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Desiree’s Crustless Breakfast Quiche

1 teaspoon Butter
1 1/2 cups Heavy cream
1 cup Cheddar cheese -- grated
2 teaspoons dried basil
2 teaspoons onion -- chopped
3/4 teaspoon paprika
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
4 each eggs
Salt and pepper

Preheat oven to 325. Butter (or spay with Pam) bottom and sides of a 9-inch pie pan. Add cream to a medium saucepan and heat until scalded. Reduce head and stir in grated cheese. When cheese is melted, add basil, onion, paprika, and garlic powder. Remove from heat and cool for 5 minutes. Then add one egg at a time and mix in thoroughly until all eggs are used. Salt and pepper to taste, and mix well.

Pour mixture into pie pan, place in oven, and bake until custard is set (45-50 minutes). Serve hot or cold.