Measurement in Government - the City of Grande
Prairie has amassed a serious
collection of links (and other bibliographic materials) on Performance
Measurement. This site is worth visiting if only for the links!
Up '96 - Performance Measures in the Alberta
a COmputerized Needs-Oriented QUality
Measurement Evaluation SysTem.
It is a prototype system for collecting and evaluating clinical performance
Managing for Results:
Prospects for Effective Implementation of
the Government Performance
and Results Act. T-GGD-97-113. 19 pp. June 3, 1997.
Managing for Results:
The Statutory Framework for Improving
Federal Management and Effectiveness.
T-GGD/AIMD-97-144. 23 pp. June 24, 1997.
Evidence Based Medicine:
Bridging Evidence to Practice, 1997,
Evidence-Based Medicine
Working Group
The NHS Centre for
Reviews and Dissemination (CRD) aims to
identify and review the
results of good quality health research and to disseminate the findings
to key decision makers in the NHS and to consumers of health care services.
The reviews cover the effectiveness of care for particular conditions,
the effectiveness of health technologies and evidence on efficient methods
of organising and delivering particular types of health care. The NHS Centre
for Reviews and Dissemination is funded by the NHS Executive and the Health
Departments of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
The Cochrane Collaboration
facilitates the creation, review,
maintenance and dissemination
of systematic overviews of the effects of health care. The Cochrane
Informatics Group develops and evaluates strategies for enabling
the work of the Collaboration. The Canadian Cochrane Centre
receives funding from the Conference of Deputy Ministers of
Health of Canada and the Medical Research Council of Canada, as well
as staff and equipment support from the Health Information Unit of the
Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics at McMaster University.
The Health Information Research
Unit at McMaster University
studies the phenomenology
of health information, develops information tools to support evidence-based
medicine and evaluates informational health interventions.
Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine,
National Health Service
(UK) Research and Development
Health Evidence Application
and Linkage Network (HEALNET) -
Performance Measurement
in Selected Public Health Programs
Guiding Principles
for Performance Measurement. Minnesota
Performance Measurement.
Joint Commission on Accreditation
of Health Care Organizations.
Includes performance measurement systems, as well as criteria for developing
Performance Measurement into the Budget Process -
Government Performance and
Results Act Implementation
Performance Measurement, Organizational Technology and
Design. Arie Halachmi and Geert Bouckaert. Arie Halachmi is based at
the Institute of Government, Tennessee State University, Nashville, Tennessee,
USA; and Geert Bouckaert is based at the Public Management Centre, Catholic
University Leuven, Leuven, Belgium.
Measures in the Public Sector. Utah State
Government. Includes section
on performance measures for State Governments, and guidelines for developing
performance measures, as well as detailing Utah's experience in performance
and Performance Measurement Systems: an
Alliance for Redesigning Government. National Acadamy of Public Administration.
Health Outcomes Clearing House at the Australian
Institute of Health and
Clearing House on Health Outcomes at the Nuffield Institute