A very useful
site is Albert Masi's site on Maps
& Distribution of the Birds of the Western
Palearctic Region (in five languages) which allows searches for distribution of birds across Europe. See also the Birds of Europe website. Also, for help translating
bird names from one European language to another (or to English),
...Albania | ...France | ...Netherlands |
...Armenia | ...Georgia | ...Norway |
...Austria | ...Germany | ...Poland |
...Azerbaijan | ...Gibraltar | ...Portugal |
...Azores | ...Greece | ...Romania |
...Baleric Islands | ...Greenland | ...Russia |
...Belarus (pending) | ...Hungary | ...Sardinia (pending) |
...Belgium | ...Iceland | ...Scotland |
...Bosnia-Herzegovina | ...Ireland | ...Serbia |
...Bulgaria | ...Italy | ...Siberia (pending) |
...Canary Islands | ...Latvia | ...Slovakia |
...Croatia | ...Liechtenstein (pending) | ...Slovenia |
...Cyprus | ...Lithuania | ...Spain |
...Czech Republic | ...Luxembourg (pending) | ...Sweden |
...Denmark | ...Macedonia | ...Switzerland |
...England | ...Mallorca | ...Ukraine |
...Estonia | ...Malta | ...Wales |
...Faeroe Islands | ...Moldova (pending) | ...Yugoslavia |
...Finland |
This page does not
identify the relative ranking of the birding "hotspots".
here to find out about the way that sites were identified.
Information on endemics is derived from Sibley & Monroe checklists and bird distribution lists in Thayer's Birder's Diary - Version 2.05. |
___ Adalbert's (Spanish)
___ Caucasian Snowcock ___ Citril Finch |
___ Corsican Nuthatch
___ Crested Tit ___ Parrot Crossbill |
___ Red-legged Partridge
___ Rock Partridge ___ Scottish Crossbill |
Information on endangered birds is derived from the IUCN Red List, Birdlife International, and supporting data bases developed by Ian Patton, of Merlin Species Watcher. ... |
___ Audouin's Gull
___ Corn Crake ___ Dalmation Pelican ___ Ferruginous Pochard ___ Great Bustard ___ Greater Spotted Eagle |
___ Imperial Eagle
___ Kerguelen Tern ___ Lesser Kestrel ___ Lesser White-fronted Goose ___ Marbled Teal ___ White-headed Duck |
___ Aquatic Warbler
___ Red-breasted Goose ___ Slender-billed Curlew ___ Steller's Eider |
A small portion of your purchase price for any books purchased by following links from this site will go toward supporting the maintenance and development costs of this site. |
fully revised text. With species accounts, distribution maps, and illustrations on facing pages, it is practically designed and easy to use.