your cursor on the photo to see the species name. Click on the birds for
more info... )
Photo copyright Chandler
S. Robbins
copyright Hannu Hautala
Island National Seashore, Maryland and Virginia -
this page excerpted from
a brochure published by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the National
Park Service
Birder's Guide to Baltimore and Baltimore County - The Baltimore
Bird Club. Excerpts from
this book provide descriptions of two favorite Baltimore sites:
Lake Roland
Cylburn Arboretum
Bay - RAMSAR site designation information
Island National Seashore - Three agencies administer
in Maryland by the Maryland Ornithological Society -
Hot Spots and Other Places
to Bird - includes extensive links to source sites for parks, NRAs, etc.
County, Maryland--A Great Place to Watch Birds!
Includes information on
Assateague Island National Seashore
in Worcester County - Worcester County hosts a
variety of birds, both resident and migratory - over 350 species have been
Maryland Birding Hotspots - from the Southern Maryland
Research Refuge - From Refuge Reporter -
No other national wildlife
refuge is like it; nor is there another that is comparable to it in the
entire world. Patuxent Research Refuge in Maryland is unique, to say the
County Birding Sites - this page is under construction,
one link is completed (Conowingo
Dam) and others are under preparation.
Site for Gulls and Bald Eagles - Northeastern Maryland's
Dam is a true winter hotspot, featuring 20-50 Bald Eagles; up to 100,000
gulls; perhaps 20,000 Common Mergansers; as many as 200 Great Blue Herons;
a wide variety of other birds; and a great chance for rarities.
in Calvert County, MD - by Arlene Ripley
Birding Hotspots - from the Cecil Bird Club
County Wildlife Management Areas -
brief descriptions of six
Maryland Wildlife Management Areas, including identification of bird species
to be found at each site.
National Wildlife Refuge - Cambridge, Maryland.
Maryland - by Mary Scott. "Maryland is currently my home,
I'm delighted by the wild and diverse habitat so easily accessible to me
now". This site contains additional information on Blackwater and Eastern
Neck National Wildlife Refuges, Horsehead Wetlands Centre, Great Falls
National Park, Seneca, Sandy Point State Park and Pennyfield Lock on the
Neck National Wildlife Refuge - on the eastern
shore of the Chesapeake
Bay in Maryland. Another
site on the refuge.
Ornithological Society - currently owns and operates
nine sanctuaries located
in various biotic regions of the state. This site provides information
on all 9 sanctuaries.
Wildlife Management Areas - this clickable
map takes you to information
on Maryland's 35 WMAs.
National Wildlife Refuge Index - US Fish and Wildlife
Conservancy of Maryland and District of Columbia -
Cranesville Swamp Preserve
Battle Creek Cypress Swamp Sanctuary
Choptank Wetland's Kings Creek
Robinson Neck/Frank M. Ewing
Nassawango Creek Swamp Preserve