...Anguilla | ...Cayman Islands | ...Martinique |
...Antigua | ...Cuba | ...Montserrat |
...Aruba | ...Curacao | ...Puerto Rico |
...Bahamas | ...Dominican Republic | ...Saint Lucia |
...Barbados | ...Dominica | ...St. Kitts/ St.Nevis |
...Bermuda | ...Grenada | ...St. Vincent/Grenadines |
...Bonaire | ...Guadeloupe | ...Trinidad/Tobago |
...British Virgin Islands | ...Haiti | ...Turks and Caicos |
...Jamaica | ...US Virgin Islands |
For more information about
neotropical birding, see the Neotropical
Bird Club
and the Society
for the Conservation and Study of Caribbean Birds
For enjoyable discussion
about Caribbean Birding, go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/natucaribeendigital/
This page does not identify
the relative ranking of the birding "hotspots".
here to find out about the way that sites were identified.
___ Antillean Crested
___ Hummingbird ___ Antillean Mango ___ Antillean Nighthawk ___ Antillean Palm Swift ___ Antillian Wren ___ Bahama Swallow ___ Blue-headed Hummingbird ___ Blue-headed Quail-Dove ___ Bridled Quail-Dove ___ Brown Trembler ___ Cuban Bullfinch ___ Cuban Crow ___ Cuban Emerald ___ Cuban (Greater Antillean) ___ Pewee ___ Cuban Parrot ___ Fernandina's Flicker ___ Forest Thrush ___ Golden Swallow ___ Great Lizard-Cuckoo ___ Greater Antillean Bullfinch |
___ Greater Antillean Elaenia
___ Greater Antillean Flycatcher ___ Greater Antillean Grackle ___ Greater Antillean Nightjar ___ Grey Trembler ___ Grey-headed Quail-Dove ___ Hispaniolan Parakeet ___ Hispaniolan Parrot ___ Key-West Quail-Dove ___ LaSagra's Flycatcher ___ Lesser Antillean Bullfinch ___ Lesser Antillean Flycatcher ___ Lesser Antillean Pewee ___ Lesser Antillean Swift ___ Lesser Antillean Tanager ___ Loggerhead Kingbird ___ Martinique Oriole ___ Olive-capped Warbler ___ Palm Crow ___ Palmchat ___ Plain Pigeon |
___ Plumbeous Warbler
___ Puerto Rican Flycatcher ___ Puerto Rican Screech-Owl ___ Puerto Rican Woodpecker ___ Purple-throated Carib ___ Red-legged Thrush ___ Rufous-throated Solitaire ___ Scaly-breasted Thrasher ___ Scaly-naped Pigeon ___ Sempler's Warbler ___ St. Lucia Black-Finch ___ St. Lucia Oriole ___ St. Lucia Parrot ___ Stolid Flycatcher ___ Stripe-headed Tanager ___ Tawny-Shouldered Blackbird ___ Vervain Hummingbird ___ West Indian Whistling Duck ___ West Indian Woodpecker ___ White-breasted Thrasher ___ White-necked Crow |
(endemics are printed in bold italic) |
___ Bachman's Warbler
___ Bahamas Swallow ___ Bay-breasted Cuckoo ___ Black-billed Parrot ___ Black-capped Petrel ___ Blue-headed Quail-Dove ___ Chat Tanager ___ Cuban Parakeet ___ Cuban Parrot ___ Fernandina's Flicker ___ Giant Kingbird ___ Grenada Dove ___ Grundlach's Hawk ___ Hispaniolan Parakeet ___ Imperial Parrot ___ Jamaican Petrel ___ La Selle Thrush ___ Plain Pigeon |
___ Red Siskin
___ Red-necked Parrot ___ Ridgeway's Hawk ___ Ring-tailed Pigeon ___ Sempler's Warbler ___ St. Lucia Parrot ___ St. Vincent Parrot ___ Trinidad Piping-Guan ___ West Indian Whistling-Duck ___ Whistling Warbler ___ White-necked Crow ___ White-tailed Sabrewing ___ White-breasted Thrasher ___ White-winged Warbler ___ Yellow-shouldered Parrot ___ Zapata Rail ___ Zapata (Cuban) Sparrow ___ Zapata Wren |
___ Piping Plover
___ Kirtland's Warbler |
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