Birding Factoids

740 species in Russia/Siberia
No breakdown available for Siberia alone. 

2 endemic species
26 speciality species
43 endangered species 

    (see also Russia)
Checklist of Siberian BirdsTours and GuidesEco-LodgesSpeciality BirdsMap and General Information
Visit Andrey N. Baykalov's Gallery of the Birds of Siberia
Siberian Specialities
Steller's Sea Eagle - ENDANGERED - Photo copyright Charles Moores
Photo copyright Charles Moores

Ferruginous Pochard (Duck) - ENDANGERED - Photo copyright Paul and Helen Harris

Photo copyright Paul and Helen Harris
Siberian Crane - ENDANGERED - Photo copyright International Crane Foundation
Photo copyright International Crane Foundation
Hooded Crane - ENDANGERED - Photo copyright Koji Tagi
Photo copyright Koji Tagi
    ....Rare birds of Chukchi Peninsula and Russian Far East by Vladimir
      Dinets. When Russians say "Siberia", they usually mean only inland areas of Asian Russia. All Pacific Coast, from Chukchi Sea to Ussuriland, is referred to as "Far East". This part is much more interesting for a naturalist or a tourist than Siberia itself. Due to milder climate and less violent glacial history, the Far East shelters the most diverse flora and fauna in the country. This site is lavishly illustrated.
    ....Lake Baikal Basin - includes:
      • Baikalo-Lenskiy Zapovednik Ia (Strict Nature Reserve)
      • Baikalsky Zapovednik Ia (Strict Nature Reserve)
      • Barguzinsky Zapovednik Ia (Strict Nature Reserve)
      • Zabaikalsky National Park II (National Park)
      • Pribaikalsky National Park II (National Park)
      • Frolikhinskiy Zakaznik IV (Habitat\Species Management Area)
      • Kabansky Zakaznik IV (Habitat\Species Management Area)
      The northern lake shores, for example at Barguzinsky Zapovednik, has a faunal diversity that is characteristic of the taiga with 243 bird species, among them white-tailed eagle and capercaillie. To the south, (Baikalsky Zapovednik) there are 260 species of bird, many of them are the same species found in the northern part of the basin.
    ....Birds of Eastern Europe and Northern Asia (within the borders
      of the former Soviet Union). Are you interested in the birds of Eastern Europe and Northern Asia within the borders of the ex-USSR? Are you going to travel within this vast area for birding? Are you going to write a monograph or an extensive article on any bird species, with the main part of its breeding range situated within the border of the former Soviet Union ? Do you have problems with speaking or understanding Russian? If yes, this site is just for you! Below we are happy to offer for your kind attention a series of Proceedings of conferences held in the ex-USSR, and now Independent Countries. All of these materials are published in Russian (but the website author will help with translation).
    ....Beautiful Wildlife of the Russian Far East -
      this commercial website introduces Grus Expeditions is a company devoted to the protection of natural areas in the Russian Far East. Through the International Crane Foundation, we have become acquainted with the situation and see the potential for mutually beneficial cooperation between nature enthusiasts and the Far East's vast wealth of species. We promote the preservation of the local species by bringing together interested citizens of both Russia and the United States. Includes a map of the Far East and links to information on:
      • Muraviovka Nature Park (Amur region)
      • Khinganski Nature Reserve (Amur region)
    ....Birds of Central Siberia - by Andrey N. Baykalov. Generally, about 
      400 species of birds stay here in different times. Some of them already are not to be found any more or turned to be extremely rare. Others appeared here as distant visitants. We have compiled here the most complete list of bird species of this territory. 
    ....Lake Khanka Reserve - 250 kilometers north of Vladivostok
      lie the unique wetlands of Lake Khanka, one of the few remaining havens for rare and fascinating waterfowl. Of the 330 bird species that nest on or migrate through Khanka, one can find many endangered beauties such as White Oriental Stork, White-Naped and Hooded Cranes, and the nearly extinct Japanese Crane. More information on Lake Khanka.
    ....Trip Report: Ussuriland and Amurland - Far East Siberia, May – June
      2003, by Eric Schaumburg, Erik Mølgaard, and Jørgen Bech of the Danish Ornithological Society. The tour was designed to give the participants a thorough coverage of Far East Siberia. We had chosen a selection of excellent and different habitats. The number of bird species recorded was very impressive. We made up a bird list of 250 species and additional 60 species on our days in Moscow region.
    ....Trip Report - Aleutian Island Expedition (30 May - 14 June 1997) 
      with Society Expeditions aboard the "World Discoverer" - by Angus Wilson. This trip report covers a cruise of more than 2000 nautical miles through the Aleutian Island chain from Seward, Alaska to Petropavlosk on the Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia. Although a number of islands within the chain have been birded on a regular basis, the most notably being Attu, relatively few birders have had the good fortune to explore the length of the archipelago, and even fewer groups have been able to visit the Russian Commander Islands.

    ....Siberia/Kamchatka Trip Report - May 18 - June 10, 1995.

      By Elinor Elder. After several years of correspondence, phone calls and unflagging anticipation a trip to Russia's Far East really happened.  This trip, organized by East-West Discovery of Volcano, Hawaii and physically executed by their partners, New Impressions of Vladavostok, Russia was a masterpiece of much planning and hard work. 
    ....Trip Report: Siberia - Some Photos of a trip to Siberia in 1991 - by 
      Ruud and Kitty Kampf.

