Towards a Core Health Services Framework
for Alberta
- Consultants' Report
- This report was prepared as a background document for Alberta Health
by C. A. MacDonald & Associates in August, 1997. Working
with all Alberta regions, and a diverse team of 50 stakeholders, the executive
summary to this report describes an approach to defining the range of services
to which all Albertans can expect access regardless of where they live
in the province. 
Community Responsibility
for Health Policy: Tools, Structures,
and Financing. Recommendations
from American Health Decisions. Report written by Michael Garland, Oregon
Health Decisions.
Issues and Options for Change: Social Services
Income Support in Canada: A Statistical Profile.
Robert Roach & Todd
Hirsch. Pub # : 9611, Canada West Foundation. Dec. 1996.
Electronic Policy Network's
Recommended Health Policy Links
Policy Template: a template against which to measure
of policy directives. Nova Scotia Informtation
Technology Initiative
National Conference of State Legislatures:
Policy Project Since 1979, the Intergovernmental Health Policy
Project has been America's only independent, university-based organization
devoted solely to research and reporting on health care policy at the state
and local levels.
Department of Health
and Human Services. The Office of Health
OHP (US) is concerned with health related issues, including health care
financing. It works closely with the Public Health Service, the Health
Care Financing Administration, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
the National Institutes of Health, the Health Resources and Services Administration,
the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, and the
Food and Drug Administration. The office also conducts a research and evaluation
program which produces information on the organization, financing and delivery
of health services, and on other topics of current policy interest.
Agency for Health Care Policy and Research.
Department of
Health and Human Services.
This site contains many publications of this agency.
National Conference of State Legislatures: Links
to Health
The Centre for Health Services and Policy
Research (CHSPR) is
located at the University
of British Columbia (UBC) in Vancouver, Canada.
Centre for Health Economics and
Policy Analysis - CHEPA is an
interdisciplinary research
centre based at McMaster University that is committed to producing high-quality,
original, socially relevant research in health economics and health policy
analysis, and to disseminating research evidence to decision makers in
the health sector.
Canadian Institute for Health Information
The Manitoba Centre for
Health Policy and Evaluation
undertakes population-based
health services research and policy analyses. MCHPE relies upon the unique
Manitoba Health Research Data Base to describe and explain patterns of
care and profiles of health and illness.