1999 Additions Archive

November 4, 1999
November 3, 1999
November 1, 1999
    ......Urs Geiser of the Trip Report Archive has changed his
      URL. In the process of going through all the trip reports on this website to update the links, numerous new trip reports were located in Asia, Europe, Africa, and the Middle East. Hit reload on your browser if you had visited countries on these continents previously.
October 25, 1999
October 23, 1999
    ......Two additional countries were set up today: Bhutan and
October 16, 1999
October 14, 1999
October 12, 1999
September 29, 1999
September 2, 1999
August 22, 1999
August 13-22, 1999
    ......Some times you need more than virtual birds. 
      So I'm off to the remoter areas of British Columbia to see what's headed down from Alaska!


August 8, 1999
    ......Major revisions to the UK pages, especially the England
      page - now organized by county, with many new links added.
July 5, 1999
July 1, 1999
          Added new pages for Kazakhstan and Cape Verde.
          Many, many new links have been added over the last 
      week, primarily outside of North America. Hit reload.
June 23, 1999
June 21, 1999
June 20, 1999
    ......Peter Weber has posted a great Golden-cheeked Warbler
      photo on his website. You can find a thumbnail in Texas
          Finally got around to setting up a page for some photos of
June 17, 1999
June 11 - 13, 1999
          Some times you need more than virtual birds. 
      So I'm off to the eastern slopes of the Rocky Mountains looking for Townsend's Solitaire's, breeding Harlequin and Wood Ducks, and Barrow's Goldeneye!


June 9, 1999
June 8, 1999
    ......Peter Weber added some new pictures - thumbnails are
      placed in the area of highest breeding density: Golden-crowned  Sparrow to Washington, California Condor and Yellow-billed Magpie to California, and Ruddy Duck to Saskatchewan.
June 6, 1999
          Added speciality bird information to Pakistan and Nepal.
June 5, 1999
          Started setting up a web-site for some family friends, the
June 4, 1999
          Added speciality bird information to Korea and Malaysia.
June 3, 1999
          More images! The Erigen Birding Pages have volunteered
      a number of great images for use on this website. In all cases, the area with a high breeding density of these birds was selected as the location for each image: Bar-headed Goose to Tibet; Magpie Goose to Australia; White-cheeked Pintail to Puerto Rico; Fulvous Whistling Duck to Brazil; Hooded Merganser to Ontario; Smew to Russia; and Yellow-billed Duck to South Africa.
June 2, 1999
    ......Jan Harteman has agreed to showcase several of his 
      wonderful waterfowl pictures on this website: Ferruginous Duck (Pochard) to Russia; Grey Teal and Pink-eared Duck to Australia; Southern Screamer to Argentina; African Pygmy-Goose to Ethiopia; Philippine Duck to the Philippines; and Spot-billed Duck to India.
          Many new links added to the England page.
    ......John Firth has agreed to the use of thumbnails of some
      of his great bird images: Tufted Duck to England; Oldsquaw (Long-tailed Duck) to Quebec (highest wintering density); and Eurasian Spoonbill to Austria
          Added some print resources material to New Jersey.
          Added a series of Mark Hancock's trip reports toTrinidad
May 28, 1999
    ......Don DesJardin has sent some new images for his 
      website library. He is thinking about reorganizing his own site, so these pictures are not there yet, but in the meantime, I can use the shots for these pages where they have the highest breeding density: Lesser Nighthawk to Arizona; Wilson's Warbler and McGillvray's Warbler to British Columbia; and Warbling Vireo to Colorado
May 28, 1999
    ......Olivier Debre has given permission for his Sanderling
      photo to be thumbnailed on this site, on the Washington page (highest breeding density in North America).
May 22- 26, 1999
          Some times you need more than virtual birds. 
      So I'm off to Grande Prairie, Alberta via the Rocky Mountain foothills!


May 19, 1999
          More new images today! A Bulgarian tour company, 
      Pandion-D, gave permission to select a few thumbnails from their Photo Gallery: Black Vulture, Glossy Ibis, and Red-breasted Goose to Bulgaria, and Egyptian Vulture to (guess where) Egypt.
          Three new images from Dan Cowell's great site - three
      endemic (exept in captivity) and endangered birds from China: Temminck's Trangopan, Blyth's Trangopan and Reeve's Pheasant.
May 18, 1999
May 17, 1999
May 15, 1999
    ......Revised home/main page to make it more "user friendly" 
      for those using a 640 x 480 display on their computer.
    ......Registered as an Amazon.com Associate, and started
May 7, 1999
    ......Began transcriptions of the Edmonton Rare Bird Hotline,
      since I could never find my notes from earlier calls!
May 6, 1999
    ......I will never be finished the speciality birds in Asia! Have 
April 30, 1999
    ......Recieved many submissions of new URLs recently,        Wrote up a new site guide (or at least linked a personal
April 24 - 26, 1999
    ......Some times you need more than virtual birds. 
      So I'm off to Lethbridge, Alberta to work (and bird)!


