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African Countries - Comparative Birding Statistics
African Endemic Family List
African Endangered Species

African Birding Hotspots by Country

...Azores ...Cote d'Ivoire ...Madagascar ...Senegal
...Algeria ...Djibouti ...Madeira Islands ...Seychelles
...Angola ...Egypt ...Malawi ...Sierra Leone
...Benin ...Eritrea ...Mali ...Somalia
...Botswana ...Ethiopia ...Mauritania ...South Africa
...Burkina Faso ...Gabon ...Mauritius & Reunion ...Sudan
...Cameroon ...Gambia ...Morocco ...Swaziland
...Canary Islands ...Ghana ...Mozambique ...Tanzania
...Cape Verde ...Guinea ...Namibia ...Tunesia
...Central African Republic ...Kenya ...Niger ...Uganda
...Chad ...Lesotho ...Nigeria ...Zambia
...Comoros & Mayotte ...Liberia ...Sao Tome & Principe ...Zimbabwe
...Congo (Zaire) ...Libya

For general African information, see the African Bird Club.
This page does not identify the relative ranking of the birding "hotspots".
Click here to find out about the way that sites were identified.

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African Endemic Family List

Information on endemics is derived from Sibley & Monroe checklists and bird distribution lists in
Thayer's Birder's Diary - Version 2.05.
These bird families can only be found in Africa.

Ground Hornbills
African Barbets


African Endangered Species

Information on endangered birds is derived from the IUCN Red List, Birdlife International, and supporting data bases developed by Ian Patton, of Merlin Species Watcher.
Breeding Birds

