Birding Factoids

319 species
in 48 families

None of the 10 European
endemics are 
represented here. 
No national endemics
17 speciality species
10 endangered species

Checklist of Ukrainian BirdsTours and GuidesRare Bird AlertsSpeciality BirdsMap and General Country Information
Check out the Ukraine's birds on postage stamps
Ukrainian Specialities
Great Bustard - Photo copyright E-Tours
Photo copyright E-Tours
Pallid Harrier - Photo copyright
Photo copyright Eric Van Maanan
Great Grey (Northern) Shrike - Photo copyright Erik Kleyheeg
Photo copyright Eric Kleyheeg
Rock Sparrow - Photo copyright Cursorius
Photo copyright Cursorius
Black-winged Pratincole - THREATENED - Photo copyright Paul Gale
Photo copyright Paul Gale
Red-Breasted Goose - Photo copyright Paul Doyle
Photo copyright Paul Doyle
Pygmy Cormorant - Photo copyright Jean-Sébastien Rousseau-Piot
Photo copyright Jean-Sébastien Rousseau-Piot
    NOTE: The Danube Delta, the largest and one of the most unspoiled wetlands in Europe, lies mostly in Romania, but parts of the northern edge extend into the extreme southwest part of the Ukraine, and here it is possible to see many of the birds associated with the whole delta. 

    ....The Danube Delta - At the end of the great river Danube's 2,860 km 

      (1788 miles) journey from the Black Forest mountains in Germany to Romania's Black Sea coast a natural paradise spreads out. Over countless centuries the silt brought down by the river has enlarged the Delta into a network of channels, lakes, reed isles, tropical woods, pastures and sand dunes that now cover nearly 5,640 sq km. (2,200 sq miles). This amazing wetland shelters over 300 species of birds, countless species of fish from royal sturgeon to carp and perch, while its 1,150 kinds of plants range from sinuous lianas in oak forests to water lilies. It is no wonder that UNESCO designated the Delta a "Reservation of the Biosphere".
    ....Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve - The waters of the Danube,
      which flow into the Black Sea, form the largest and best preserved of European deltas. 
    ....The Danube Delta's Wildlife Paradise  - The Danube Delta, witness
      of eventful, century-old history of Romanian people, huge, amazing spread of water, reed and sun, of a unique wealth, biological value, exuberance and variety, is a major target of tourist interest in nowadays Romania. The Danube Delta was included in the UNESCO Project as a Reservation of the Biosphere because its peculiar features and the originality and variety of the ecosystems (more than 25 types of natural ecosystems). 
    ....Ukraine's Nature Reserves
    ....Protected Areas in the Ukraine - this site includes a detailed map
      of the Ukraine showing the location of key protected areas. Information can also be accessed through this page to: 
      • Dunaiskie Plawni Reserve (Ukrainian portion of the Danube Delta)
    ....Ukranian Birdwatching Centre in Lviv - some rare birds in Ukraine 
      are common in the world and some common ones in Ukraine are rare in the world, but all of them are sure to be worth watching. 
    "The largest area of brackish and saltwater lagoons west of the Urals, known as the Syvash, on the Crimean Peninsula combine to support a range of breeding, wintering and passage birds which matches anything Eastern Europe has to offer. Yalta is the best base for birding the Ai-Petri Mountains where Cinereous Vulture, Imperial Eagle, Saker Falcon (Karadag Reserve), Chukar (Angara Pass) and Semi-collared Flycatcher (Crimean Reserve) occur, for there is an extensive trail system running through this range above the resort. Unfortunately the other two top birding areas are at the north end of the peninsula, over 200 km. away from Yalta. The shallow saltwater Syvash Bay (Syvash Zaliv) together with the marshes and steppe which surround it support a variety of speciality breeding species, including Demoiselle Crane and Great Bustard. Most of these birds also occur at the northwest end of the peninsula where the habitats are similar and Paddyfield Warbler breeds around the fishponds and paddies by Karkinitski Bay. The Tarkhankut Peninsula is particularly good for Demoiselle Cranes and passage raptors.
      The Ukranian coast of the Sea of Avov (Avovskoye More) supports similar birds to the Crimea. The saline lake known as Molochny Liman has attracted passage migrants such as Red-breasted Goose and Slender-billed Curlew. Northeast of here, the bays and peninsulas, particularly Krivaya Kosa at the northeast end of the coast are all worth grilling for species such as Black-winged Pratincole. Part of the Carpathian Range, known here as the Karpatski, is present in the west of the Ukraine and these mountains, accessible from L'viv, support the same avifauna as those in the nearby countries of Poland, Slovakia, and Romania, including Ural Owl and White-backed Woodpecker." - from  Where to Watch Birds in Europe and Russia - by Nigel Wheatley.

