of the 246 species
Hotspots |
(Pause your cursor on the photo to see the species name. Click on the birds for more info... ) ... |
....Medicine Lake NWR - Marsh and water areas
....National Wildlife Refuges Index - Montana. Includes links
....Bowdoin National Wildlife Refuge - from AmazingOutdoors.com.
....Birding Hotspots of the Gallatin Valley - Descriptions of the
....Birding in the Helena Valley - a clickable map brought to you by
....Wildlife in Montana - Montana Fish and Game Department -
....Lee Metcalf National Wildlife Refuge - lies along
....National Bison Range & Ninepipe National Wildlife Refuge - There are
....A June Trip to Montana and Alberta, Canada - June 16 – 19, 1999 -
....Montana Trip Reports - a number of Montana trip reports are available
birdingpal.com...>> | A Birding Pal is not a paid guide, but someone who likes to help out of town visitors. You can become a Birding Pal today! Help someone to enjoy your local birding spots and find a pal to help you when you travel. Click here for Montana Birding Pals, or join to be a Birding Pal! |
....Montana Owl Workshop with Victor Emanuel Nature Tours (VENT) -
....Montana June with Victor Emanuel Nature Tours (VENT) - This
....Montana Audubon Bird Festival. This years event in May 31 -
Big Fork Hotline: (406) 756-5595 See also the Montana Audubon Rare Bird Hotline page |
___ Anna's
___ Baird's Sparrow ___ Black-chinned Hummingbird ___ Black-headed Grosbeak ___ Black-throated Sparrow ___ Blue Grouse ___ Brewer's Sparrow ___ Bullock's Oriole ___ California Gull ___ Calliope Hummingbird ___ Canyon Wren ___ Cassin's Finch ___ Chestnut-backed Chickadee ___ Chestnut-collared Longspur ___ Clark's Grebe ___ Clark's Nutracker ___ Common Poorwill ___ Cordilleran Flycatcher |
___ Ferruginous Hawk
___ Grey-crowned Rosy-Finch ___ Harris's Sparrow ___ House Finch ___ Le Conte's Sparrow ___ Lewis's Woodpecker ___ McCown's Longspur ___ Mountain Bluebird ___ Mountain Chickadee ___ Mountain Plover ___ Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow ___ Pileated Woodpecker ___ Pinyon Jay ___ Prairie Falcon ___ Pygmy Nuthatch ___ Red-bellied Woodpecker ___ Red-naped Sapsucker ___ Red-shouldered Hawk |
___ Ruffed Grouse
___ Sage Sparrow ___ Sage Thrasher ___ Say's Phoebe ___ Sharp-tailed Grouse ___ Smith's Longspur ___ Spotted Towhee ___ Spruce Grouse ___ Townsend's Solitaire ___ Trumpeter Swan ___ Western Bluebird ___ Western Grebe ___ Western Screech-Owl ___ Whooping Crane ___ White-headed Woodpecker ___ White-tailed Ptarmigan ___ Williamson's Sapsucker |