Birding Factoids

425 species
in 48 families

27 of the 246 species 
endemic to 
North America are 
represented here. 
No state endemics
No USA endemics

    New Jersey
Checklist of New Jersey BirdsLocal EventsTours and GuidesRare Bird AlertsSpeciality BirdsPrint ResourcesMap
Check out the Birds of New England website for more information on specific species information.
See also Jonas Mollan's Cape May Bird Gallery.
New Jersey Specialities
(Pause your cursor on the photo to see the species name. Click on the birds for more info... )
American Goldfinch - New Jersey State Bird - Photo by Jim Stasz
Photo by Jim Stasz


    Key to Icons....The Cape May Bird Observatory - more information on  Key to Icons....Cape May - Birding and Eco-Tourism
    Key to Icons....Edwin B. Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge,
      Brigantine Division, NJ - The refuge is about a 1-1/2 hour's drive from Philadelphia, just north of Atlantic City. It has an 8 mile loop drive around enclosed freshwater and brackish ponds surrounded by tidal salt marshes and open salt water, and some forest. RAMSAR information.
    Key to Icons....Delaware Bay Delaware-New Jersey, USA Hemispheric
      Reserve. 80 km. of shoreline along the lower Delaware Bay, approximately from the Cohansey River, south to Cape May Point on the New Jersey side. From Woodland Beach to Cape Henlopen on the Delaware side. Also includes the adjacent tidal marsh habitats in both states. RAMSAR information.
    Key to Icons....Birding in the Delaware Estuary - Here is a place to explore the 
      shorebirds in the Delaware Bay. Shorebird viewing locations are provided for both New Jersey and Delaware.
    ....New Jersey Birding Sites - by Noel Wamer - This site guide will 
      mature over time, and pages for new locations are constantly under development. Each completed site guide has an aerial photograph map, a brief narrative with directions, and a checklist of species that can be expected at specific times of year.
    ....Birding Guide to Southern New Jersey - the Pressplus
      southern New Jersey birding guide. Here you will find a collection of places in southern New Jersey to go birding, including sites in Atlantic County, Cumberland County, Cape May County and Ocean County.
    ....New Jersey Audubon Society Site Guides - organized by
      season, with the best sites for spring, summer and fall birding. Check the Site Archives section for additional site guides.
    ....Birding New Jersey - by Mary Scott. Information is provided on:
      • Brigantine Division, Forsythe NWR 
      • Cape May 
      • Cape May Migratory Bird Refuge
      • Corson's Inlet
      • Hereford Inlet
      • Higbee Beach
      • Nummy's Island
      • Seawatch at Avalon
      • Stone Harbor Causeway 
    ....NJ Coastal Heritage Trail Route’s Watchable Wildlife Sites - Nearly
      everyone likes to see wildlife. Whether it is backyard birds crowding a feeder or an American Bald Eagle soaring over our coastal rivers, we delight in watching these creatures that share the planet with us. This site provides more detailed information on 20 areas in New Jersey where the trails take you to wildlafe areas.
    ....John R. Wallace of U. Washington - The Birding Page gives
      some Birding Hot Spots in New Jersey
    ....Bill Scholtz's New Jersey Photo Albums:  ....National Wildlife Refuges Index - New Jersey - US Fish and Wildlife.
      Includes information on:
      • Wallkill River National Wildlife Refuge
      • Great Swamp National Wildlife Refuge
      • E.B. Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge
      • Supawna Meadows National Wildlife Refuge
      • Cape May National Wildlife Refuge

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Tours and Guides

>>>>>> A Birding Pal is not a paid guide, but someone who likes to help out of town visitors. You can become a Birding Pal today! Help someone to enjoy your local birding spots and find a pal to help you when you travel. Click here for New Jersey Birding Pals, or join to be a Birding Pal!
    ....New Jersey pelagic trips with Focus on Nature Tours - Various dates.
      Tips and edges of deepwater canyons, in New Jersey and Delaware waters. Trip length: 14 hours, 5am - 7pm. Full-day pelagic-trips, onboard the 55-ft Morning Star, a fast boat capable of good speed to get to the offshore canyon, and with full walk-around space for good visibility. Previous trips off New Jersey have shown the Memorial Day weekend to be an excellent time pelagically, for shearwaters, storm-petrels, jaegers, skuas, terns, phalaropes, and even late alcids (puffins). Also: fulmar, gannets, and marine mammals. Over the Labor Day weekend, the 2 back-to-back trips are at the optimum time for the always-sought White-faced Storm-Petrel.
    **..Cape May and Hawk Mountain with Victor Emanuel Nature Tours
      (VENT). Cape May, in New Jersey and Hawk Mountain, in Pennsylvania, are two of the United States' most renowned birding areas. Though sharply different, they both attract splendid autumn concentrations of migrant birds, particularly raptors. Our tour will acquaint us with both places, as well as take in some other nearby hot spots. At Cape May, southbound hawks find themselves in a quandary. They have been moving steadily along the coastline, but here the land ends, and they are surrounded by expanses of water on three sides. This causes a sort of avian traffic jam, and birders are its great beneficiaries. VENT offers nearly 140 tours to over 100 land-based destinations each year and is the largest tour company in the world specializing in birding and natural history.

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Local Birding Events

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Rare Bird Alert

         New Jersey (Statewide) Hotline: (908) 766-2661
         Cape May, Cumberland and Altantic Co., NJ Hotline: (609) 861-0466
         New Jersey Birdbox Hotline: (908) 647-2357
         Check also New Jersey RBA Archives

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North American Specialities in

New Jersey

Information derived from Sibley & Monroe checklists in Thayer's Birder's Diary - Version 2.5.
These counts will differ in minor ways from counts based on the ABA classification,
but an international checklist system was required to enable world-wide
country to country comparisons.These speciality birds may be uncommon, or extremely rare
at this location, or may only be present in migration. However, documented sightings of each species
noted below have been made in New Jersey. Consult the Breeding Bird Survey or
Christmas Bird Count data on the Patuxent Wildlife Research Center website
to determine the "best" place to see each bird. Species printed in blue are endangered.

North American Endemic Specialities in New Jersey - No USA Endemics

___ Bachman's Sparrow
___ Bewick's Wren
___ Black-chinned Hummingbird
___ Black-headed Grosbeak
___ Black-throated Sparrow
___ Carolina Chickadee
___ Cassin's Sparrow
___ Chestnut-collared Longspur
___ Fish Crow
___ Harris's Sparrow
___ House Finch
___ Le Conte's Sparrow
___ Mountain Bluebird
___ Nelson's Sharp-Tailed Sparrow
___ Pileated Woodpecker
___ Red-bellied Woodpecker
___ Red-shouldered Hawk
___ Ruffed Grouse
___ Sage Thrasher
___ Saltmarsh Sharp-tailed
___ Sparrow
___ Say's Phoebe
___ Seaside Sparrow
___ Smith's Longspur
___ Spotted Towhee
___ Townsend's Solitaire
___ Tufted Titmouse
___ Western Grebe

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Print and Other Resources on Birds

and Birding in New Jersey

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Links checked December 1, 2000