    Factoids taken from Where to watch birds in Europe and Russia  - by Nigel Wheatley

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Tours and Guides

...>> A Birding Pal is not a paid guide, but someone who likes to help out of town visitors. You can become a Birding Pal today! Help someone to enjoy your local birding spots and find a pal to help you when you travel. Click here for Siberian Birding Pals, or join to be a Birding Pal!
Eurasian Eagle-Owl - Photo copyright Tina MacDonald
Photo copyright Tina MacDonald
    ...."Russia east of the Urals is, on the whole, one of the few parts  ....
    ....Bird watching in the delta of the Lena River, northern Siberia - with
      Arrtic Travel - Yakuta. The Lena River Delta is the main area for nesting of migratory birds in the Arctic. There are 125 species registered in the avifauna. 
    ....Russian Far East (Sakhalin and Ussuriland) - with Birdfinders Holidays
      These remote areas of the Russian far-east are located on the Pacific Ring of Fire, even further east than Siberia! Over 500 species of bird occur in this part of Russia, many of which do not occur in western Russia, including many spectacular and rare ones such as Oriental Stork, Hooded, Japanese and White-naped Cranes and Blakiston's Fish Owl. Over 30% of the plants in these regions are endemic, Brown Bears co-exist with Tigers and there is an astonishing array of insects. The scenery is simply stunning, largely untouched by man, and ranges from rivers, lakes and marshes to mountains and forests. May 31 - June 15, 2003.
    **..Bering Sea Cruise with Victor Emanuel Nature Tours (VENT)
      The opportunities for seabirds and landbirds on this cruise are fantastic. The Kuril Islands, Kamchatka Peninsula, plus the Bering Sea and the Pribilof Islands are among the places you dream of in your wildest fantasies. Now with VENT and the advent of expedition cruise ships, you can enjoy the opportunity of witnessing one of the wildest, most spectacular places on our planet, and all from the comfort of a beautifully appointed ship, Society Expedition's World Discoverer. 
      • Bering Sea Cruise May 26-June 14, 2003  (19 days, limit 59) with leaders Victor Emanuel, Robert Bateman, David Bishop, Lars Jonsson, Kenn Kaufman, Peter Kennerley, Peter Mathiessen, and Barry Zimmer. 
      VENT offers nearly 140 tours to over 100 land-based destinations each year and is the largest tour company in the world specializing in birding and natural history.


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Endemics and Specialities

in Russia and Siberia

Information on endemics and specialities is derived from Sibley & Monroe checklists and bird distribution lists in Thayer's Birder's Diary - Version 2.05, supplemented by material found in Where to watch birds in Europe and Russia  - by Nigel Wheatley. Asian speciality birds, while not endemic, are those that can only be found in three or less countries of Asia. Information on endangered birds is derived from the IUCN Red List, Birdlife International.  The endemic, endangered and speciality birds may be uncommon, extremely rare vagrants, may be extirpated in the country now or may only be present in migration. However, documented sightings of each species noted below have been made in Russia and Siberia. 

Endemics in Russia and Siberia
___ Black-billed Caepercailie ___ Siberian Grouse
Endangered Birds in Russia and Siberia
(endemics are printed in bold italic)

Breeding Birds

Non-Breeding Birds

___ Aquatic Warbler 
___ Baikal Teal 
___ Swan Goose 
___ Lesser White-fronted Goose 
___ Greater Spotted Eagle
___ Imperial Eagle 
___ Baer's Pochard 
___ Ferruginous Pochard 
___ Red-breasted Goose
___ Oriental Stork
___ Swinhoe's Rail 
___ Corn Crake
___ Chinese Egret 
___ Rufous-backed Bunting 
___ Spoonbill Sandpiper
___ Lesser Kestrel 
___ Red-crowned Crane 
___ Siberian Crane 
___ Hooded Crane 
___ White-naped Crane 
___ Steller's Sea-Eagle 
___ Blakiston's Fish-Owl
___ Marbled Teal 
___ Scaly-sided Merganser
___ Steller's Sea-Eagle 
___ Blakiston's Fish-Owl
___ Marbled Teal 
___ Scaly-sided Merganser
___ Crested Ibis
___ Bristle-thighed Curlew 
___ Slender-billed Curlew 
___ Great Bustard
___ White-headed Duck
___ Dalmatian Pelican
___ Steller's Eider
___ Red-legged Kittiwake
___ White-throated Bushchat 
___ Spectacled Eider 
___ Japanese Murrelet
___ Crested Shelduck
___ Nordmann's Greenshank 
___ Sociable Lapwing
___ Japanese Night-Heron

Other Near-endemic and Speciality Birds in Russia and Siberia
(adapted from Where to watch birds in Europe and Russia  - by Nigel Wheatley.)

___ Aleutian Tern
___ Altai Snowcock
___ Azure Tit
___ Blue-cheeked Bee-eater
___ Daurian Partridge
___ Demoiselle Crane
___ Dusky Thrush
___ Eversmann's Redstart
___ Great Grey Owl
___ Gyrfalcon
___ Japanese Grosbeak
___ Japanese Waxwing
___ King Eider
___ Menetrie's Warbler
___ Pallas's Sand-grouse
___ Pied Harrier
___ Ross's Gull
___ Sabine Gull
___ Siberian Accentor
___ Siberian Blue-Robin
___ Siberian Jay
___ Siberian Ruby-throat
___ Siberian Thrush
___ Solitary Snipe
___ White's Thrush
___ White-throated Rock-Thrush

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