Birding Factoids

319 species
in 47 families

None of the 5 European
endemics are 
represented here. 
No national endemics
No speciality species
5 endangered species

Checklist of Latvian BirdsTours and GuidesRare Bird AlertsSpeciality BirdsMap and General Country Information

Latvian Specialities
White Wagtail - National Bird of Latvia - Photo copyright Nick Lowton
Photo copyright Nick Lowton
    ....Where  to Watch Birds in Latvia - Designed to have a full English
      version, but for the moment only 6 sites (out of 12) are translated. Location, maps, advice and species lists provided for each site.
    ....The Teici Reserve - The Teici Reserve is made up of the
      Teici and Pelecare Bogs, situated in the eastern part of Latvia within the regions of Madona, Jekabpils and Preili. The total area of the territory covers about 24,000ha, and it was designated as a Ramsar site on 5 April 1995.

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Tours and Guides



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Rare Bird Alert

         Not available

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European Endemics and Specialities

in Latvia

Information on endemics and specialities is derived from Sibley & Monroe checklists and bird distribution lists in Thayer's Birder's Diary - Version 2.5. Speciality birds, while not endemic, are those that can only be found in three or less countries of Europe. Information on endangered birds is derived from the IUCN Red List, Birdlife International, and supporting data bases developed by Ian Patton, of Merlin Species Watcher.  The endemic, endangered and speciality birds may be uncommon, extremely rare vagrants, may be extirpated in the country now or may only be present in migration. However, documented sightings of each species noted below have been made in Latvia. 

No European Endemics in Latvia - No National Endemics

Endangered Birds in Latvia

Breeding Birds

Non-Breeding Birds

___ Aquatic Warbler
___ Corn Crake
___ Ferruginous Pochard
___ Greater Spotted Eagle
___ Steller's Eider

No Other Speciality Birds in Latvia

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