The majority of the reports
that we have written are the confidential property of our clients. However,
there are some reports which have been made public. Where possible, and
with the permission of our clients, we are making them available through
our web site. These reports include:
...Evaluation of the Incentive Payment Program ...Decisions about Tomorrow: Directives for Your Health ...Towards a Core Health Services Framework for Alberta ...Typology of Fraud and Error Control Programs ...Effective and Efficient Service Delivery Through a ...Early Detection and Prevention Programs: Strategies ...Early Detection and Prevention Programs: State ...Capital Health Authority Regional Learning and ...Who is This Guy? International Perspectives on |
Reducing Fraud and Waste in Income Security Programs In Canada - winner of the 1995 Fraser InstituteWaste in Government competition. This competition attracted over 650 submissions. This winning proposal (both provincial and overall winner) identifies several critical types of fraud which the various Canadian federal, provincial, territorial and municipal income security systems find difficult to identify and prevent because of current federal legislation. The following types of fraud account for the majority of inappropriate expenditures, overpayments and waste: undeclared income, multiple program claims and cross- jurisdictional claims. The approach proposed in this concept paper would allow these types of fraud to be more readily controlled. | ||
Evaluation of the Rural Physician Action Plan - completed for Alberta Health, February, 1996. The evaluation of the Rural Physician Action Plan is, in part, based on an analysis of the key factors which influence a physician's decision to locate and stay in a rural practice. Factors which may influence the decision of individual physicians in moving to, and continuing to practice in rural and remote communities could be considered to fall into several categories, including: community factors; market factors; business factors; medical community factors; and information factors. | ||
Decisions about Tomorrow: Directives for Your Health Care. Alberta Health. November, 1994. This public discussion guide is available in .ZIP format (98KB WordPerfect). This discussion paper was produced as a support to a public consultation regarding pending Alberta legislation on "living wills". Although some of the contents of this report have been superceded by the final Alberta legislation, the document is an excellent example of how to develop a public discussion consultation process and obtain quantifiable public feedback. | ||
Typology of Fraud and Error Control Programs - a conceptualmodel developed by C. A. MacDonald & Associates for the use of income security jurisdictions in Canada. There are two main types of error which can be identified on client files in the delivery of Income Security programs: financial and non-financial. Financial errors result in an overpayment or underpayment to the client. Non-financial errors, on the other hand, cannot be directly demonstrated to result in an overpayment or underpayment.A typology of effective mechanisms and initiatives which have been shown to impact fraud and error levels, and the contingent overpayments and underpayments has been developed. This theoretical construct will enable jurisdictions to assess their own fraud and error programs. | ||
Early Detection and Prevention Programs: Strategies for BritishColumbia - Prepared for British Columbia Social Services (March, 1995). The goal of Early Fraud Detection and Prevention programs in the delivery of Income Security is to detect and prevent fraud during the application/intake process so that assistance is denied before benefits are issued. This is in contrast to traditional fraud investigation programs where active assistance cases are investigated upon suspicion or a complaint of existing fraud. This report explores ways in which the American experience in 27 states could be implemented in British Columbia. | ||
Early Detection and Prevention Programs: State Directory. Prepared for British Columbia Social Services (March, 1995). In 1995, there were 27 American states which had implemented Early Prevention and Detection Programs, and a study by he federal Office of the Inspector General identified a weighted average cost-benefit ratios across all of these states of $8.43 saved for every dollar spent on implementation. Details of the responses from a survey of these 27 states are outlined in this companion document, along with contact names and a brief description of the Social Services delivery structure. | ||
Capital Health Authority Regional Learning and Educational Sources - prepared for the Capital Health Authority, Edmonton, Alberta, in February, 1997. This report proposes a conceptual framework which can be used to address health promotion activities. Then, the health education and health promotion activities which are available to residents of the Capital Health region are summarized, based on the findings from an analysis of the organizations included in the inventory. The most effective strategies and supportive conditions for providing health education and health promotion activities are used as a set of criteria for analyzing the activities underway in the Capital Health region. The next chapter presents a brief discussion of partnerships within the Capital Health region. The final chapter provides suggestions for effective action by Capital Health in the field of health education and health promotion with recommendations for the next steps in the development of an action plan. | ||
Effective and Efficient Service Delivery Through a Common Client Identifier: Options and Opportunities - This report is provided in .ZIP format (405kb - Word 6.0). This technical, background report was completed for Human Resource Develoment Canada in March, 1997 to explore the issues and opportunities if a Common Client Identifier for Income Security Programs in Canada was established. The report deals with the ways in which a Common Client Identifier can enhance privacy protection for individuals, improve service delivery, facilitate intergovernmental information sharing, and increase program integrity. | ||
Towards a Core Health Services Framework for Alberta - Consultants' Report - The executive summary of this report can be requested from C. A. MacDonald & Associates. This report was prepared as a background document for Alberta Health in August, 1997. Working with all Alberta regions, and a diverse team of 50 stakeholders, this report describes an approach to defining the range of services to which all Albertans can expect access regardless of where they live in the province. The full report can be obtained from Alberta Health. | ||
Evaluation of the Incentive Payment Program - This report is available in .ZIP format (97KB). This evaluation, under the direction of the Incentive Payment Program Steering Committee, reviewed the historical context, the contextual changes, the program design, and the effectiveness of the program in attracting and retaining rural physicans in Alberta. | ||
MacDonald made the following presentation at the UCOWF(UnitedCouncil
on Welfare Fraud) Conference in Rochester, New York, on September 23, 1997,
on the topic of:
is This Guy? International Perspectives on Client Identification