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Tours and Guides

...>> A Birding Pal is not a paid guide, but someone who likes to help out of town visitors. You can become a Birding Pal today! Help someone to enjoy your local birding spots and find a pal to help you when you travel. Click here for Ukrainian Birding Pals, or join to be a Birding Pal!
Demoiselle Crane - Photo courtesy of the Ronald Reznick
Photo courtesy of Ronald Reznick

Rosy Starling - Photo copyright Ronald Saldino

Photo copyright Ronaold Saldino
    **..Birdwatching Tours - In conjunction with the Ukraine Academy of 
      Sciences, Villa Philidelphia has been able to arrange a once in a lifetime opportunity to visit the largest wetlands in Europe: The Ukraine Polissya. We are fortunate to have been able to schedule two expeditions to this ecologically sensitive area: June 10th - 17th, 2001 and June 17th - 24th, 2001. The Pripet Marshes cover an area of 270,000 square kilometers and border southern Belarus, Eastern Poland and Northern Ukraine. A host of birds, including black grouse, orioles, hazel grouse, woodpeckers, owls, blue tits, and ducks, inhabit the forests and marshlands. 
    **..Eco-Tours - sponsored by the Ukrainian Carpathian Raptor Fund. 
      The very experienced undergraduate and graduate Ornithologists from Lviv University have chosen the best vantage points for viewing the birds. Topping the list are Aquila chrysaetos (Golden Eagles) at nest sites. Others include: A. nipalensis, Falco peregrinis, F. cherrug and Accipiter gentilis (Goshawk). Also included will be several stops to observe waterfowl. Complete List of  species that may be seen on our tour. 
    **..Join a net capture census on the Black Sea coast - with 
      Biosphere Expeditions, a non-profit-making research and conservation organisation offering hands-on wildlife conservation and adventures with a purpose for everyone. These projects are not tours, photographic safaris or excursions, but genuine wildlife expeditions placing ordinary people with no research experience alongside scientists who are at the forefront of conservation work. These
      expeditions are open to all, there are no special skills (biological or
      otherwise) required to join and there are no age limits whatsoever.


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Rare Bird Alert

         Not available


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European Endemics and Specialities

in the Ukraine

Information on endemics and specialities is derived from Sibley & Monroe checklists and bird distribution lists in Thayer's Birder's Diary - Version 2.5, supplemented by material found in Where to Watch Birds in Europe and Russia - by Nigel Wheatley. Speciality birds, while not endemic, are those that can only be found in three or less countries of Europe. Species printed in bold italic can only be found in the Ukraine. Information on endangered birds is derived from the IUCN Red List, Birdlife International, and supporting data bases developed by Ian Patton, of Merlin Species Watcher.  The endemic, endangered and speciality birds may be uncommon, extremely rare vagrants, may be extirpated in the country now or may only be present in migration. However, documented sightings of each species noted below have been made in the Ukraine. 

European Endemics in the Ukraine - No national Endemics

Endangered Birds in the Ukraine

Breeding Birds

Non-Breeding Birds

___ Aquatic Warbler
___ Corn Crake
___ Dalmation Pelican
___ Ferruginous Pochard
___ Great Bustard
___ Greater Spotted Eagle
___ Imperial Eagle
___ Lesser Kestrel
___ Red-breasted Goose
___ Slender-billed Curlew
Other Notable Birds in the Ukraine
(from Where to Watch Birds in Europe and Russia - by Nigel Wheatley)

___ Black Stork
___ Black-winged Pratincole
___ Chukar
___ Cinereous Vulture
___ Common Crane
___ Demoiselle Crane
___ Great Black-headed Gull
___ Great White Pelican
___ Levant Sparrowhawk
___ Little Bustard
___ Little Crake
___ Paddyfield Warbler
___ Pallid Harrier
___ Pygmy Cormorant
___ Ruddy Shelduck
___ Saker Falcon
___ Slender-billed Gull

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