Privacy Framework
for Smart Card Applications. Privacy
Commissioner of Canada. July, 1996.
Smart Card Forum - a number of
useful articles are located at
ID: Promise and Peril. By Roger Clarke.
Principal, Xamax Consultancy
Pty Ltd, Canberra. Visiting Fellow, Department of Computer Science, Australian
National University. Outline of 7 July 1997. Invited Address to a Workshop
on 'Identity cards, with or without microprocessors: Efficiency versus
confidentiality', at the International Conference on Privacy, Montreal,
23-26 September 1997
Consumer Privacy
and Smart Cards - A Challenge and an
OpportunityPrepared by the
Legal & Public Policy Committee - Smart Card Forum
The G7 Healthcare Data Card
Project - This project deals with
international harmonisation
of use of data cards in healthcare. The project deals with the development
and piloting of an international emergency card that would provide the
essential medical information that is vital for an emergency situation,
as well as an international harmonized administrative data set, and an
international professional card that will allow the secure identification
of healthcare professionals when accessing medical data and network services.
cards: the Future of Information - the smart card page at
‘Smart Cards’ Promise Savings,
Improved Services -feature in
the Federal
Employees News Letter.
Cards with Data Encoding Devices and Threats to
cards: Opportunities for public sector applications. Office
of the Data Protection Registrar,
Automatic ID News
- includes articles about smart cards, bar
codes, radio
frequency ID systems, and biometrics.
Backgrounder: Fingerprints vs. Finger
Scans. Ann Cavoukian, Ph.D. Interim Privacy Commissioner,
Digest - a monthly publication presenting an executive
news digest on biometrics,
identification, security, fraud, finger imaging, voice recognition, retinal
scanning and other means of positive identification.
Personal Security that supercedes
the PIN - a summary of the
Biometrics Report, by Emma
Touching Big
Brother: How biometric technology will fuse flesh and
By Simon G. Davies. Department of Law. University Of Essex, United Kingdom.
"Information Technology & People", Vol 7, No. 4 1994
Mytec Technology - this vendor specializes
in privacy protection
Security: Government Applications and Operations
Joseph P. Campbell, Jr.,
Lisa A. Alyea, and Jeffrey S. Dunn, Biometric Consortium, R221, 9800 Savage
Road STE 6516, Fort Meade, Maryland, USA 20755-6516.
Update on
the US Government's Biometric Consortium - Lisa A.
The Biometric Consorium
- an outstanding set of links to the
activities of the US federal
government in the area of biometrics.
Connecticut's Biometric Identification Project.
State of Connecticut Department
of Social Services
Digital Imaging
- Connecticut survey of clients who have
just been been digitally
imaged for AFDC. 3/29/96 to 4/3/96
Identification and Benefit Report - report provided to the
City Council of Metro Toronto
regarding the proposed biometric identification system for welfare clients.
May 9, 1996.
Cost-Effective Biometric Identification
for Welfare and Social
Fingerprinting in Human Health and Society. Written
by David F. Betsch, Ph.D.,
Biotechnology Training Programs, Inc. Edited by Glenda D. Webber, Iowa
State University Office of Biotechnology.