Birding Factoids

421 species

One Turkestan endemic 
is represented here. 
No national endemics
2 speciality birds
14 endangered species

Checklist of Kazakhstan BirdsTours and GuidesSpeciality BirdsMap and General Country Information
See the Kazakhstan Birdtours Gallery
as well as Kazakstan Bird Photos
and some more Bird Photos from Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan Specialities
Asian Paradise-Flycatcher - Photo copyright Christian Artuso
Photo copyright Christian Artuso
Sociable Lapwing - ENDANGERED - Photo copyright Nigle Blake
Photo copyright Nigel Blake
White-tailed Lapwing - Photo copyright James Packer
Photo copyright James Packer
Rufous-tailed (Isabelline) Shrike - Photo copyright Nigel Blake
Photo copyright Nigel Blake
White-winged (Black) Tern - Photo copyright Peter Jones
Photo copyright Peter Jones

Relict Gull - ENDANGERED - Photo copyright Vaughan Ashby

Photo copyright Vaughan Ashby
    ....Birding in Kazakhstan - this site provides a comprehensive 
      resource for the independent birder in Kazakhstan. Here, in addition to a complete list of the birds occurring in Kazakhstan with details of regional specialities, you will find information on where to watch birds, accommodation, travelling around, useful bird books and links to many other web resources for those interested in bird watching in Kazakhstan.

    ....Nature Reserves in Kazakhstan - this site provides brief descriptions

      of nature reserves, including the number of species found at each one.
    ....Annotated Ramsar List of Wetlands of International Importance - this
      site contains brief information about:
      • Kourgaldzhin & Tengiz Lakes
      • Lakes of the lower Turgay & Irgiz
    ....Mammals and Birds of Naurzum Zapovednik - Naurzum zapovednik is
      known for its incredible diversity of predatory and migratory birds. There are few places where so many types of eagles and falcons can be found in one place. The reserve provides one of the largest, protected nesting areas for Imperial eagles and Saker falcons.
    ....Birds of Prey in the Naursum Reserve, Kazakhstan. A total of 27
      species of birds of prey, 16 of which are breeding, have been recorded in the Naursum State Reserve. 
    ....Searching for the Slender-billed Curlew: Kazakstan 1998. A joint
      expedition from Glasgow University and The Institute of Zoology (National Academy of Sciences, Kazakstan) to northern Kazakstan to locate unknown populations of Europe’s rarest bird, the slender-billed curlew, and to survey other threatened European species such as the white-headed duck. 
    ....Wings Over Kazakstan 98 - An Ornithological Survey of Globally
      Threatened Species. This was a joint expedition between staff of the RSPB of the United Kingdom and of the Institute of Zoology and Animal Genofund of the Ministry of Science - Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakstan to assess the breeding populations of globally threatened birds in major wetlands in south east Kazakstan. The data gathered will be used to identify these wetlands as Important Bird Areas (IBAs) by BirdLife International. The expedition concentrated on the Ile river delta and Lakes Alakol and Sasakol. 
    ....Trip Report: Kazakstan with Birdfinders Holidays - May, 2000. This trip
      report is in .pdf format. 
    ....Trip Report: Kazakhstan and the Tien Shan Mountains - July 2000. 
      By Dave Hanford. I have very many memories of The Wonders of the Tien Shan Mountains" (with a bird list of 230 species) but the sheer variety of the flowers of the high passes almost makes me want to change from birds to flowers.
    ....Trip Report - Kazakhstan - Short Summary of Lesser White-fronted 
      Goose Expedition. October 4th to 15th 1996. The aim of the expedition was to check the places of the satellite transmitter locations in October 1995 from an adult male L. W-f. Goose Anser erythropus of the endangered Fennoscandian population. The expedition was arranged by the Lesser White-fronted Goose working group of WWF Finland. 
    ....Trip Report: Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. This trip report is provided
      courtesy of Urs Geiser's Trip Report Archive.  June 25 - July 16, 1997 - by Graham Tebb. From 25 June to 11 July 1997 I was on a business trip to Almaty and Kurchatov in Kazakhstan and to Tashkent in Uzbekistan. As it was my first time in the area, I wanted to do a little sightseeing afterwards and was joined by my wife, a non-birdwatcher but very tolerant of my peculiarities, and we went to Samarkand, Shakhrisabz and Bukhara as well as to Sijjak, a small mountain village not far from Tashkent. There is no doubt that there are many interesting and unusual species in these two countries. Unfortunately, though, there is basically no infrastructure to support the independent birdwatcher. There is also little local expertise to guide visitors to the best sites to watch birds. 
    ....Trip Report: Tien Shan Mountains, Kirghizstan and Kazakhstan,
      This trip report is provided courtesy of Urs Geiser's Trip Report Archive. July 26 - August 8, 1997 - by Stuart Reeves. This trip report gives a list of the bird species I saw on a trip to the Tien Shan Mountains in Kirghizstan in July/August 1997. The trip was an organised trekking group rather than a birding group, so birding was opportunistic, rather than the main purpose of the trip. 
    ....Trip Report: Kazakhstan. This trip report is provided courtesy of Urs ....
    ....Trip Report: Kazakhstan - July 2000, by Dave Hanford. I have 
      very many memories of The Wonders of the Tien Shan Mountains" but the sheer variety of the flowers of the high passes almost makes me want to change from birds to flowers.