Non-Breeding Birds

___ Abbott's Booby
___ Abbott's Starling
___ Adelbert's Eagle
___ Alaotra Grebe
___ Albertine Owlet
___ Amani Sunbird
___ Ankober Serin
___ Anjouan Scops-Owl
___ Appert's Greenbul
___ Archer's Lark
___ Ash's Lark
___ Ballman's (Gola) Malimbe
___ Bamenda Apalis
___ Banded Sunbird
___ Banded Wattle-eye
___ Bannerman's Turaco
___ Bannerman's Weaver 
___ Barau's Petrel
___ Bates Weaver
___ Benson's Rock-Thrush
___ Bernier's Teal
___ Bernier's Vanga
___ Black-capped Rufous Warbler
___ Black-cheeked Lovebird
___ Black-chinned Weaver
___ Black-faced Waxbill
___ Blue Chaffinch
___ Blue Swallow
___ Bolle's Pigeon
___ Brown Mesite
___ Bulo Burti Boubou
___ Cameroon Speirops
___ Cape Griffon
___ Cape Verde Petrel
___ Cape Verde Sparrow
___ Cape Verde Swamp-Warbler
___ Chapin's Flycatcher
___ Cholo Alethe
___ Clark's Weaver
___ Comoro Drongo
___ Comoro Scops-Owl
___ Comoro White-eye
___ Congo Bay-Owl
___ Congo Peacock
___ Dappled Mountain-Robin
___ Degodi Lark
___ Dusky Greenbul
___ Dwarf Olive Ibis
___ East Coast Akalat
___ Fea's Petrel
___ Fernando Po Swift
___ Ferruginous Lark
___ Ferruginous Pochard
___ Gabela Akalat
___ Gabela Bushshrike
___ Gabela (Angola) Helmetshrike
___ Ghana Cuckooshrike
___ Giant Sunbird
___ Golden-naped Weaver
___ Grauer's Broadbill
___ Grauer's Scrub-Warbler
___ Great Bustard
___ Green-breasted Bushshrike
___ Green-tailed Bristlebill
___ Grey-crested Helmetshrike
___ Grey-crowned Greenbul
___ Grey-necked Rock-fowl
___ Grey-striped Francolin
___ Harwood's Francolin 
___ Hinde's Pied-Babbler
___ Humblot's Flycatcher
___ Humblot's (Madagascar)
___ Heron
___ Ibadan Malimbe
___ Iringa Akalat
___ Itombwe Nightjar
___ Ja River Scrub Warbler
___ Kabobo Apalis
___ Karamoja Apalis
___ Kilombero Weaver
___ Kulal White-eye
___ Kungwe Apalis
___ Laurel Pigeon
___ Lesser Kestrel
___ Liberian Greenbul
___ Loanda Swift
___ Loango Weaver
___ Long-billed Tailorbird
___ Long-tailed Ground-Roller
___ Madagascar Fish-Eagle
___ Madagascar Grebe
___ Madagascar Plover
___ Madagascar Pochard
___ Madagascar Red Owl
___ Madagascar Serpent-Eagle
___ Marbled Teal
___ Mascarene Petrel
___ Mauritius Cuckooshrike
___ Mauritius Black Bulbul
___ Mauritius Fody
___ Mauritius Kestrel
___ Mauritius Olive White-eye
___ Mauritius Parkeet
___ Mayotte Drongo
___ Mount Cameroon Francolin
___ Mrs. Moreau's Warbler
___ Nahan's Francolin
___ Namuli Apalis
___ Newton's Fiscal
___ Northern Bald Ibis
___ Obbia Lark
___ Ochre-breasted (Djibouti) 
___ Francolin
___ Orange-breasted Bushshrike
___ Pink Pigeon
___ Pollen's Vanga
___ Prigogine's Greenbul
___ Principe Speirops
___ Principe White-eye
___ Razo Lark
___ Red Sea Swallow
___ Red-backed Mousebird
___ Red-tailed Newtonia
___ Reunion Cuckooshrike
___ River Prinia 
___ Rockefeller's Sunbird
___ Rodriguez Brush-Warbler
___ Ruwet's Masked-Weaver
___ Rufous Fishing-Owl
___ Rufous-headed 
___ Ground-Roller
___ Rufous-winged Sunbird
___ Ruspoli's Turaco
___ Sakalava Rail
___ Somali Pigeon
___ Somali Thrush
___ Sao Tome Grosbeak
___ Sao Tome Olive-Pigeon
___ Sao Tome Oriole
___ Sao Tome Scops-Owl
___ Sao Tome Sunbird
___ Savadori's Serin
___ Scaly Ground-Roller
___ Schouteden's Swift
___ Serle's (Mt.Kupe) Bushshrike
___ Seychelles Brush-Warbler
___ Seychelles Fody
___ Seychelles Grey White-eye
___ Seychelles Kestrel
___ Seychelles Magpie-Robin
___ Seychelles 
___ Paradise-Flycatcher
___ Seychelles Scops-Owl
___ Seychelles Swiftlet
___ Shelley's Crimson-wing
___ Short-legged Ground-Roller
___ Sidamo Lark
___ Sierra Leone (White-eyed)
___ Prinia
___ Slaty Egret
___ Slender-billed Curlew
___ Slender-billed Flufftail
___ Sokoke Pipit
___ Sokoke Scops-Owl
___ South Pare White-eye
___ Spotted Ground-Thrush
___ Stresmann's Bush-Crow
___ Sub-desert Mesite
___ Swierstra's Francolin
___ Swynnerton's Robin
___ Taita Apalis
___ Taita Falcon
___ Taita Thrush
___ Taita White-eye
___ Tana River Cisticola
___ Thin-billed Flycatcher-Warbler
___ Turner's Eremomela
___ Udzungwa Forest Partridge
___ Uluguru Bushshrike
___ Usambara Akalat
___ Usambara Eagle-Owl
___ Usambara Weaver
___ Van Dam's Vanga
___ Verreaux's Batis
___ Verreaux's Swift
___ Warsangli Linnet
___ Wattled Crane
___ West African
___ Black-Flycatcher
___ White-breasted Guineafowl
___ White-breasted Mesite
___ White-eyed Gull
___ White-headed Duck
___ White-headed Robin-Chat
___ White-necked Rockfowl
___ White-tailed Swallow
___ White-throated 
___ Mountian-Babbler
___ White-winged Apalis
___ White-winged Flufftail
___ Yellow Fody
___ Yellow-bearded Greenbul
___ Yellow-bellied Asity
___ Yellow-browed Oxylabes
___ Yellow-crested Helmet-shrike
___ Yellow-footed Honey-Guide
___ Yellow-legged Weaver
___ Yellow-throated Seedeater
___ Zino's Petrel
___ Auduoin's Gull
___ Corn Crake
___ Dalmation Pelican
___ Greater Spotted Eagle
___ Imperial Eagle
___ Sociable Lapwing


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