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Central America - Country Comparisons

Counts and information are derived from Sibley & Monroe checklists in Thayer's Birder's Diary -
Version 2.02. "Specialities" are birds that can only be found in Central America. Note that many 
Central American species are shared only with either Mexico (North America) or Columbia (South America). 
This explains the relatively low number of "specialities". An international checklist system was required to enable world-wide country to country comparisons. Links will take you to the list of endemics and Central
American specialities for that country. Use your browser's BACK button to return to this page.

Country Species Families Endemics Specialities Endangered Species
Belize 572 56 0 2 1
Costa Rica 874 64 6 Costa Rica 
64 shared with Panama
16 11
El Salvador 506 55 0 2 0
Guatemala 721 61 0 6 4
Honduras 725 58 1 12 4
Nicaragua 688 59 0 19 3
Panama 944 59 11 Panama 
64 shared with 
Costa Rica
13 9
TOTAL N/A N/A 79 21 18
