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Pickled Eggs – from Rhonda S

1 dozen eggs, boiled and peeled.
1/2 cup vinegar (can adjust to taste)
12-14 packets of Splenda (can adjust to taste)
2 cans of beets
One jar or other container with a lid, big enough to hold the above ingredients

Heat the vinegar and add Splenda packets until Splenda is dissolved. To this, add the juice from both cans of beets. Heat thoroughly, but do not boil.

Place the eggs in the jar and put the beets on top of the eggs. Pour the hot vinegar/beet juice mixture over the eggs and beets. After this cools down some, put on the lid and store in the refrigerator. These are "pickled" after about two days,  but they are really better after about 5 days IMO.