April 22, 1999
    ......Set up a Country Index, including National Birds for
      those countries where I have found the information. Please let me know if you are aware of any National Birds that are not on the list.
April 16, 1999
          Set up new pages for Slovakia and Tibet, and in the
      process,  found a whole series of Eastern Europe trip reports which I scattered around the various countries.
April 13, 1999
          Completed the addition of endemic and speciality bird
April 12, 1999
          Completed the addition of endemic and speciality bird
      information to all African countries.
April 10, 1999
          Received final copy of the revised version of RedBook on
      endangered birds - rechecking all completed countries. Added listing of endangered birds to Mexico.
          After being alerted by a reader to a technical problem 
      with Internet Explorer 3 and 4, have worked through all country/state/province pages correcting the technical specifications for title tables so that the menu bar at the right top of the page shows vertically instead of horizontally. Thank you for all that work, Bill Gates!
April 3, 1999
          Set up a new page for our newest territory in Canada. 
      The Northwest Territories has been split in two to make the new territory of Nunavut. Most of the best birding sites went to the new terrritory.
March 22, 1999
          New pictures today! Peter Weber contributed a Eurasian 
      Tree Sparrow for the Missouri page, a Black-tailed Gull from China, and Jan Kåre Ness mounted a whole gallery of great photos from Eliat, Isreal. See the Cretzschmar's Bunting, Spur-winged Plover and Black Bush Robin on the Israel page.
March 22, 1999
          Set up a new "site guide" (more of a happy
      remembrance of a great day) for Whiffen Spit, near Sooke, B.C., near Victoria. 
March 12-21, 1999
          Some times you need more than virtual birds. 
      So I'm off to Vancouver Island, British Columbia. 


March 11, 1999
          Set up a new page on "Fun Stuff for Birders". I am now 
      looking for cynical statements on birding, bird jokes, humerous incidents and inciteful reports! 
February 21, 1999
    ......Paul and Helen Harris have contributed some great 
      African bird photos: Kori Bustard and Great Cormorant were photographed in Kenya, Rosy-patched Bush-shrike to Ethiopia, Baglafecht Weaver to Malawi, Black-faced Sandgrouse to Somalia, and WaterThick-knee to Uganda
February 13, 1999
February 11, 1999
February 10, 1999
          The Mauritius Wildlife Foundation has contributed 
      several photos of endangered birds from Mauritius - the Mauritius Kestrel, the Mauritius Parakeet, and the Pink Pigeon.
          Added a new page for Gibraltar
    ......Sjaak Schilperoort has agreed to showcase several 
      great bird photos from the Canary Islands - Berthelot's Pipit (endemic), Lesser Short-toed Lark, Great Grey Shrike, and Stone Curlew.
February 9, 1999
    ......Peter Miller has volunteered some great images of 
February 6, 1999
January 30, 1999
January 29, 1999
          Jan Kåre Ness has offered some photos from his "Rare
January 28, 1999
January 27, 1999
    ......Marc Tailly sent word of a marvellous new trip report on 
      the Gambia. In further exploration of his website, I discovered another great trip report. It encouraged me to set up a whole new page for Armenia
          To help sorting out the multinational tour companies in 
      Tours and Guides, flags were added to indicate the "home" location of the tour company.
January 26, 1999
          Ronald  Orenstein sent a note to update his great Video 
      Birding in Madagascar URL. His new Video Birding report for Venezuela was added, and with his kind permission, four bird thumbnails (Tropical Kingbird, Saffron Finch, Black-chested Buzzard-eagle, and Bar-winged Cinclodes) were added to Venezuela
          Information on endangered birds was added to all 
January 24, 1999
          All kinds of new photos today! All the North American 
      birds have been placed in the state/province with the highest breeding density.  Don DesJardin's Common Snipe goes to Idaho, and the Dusky-capped Flycatcher only breeds in Arizona.
    ......Tony Galvan got all his great photos mounted on the Web, 
      and has contributed a Red-Shouldered Hawk for Texas, a Red-tailed Hawk to Oklahoma, a Loggerhead Shrike for Kansas, a Pileated Woodpecker for Arkansas and an Acorn Woodpecker to California
    ......Mark Bittner has offered photos of a Red-necked 
      Parakeet for Peru, and a Blue-crowned Parakeet for Bolivia.
    ......Ruud and Kitty Kampf have taken some marvellous 
      photos of Southern Hemisphere birds: Torrent Ducks and a Dolphin Gull for Chili, Gentoo Penguins and Snowy Sheathbill for Argentina, and Black-browed Albatross, Cape Petrel, and the Antarctic Shag from Antarctica. They also provided some wonderful shots of a Spoonbill Sandiper for Korea, and a Steppe Eagle for Israel
January 23, 1999
January 21, 1999
          Ross Warner's web site is back in operation! His 
      amazing Tanzania Photo Safari pictures were relinked. Also, added one of Ross's great Barred Owl pictures to Louisiana (highest breeding density). 
January 17, 1999
          David Tripp of the Litchfeild Audubon Society has 
      given permission for two of his great bird photos to be used: Crested Oropendola and White-necked Jacobin both come from Trinidad (also in the World Bird Sampler).
January 16, 1999
          Set up new web pages for Iceland and Greenland
          Completed updating of dates for all tours information for 
January 11, 1999
          Completed the analysis of endemic, endangered and 
January 5, 1999
January 4, 1999
          Finally completed updating of all 1999 festival dates for 
      US States. Added individual maps for all states and provinces.
January 1, 1999