to Tell the Birds from the Flowers - for a hilarious trip through a
discussion of how to tell
from plants (like differentiating the Crow from the Crocus, the Cowbird
from the Cowslip, the Tern from the Turnip, or the the Ibis from the 'Ibiscus).
got to keep an eye on Birdwatchers! - by Dave Barry
from the Egg: the Confessions of a Nuthatch Avoider - by Ogden
Nash. Courtesy of the
Valley Audubon Society, Oregon.
the "Who-wouda-thought-it" Department - please help to stockpile penguin
sweaters in
of further oil spills.......
Urban Legends - from the Fat Birder. "Most of the tales are apocryphal…
but some
well documented… a couple even happened to me… but I see no reason to reveal
which ones. Take them all with a pinch of salt and enjoy the rich lives
of your fellow birders… "
Might Be A Birder If.... - take the test, and see if you're a real
birder! Provided by
Universal Laws of Birding - by Jim Frazier. These are the basic laws
of the universe
as they apply to birding.
Or, why you will never see that life bird you travelled thousands of kilometers/miles
to see!
Monica Bay Audubon Society Birds Humour Page - definately worth the
Birding Slang - you have to go right down to the bottom of the page
to find
this, but it's worth the
trip. You might want to check out the "How to go Birding" section on the
way down!
Ten Commandments of Birding - this is what you get when someone challenges
to write down all the things
that every birder knows but rarely talks about...
Humour by Bruce M. Bowman - this is great stuff!
Stuff at i-bird: Check out this site for "Who wants to be a Millionaire",
and a guide to
in bear country..
Field Guide to Hollywood Bird Songs - by Robert Winkler. This great
article outlines why
is tone deaf to the songs of birds. On movie and television soundtracks,
bird songs are often inserted without regard to whether the birds would
ordinarily occur in the locale, season, and habitat depicted in the film.
When a bird sings in the background of the film you are watching, it is
liable to be ornithological fantasy.
Quotes, Jokes, Cartoons, & Silly Stuff - from the Indian
River Audubon Society
Jokes for All Ages - Thayer Birding Software's GREAT contribution to
the lighter side
Know Your Parents Are Fanatic Birders When...A Birder's Daughter's
Top 10 List.
Jokes for Your Kids... Do you want to encourage an early interest in