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Tours and Guides

>>>>>> A Birding Pal is not a paid guide, but someone who likes to help out of town visitors. You can become a Birding Pal today! Help someone to enjoy your local birding spots and find a pal to help you when you travel. Click here for Kazakhstan Birding Pals, or join to be a Birding Pal!
Azure Tit - Photo copyright Vaughan Ashby
Photo copyright Vaughan Ashby
    **..Kazakhstan with Birdfinders Holidays - May 21 - June 3, 2004. 
      Also available with an Altai extension to June 7, 2004. Kazakhstan is situated between the Caspian Sea and the borders of western China and stands at the crossroads of history and cultures. Situated on the great Silk Route, it has an immense diversity of habitats ranging from huge canyons to sand deserts and beautiful Spruce forests.
    **..Kazakhstan Birdtours  - is the company for exciting and tours of 
      Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan has it all - birds, mammals, insects, flowers, fantastic scenery. Whatever your interest you'll find Kazakhstan an experience never to be forgotten, a place of outstanding natural beauty that never stops producing new surprises and delights. If you want to see such hard-to-find species as Ibisbill, Relict Gull, Himalayan Snowcock, Eversmann's Dove, Black Lark, White-winged Lark and Himalayan Rubythroat, along with hordes of Rosy Starlings and many other mountain and steppe specialities, set in a scene of mountains, wild flowers and clean air, then Kazakhstan Birdtours is the company for you.


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Rare Bird Alert

         Not available


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European Endemics and Specialities

in Kazakhstan

Ibisbill - Photo copyright Nick Bray
Photo copyright Nick Bray
Information on endemics and specialities is derived from Sibley & Monroe checklists and bird distribution lists in Thayer's Birder's Diary - Version 2.05, supplemented by information from BirdArea from Santa Barbara Software. Speciality birds, while not endemic, are those that can only be found in three or less countries of Europe. Species printed in bold italic have only been sighted in Kazakhstan. Information on endangered birds is derived from the IUCN Red List, Birdlife International, and supporting data bases developed by Ian Patton, of Merlin Species Watcher.  The endemic, endangered and speciality birds may be uncommon, extremely rare vagrants, may be extirpated in the country now or may only be present in migration. However, documented sightings of each species noted below have been made in Kazakhstan. 
No National Endemics in Kazakhstan - One Asian Endemic and one Turkestan Endemic

___ Ibisbill
___ Turkestan Ground-Jay
Endangered Birds in Kazakhstan

Breeding Birds

Non-Breeding Birds

___ Corn Crake
___ Dalmation Pelican
___ Ferruginous Pochard
___ Great Bustard
___ Greater Spotted Eagle
___ Imperial Eagle
___ Lesser Kestrel
___ Marbled Teal
___ Pale-backed Pigeon
___ Pallas-Fish-Eagle
___ Relict Gull
___ Sociable Lapwing
___ Swan Goose 
___ White-headed Duck
___ White-throated Bushchat

Other Speciality Birds in Kazakhstan

___ Himalayan Snowcock
___ Ibisbill

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