Income Security and
Training Programs
Reform and Job Training Programs: What Congress
Doesn't Know will cost Taxpayers
Billions. By Mark Wilson, Rebecca Lukens Fellow in Labor Policy, The Heritage
Foundation F.Y.I. #61. August 16, 1995.
Department of Labour Employment
and Training Administration -
To further assist Federal
Human Resource specialists in meeting the objectives of the President's
Welfare-to-Work Initiative, the Department of Labor has placed the resources
workshop guide and the 34 Worker Training and Assistance Program training
modules online for access.
Welfare-to-Work Programs for Families Facing
Personal or Family Challenges:
Lessons from the Field by LaDonna Pavetti, Krista Olson, Nancy Pindus,
and Marta Pernas of The Urban Institute and Julie Isaacs of the American
Institutes for Research for the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning
and Evaluation and the Administration for Children and Families. December,
The Receiving End
of Welfare Reform. Jo Anne Schneider,
Institute for the Study
of Civic Values. This article identifies the proposals made by welfare
recipients regarding better linkage between programs to assist in the transition
to independence.
Reforming Employment
Assistance: Helping Australians Into
Jobs. Report on Public Consultations. November, 1996.
Personal and Family
Challenges to the Successful Transition
from Welfare to Work. By
Krista Olson and LaDonna Pavetti for the Office of the Assistant Secretary
for Planning and Evaluation and the Administration for Children and Families.
The Urban Institute, May 17, 1996.
ReWORKing Welfare:
Technical Assistance for States and
A How-to Guide. Work First: How to Implement an Employment-Focused Approach
to Welfare Reform. Amy Brown, March 1997.
Welfare to Work: The
Need to Take Place Differences into
Account. By Hal Wolman,
Ph.D. Technical Analysis Paper No. 45. January, 1996.
The JOBS Evaluation:
Monthly Participation Rates in Three
Sites and Factors Affecting
Participation Levels in Welfare-to-Work Programs. Prepared by Gale Hamilton
of the Manpower Demonstration Research Corporation for the U.S. Department
of Health and Human Services and the U.S. Department of Education, July,
1995. Executive Summary.
Manpower Demonstration Research Corporation
- A number of
key publications and bibliographic
references are available for purchase from this site.
National Conference of State Legislatures. NCSL Legisbrief.
Programs and Services
Available from Canada Employment
Alberta Advanced Education
and Career Development Home