Useful Internet Resources


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Stamp Auction Central -  the ultimate web site for collectors looking for information about stamp auctions.
American Philatelic Society : the search engine for stamp collectors!
AskPhil -- stamp collecting questions and answers, etc -.This is an excellent reference source on a wide variety of topics and the Arthur Salm Philatelic reports are particularly useful regarding the proper procedures for storage.
AmeriStamp Expo 2000 - Information Page
Filahome Philatelic Magazine - Each month new philatelic articles are published on this site.
Philatelic Links - This is a collection of links to various stamp topics
Joseph Luft's Philatelic Resources on the Web- A collection of over 2,000 links covering all areas of Philatelly
Linn's Stamp News Online: The Internet Source for Stamp Collecting Information
StampFinder -Postage Stamps, Covers, Philatelic Supplies
RPSC - the Royal Philatelic Society of Canada
Junior Philatelists of America
Mendocino Coast Stamp Club