Abstracts of the Case Studies
presented at the District Health Council Information Sharing Forums, June
& July, 1996. Developed by: The Centre for Health Promotion, University
of Toronto, October, 1996.
from the "The Effectiveness of Health Promotion:
Canadian and International
Perspectives" Conference, held June 17-19, 1996 available in downloadable
.pdf format.
from the "The Effectiveness of Health Promotion:
Canadian and International
Perspectives" Conference, held June 17-19, 1996 available in downloadable
.pdf format.
provides links
to Health Promotion Research Centres, Schools of Public Health, and other
Internet Resources of Health Promotion or Public Health Interest in many
areas of the world, including Canada and the United States.
And Transforming a Project to Local Ownership. Maurice B. Mittelmark,
Ph.D., Professor, Department of Psychosocial Sciences and Research Center
for Health Promotion School of Psychology, University of Bergen, Bergen,
Norway. Internet publication: 15 December, 1996
School/Community Systems.
This is a staff development model, where the "staff" targeted are both
educators and health professionals. The curriculum" of this staff
development course is presented in two ways. First, life stories (case
examples) are used to demonstrate common pitfalls in communication between
professionals in health and in education. Second, a "Healthy Systems Model"
is presented that assists schools and health units to assess their own
current practices and then make the changes they want.