Winchell Lake, near Water Valley,


Residents and friends of the Winchell Lake area are soliciting support to prevent inappropriate development in the valley which contains Winchell Lake and a number of smaller water bodies, know as Winchell Coulee. The development, which involves draining the wetland adjacent to the lake, will result in a decreased water flow in and out the Winchell Coulee. This will lead to degradation of the sports fishery in the valley, closing of a natural wildlife movement corridor, and habitat destruction which will threaten key breeding areas for a number of critical bird and animal species.
This website includes information on:
  • Map showing location of the Water Valley in Alberta, Canada
  • A description of Winchell Coulee (taken from Environmentally Significant Areas of the County of Mountain View, August, 1991, Sweetgrass Consultants. Prepared for the Red Deer Regional Planning Commission, and Alberta Forestry, Lands and Wildlife)
  • Two recent newsletters provided to residents and friends of Winchell Coulee

Yes! I want to help!

(Click here for things you can do to assist)
The residents and friends of Winchell Coulee, Alberta,
thank you for your support!
Site last updated on September 3, 1998.
Contact the webmaster, if you have any questions about this web-site.