and 
      Tobago trip reports are available from Blake Maybank's "Birding the Americas: Trip Report and Trip Planning Repository".

    Factoids taken from Where to Watch Birds in South America - by Nigel Wheatley.

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Tours and Guides

>>>>>> A Birding Pal is not a paid guide, but someone who likes to help out of town visitors. You can become a Birding Pal today! Help someone to enjoy your local birding spots and find a pal to help you when you travel. Click here for Trinidad Birding Pals, or join to be a Birding Pal!
Rufous-vented Chacalaca - Photo copyright Gaby Schulemann
Photo copyright Gaby Schulemann
Golden-tailed Sapphire - Photo copyright James Ownby
Photo copyright James Ownby
Red-crowned Woodpecker - Photo copyright Gaby Schulemann
Photo copyright Gaby Schulemann
Striped Cuckoo - Photo copyright Richard Garrigues
Photo copyright Richard Garrigues
    **..Exotic Birding - Tours for Bird Lovers! Our tours are for people who
      want more from a trip than additions to their life lists. Experience tropical birding in Trinidad and Tobago with Master Guides who do more than find and identify the birds for you. They explain how they identify the birds we see, sharing their methods and knowledge so participants can enhance their own birding skills while discovering the marvels of birding in the tropics. We offer an 11-day tour from April 24-May 4, 2005, spending 4 days in Trinidad, 3 days in Tobago, and then 4 more days in Trinidad. We bird all the best locations on both islands. See nesting Oilbirds and marvel at huge Leatherback Turtles coming ashore to nest at Matura Bay. Enjoy a fantastic stay at Asa Wright Nature Reserve as well as a glass-bottom boat trip to Little Tobago Island. It'll be a great introduction to South American birding. We welcome all skill levels and also non-birding companions. Tour limited to 8 participants.
    **..Tour Guides - Anyone can call him/herself a tour guide. Here's a list of  ..
    **..Birding Trinidad and Tobago - with Birdfinding Holidays. January 23 -
      February 7, 2003. Trinidad and Tobago lie only 16 km north of Venezuela and their combined land area is just 4% of the size of England. With a species list of 430, good accommodation and food, and English as the official language, this is the ideal introduction to South American birding. There is just one endemic bird, the very rare Trinidad Piping-guan, but over half of the endemic bird families of South America are present on the islands. We should see in excess of 200 species during the tour.
    **..Trinidad and Tobago with Victor Emanuel Nature Tours (VENT)
      Most birders who have visited Trinidad agree that it is perhaps the best place in the New World tropics to gain experience with South American birds without being overwhelmed. Lying barely 10 miles off the coast of Venezuela, Trinidad's bird life is much like that of northern South America. Almost all of the families are represented, but because of Trinidad's long isolation from the mainland, the number of species is somewhat smaller. This, combined with the ease with which many birds can be seen, makes Trinidad a top choice for birders wishing to savor the delights of tropical birding and develop proficiency with a sample of South America's extensive bird life. Trinidad's popularity is also due to the Asa Wright Nature Center, famous for its comfort, its food, and the variety of birds that can be seen from the veranda and grounds. Located in a forested valley of the Northern Range, the center is a convenient base from which to explore nearby habitats, including freshwater and saltwater marshes, swamps, savanna, and montane forest. 
      • Trinidad and Tobago - February 17 - February 26, 2003 (10.0 days - Limit 14) with Brad Schram & TBA
      • Trinidad and Tobago - December 06 - December 15, 2003 (10.0 days - Limit 14) with Brad Schram & TBA
      • Trinidad and Tobago - February 14 - February 23, 2004 (10.0 days - Limit 14) with Brad Schram & TBA
      VENT offers nearly 140 tours to over 100 land-based destinations each year and is the largest tour company in the world specializing in birding and natural history.
    **..Natural History of Trinidad and Tobago - Cheesemans' Ecology Safaris
      with Trinidadian Edward Rooks - Thursday, April 25 - Friday, May 10, 2002. Few get to experience Leatherback Turtles nesting on pure white-sand beaches. Mix in excellent natural history leadership, Scarlet Ibis, spring migrants, snorkeling and rainforest birding and you’ll understand Caribbean bliss. Leaders: Edward Rooks and local leaders. 12 participants.


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Copper-rumped Hummingbird - Photo copyright Allen Chartier
Photo copyright Allen Chartier
    **..Hosanna Hotel - a smokefree Christian hotel based in the tranquil St.
      Augustine district on the Caribbean island of Trinidad. While not specifically a birding lodge, the hotel is located within the St. Augustine area which is well known for birding. Assistance is provided to guests in linking up with birding birding activities at Asa Wright, the Caroni Bird Sanctuary and other birding sites within Trinidad and Tobago.

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Rare Bird Alert

Turqoise Tanager - Photo copyright Larry Master
Photo copyright Larry Master

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Caribbean Specialities in

Trinidad and Tobago

Information derived from Sibley & Monroe checklists in Thayer's Birder's Diary - Version 2.5.
Information on endangered birds is derived from the IUCN Red List, Birdlife International. An international checklist system
was required to enable world-wide country to country comparisons.These speciality birds may be uncommon,
or extremely rare at this location, or may only be present in migration. However, documented sightings of
each species noted below have been made in Trinidad and Tobago.

Trinidad and Tobago Endemics

___ Trinidad Piping-Guan
No Caribbean Endemic Specialities in Trinidad and Tobago
(but many South American ones, too many to list here)

Endangered Birds in Trinidad and Tobago
(endemics are shown in bold italic)

Breeding Birds

Non-Breeding Birds

___ Red Siskin
___ Trinidad Piping-Guan
___ White-tailed Sabrewing

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Print and Other Resources on Birds

and Birding in Trinidad and Tobago

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Black-tailed Titrya - Photo copyright Anke Poggel
Photo copyright Anke Poggel

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Links checked November 19, 2000