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Caribbean - Country Birding Statistics Comparison

Caribbean Endemics/Specialities List

Caribbean Print Resources

...Anguilla ...Cayman Islands ...Martinique
...Antigua  ...Cuba ...Montserrat
...Aruba ...Curacao ...Puerto Rico
...Bahamas ...Dominican Republic ...Saint Lucia
...Barbados ...Dominica ...St. Kitts/ St.Nevis
...Bermuda ...Grenada  ...St. Vincent/Grenadines
...Bonaire ...Guadeloupe ...Trinidad/Tobago
...British Virgin Islands ...Haiti  ...Turks and Caicos
...Jamaica ...US Virgin Islands

For more information about neotropical birding, see the Neotropical Bird Club
and the Society for the Conservation and Study of Caribbean Birds

For enjoyable discussion about Caribbean Birding, go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/natucaribeendigital/
This page does not identify the relative ranking of the birding "hotspots".
Click here to find out about the way that sites were identified.

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Caribbean Endemics/Specialities

In addition to the endemics for the various countries, the following table identifies species that
cannot found outside the Caribbean area except as a rare vagrant. Information was derived from
Sibley & Monroe checklists in Thayer's Birder's Diary - Version 2.02.
Species printed in red are extinct. Species printed in blue are endangered.
Caribbean Specialities

___ Antillean Crested 
___ Hummingbird 
___ Antillean Mango 
___ Antillean Nighthawk 
___ Antillean Palm Swift
___ Antillian Wren 
___ Bahama Swallow
___ Blue-headed Hummingbird 
___ Blue-headed Quail-Dove
___ Bridled Quail-Dove 
___ Brown Trembler 
___ Cuban Bullfinch
___ Cuban Crow
___ Cuban Emerald
___ Cuban (Greater Antillean) 
___ Pewee
___ Cuban Parrot
___ Fernandina's Flicker 
___ Forest Thrush 
___ Golden Swallow 
___ Great Lizard-Cuckoo 
___ Greater Antillean Bullfinch 
___ Greater Antillean Elaenia 
___ Greater Antillean Flycatcher
___ Greater Antillean Grackle 
___ Greater Antillean Nightjar 
___ Grey Trembler 
___ Grey-headed Quail-Dove
___ Hispaniolan Parakeet 
___ Hispaniolan Parrot 
___ Key-West Quail-Dove
___ LaSagra's Flycatcher
___ Lesser Antillean Bullfinch 
___ Lesser Antillean Flycatcher 
___ Lesser Antillean Pewee 
___ Lesser Antillean Swift 
___ Lesser Antillean Tanager 
___ Loggerhead Kingbird
___ Martinique Oriole 
___ Olive-capped Warbler 
___ Palm Crow 
___ Palmchat 
___ Plain Pigeon 
___ Plumbeous Warbler
___ Puerto Rican Flycatcher 
___ Puerto Rican Screech-Owl 
___ Puerto Rican Woodpecker 
___ Purple-throated Carib 
___ Red-legged Thrush 
___ Rufous-throated Solitaire 
___ Scaly-breasted Thrasher 
___ Scaly-naped Pigeon
___ Sempler's Warbler
___ St. Lucia Black-Finch
___ St. Lucia Oriole
___ St. Lucia Parrot
___ Stolid Flycatcher 
___ Stripe-headed Tanager
___ Tawny-Shouldered Blackbird
___ Vervain Hummingbird 
___ West Indian Whistling Duck 
___ West Indian Woodpecker 
___ White-breasted Thrasher 
___ White-necked Crow 

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Endangered Birds in the Caribbean
(endemics are printed in bold italic)

Breeding Birds

Non-breeding Birds
___ Bachman's Warbler 
___ Bahamas Swallow 
___ Bay-breasted Cuckoo
___ Black-billed Parrot
___ Black-capped Petrel 
___ Blue-headed Quail-Dove
___ Chat Tanager
___ Cuban Parakeet
___ Cuban Parrot 
___ Fernandina's Flicker
___ Giant Kingbird 
___ Grenada Dove
___ Grundlach's Hawk
___ Hispaniolan Parakeet
___ Imperial Parrot
___ Jamaican Petrel
___ La Selle Thrush
___ Plain Pigeon
___ Red Siskin
___ Red-necked Parrot
___ Ridgeway's Hawk
___ Ring-tailed Pigeon
___ Sempler's Warbler
___ St. Lucia Parrot
___ St. Vincent Parrot
___ Trinidad Piping-Guan
___ West Indian Whistling-Duck 
___ Whistling Warbler
___ White-necked Crow
___ White-tailed Sabrewing
___ White-breasted Thrasher
___ White-winged Warbler
___ Yellow-shouldered Parrot
___ Zapata Rail
___ Zapata (Cuban) Sparrow
___ Zapata Wren
___ Piping Plover
___ Kirtland's Warbler

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Print and Other Resources

on Caribbean Birds and Birding

(logos and links take you to on-line locations where you can order/purchase these resources)
AMAZON.COM is the registered trademark of Amazon.com, Inc.
A small portion of your purchase price for any books purchased by following links from this site will go toward supporting the maintenance and development costs of this site.
    ....A Guide to the Birds of the West Indies - by Herbert A. Raffaele
      (Editor) Hardcover - 512 pages (June 1998) This is the first comprehensive field guide to the birds of the West Indies to appear in more than fifty years. It covers all 564 bird species known to occur in the region (including migrants and infrequently occurring forms). Each species is represented by a full description that includes identification field marks, local names, status, habitat, voice, nesting, range, and comments about the bird. A map showing the bird's distribution accompanies each species account. Plumages of all species are depicted in eighty-six beautifully rendered color plates.
    ....A Field Guide to Birds of the West Indies (The Peterson Field Guide) -
      by James Bond, Don R. Eckelberry, Arthur B. Singer. Paperback - 256 pages 5th edition (September 1993). 
    ....A Birder's West Indies : An Island-By-Island Tour (The Corrie Herring
      Hooks Series ; No. 30) - by Roland H. Wauer, Mimi Hoppe Wolf (Illustrator), Bradford C. Northrup. Paperback (June 1996). 
    ....Neorniothes - Living Birds of the World - A Data Bank of the living
      and known birds of the world, structured according to the conventional classification system. It enables the retrieval of a wide range of information  from the taxonomic hierarchy: Order, Family, Genus, Specie and Subspecie, and makes provision for retrieval other classifications such as common names (English and Italian),   geographical distribution of species and subspecies, the taxonomic notes and the european species and the world numbers (w.n.) according to the numerical system used by the American Ornithologist Union.

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