Statistics Canada
Reports. Canadian Dimensions: The People.
Health Reports from Statistics
Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical
Research -
Research in Progress at the Office of Health Policy.
September, 1996.
This compendium summarizes the content and status of
health policy research in progress in FY 1996 sponsored by the Office of
Health Policy (HP) of the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning
and Evaluation (ASPE) within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
(HHS). Research within HP informs the HHS policy development process by
producing information on the organization, financing, and delivery of health
services within the United States.
The Centre for Health
Economics (CHE) specialises
in health economics
research, its principal areas of research activity include:
economic evaluation of health technologies, outcome measurement, primary
care, community care, the determinants of health.
Undertaking Systematic
Reviews of Research on
Centre for Reviews and Dissenmination (CRD) Guidelines
for Those Carrying Out or Commissioning Reviews. CRD Report Number 4 January
National Information Center
on Health Services
and Health Care Technology
(NICHSR). The NICHSR was created at the National Library of Medicine to
improve the collection, storage, analysis, retrieval and dissemination
of health services research, clinical practice guidelines and health care
technology assessment. Includes access to HSTAT (Health Services/Technology
Assessment Texts), a fulltext database for clinical practice guidelines
including those supported by the AHCPR and DIRLINE, an NLM database of
organisations including those involved in technology assessment and practice
guidelines development.
Welfare Research: The
California Work-Pays Demonstration
The California Work Pays Demonstration
Project (CWPDP) is a collaborative effort of the California Department
of Social Services Research Branch (CDSS-RB), the University of California
Data Archive and Technical Assistance (UC DATA) and the Survey Research
Center at the University of California.