Sharon J Matthias
Sharon provides management and policy services in the human service
sector and First Nation's governments - spanning the fields of health,
occupational health and safety, social services, education and environment.
Her interest is in the development of an integrated, results-based, client
focused, Health and Human Services System which respects the physical,
mental, social and spiritual dimensions of health. Specific areas of expertise
Organization and system design, including accountability systems;
Outcome Based, Client Focused Policy and Program Development;
Mediation/Facilitation of multi-stakeholder decision-making;
Visioning, Strategic Planning and Business Planning; and
Transition management.
Sharon is most helpful in situations where strategic alliances or
creative solutions are a requirement for success, and require new solutions
at the organization and system level. Her achievements are based on her
experience in bringing together community members and professionals to
form productive teams. She uses her strong mediation/facilitation skills,
conceptual problem-solving ability and her innovation and results orientation,
to help groups reach consensus in a timely fashion. This results in programs,
management systems and organizations that are purposefully designed to
achieve the organization's long term vision in ways that provide creative
solutions to complex problems.
Sharon is also an entertaining speaker, and gives presentations and
workshops on her various areas of specialty, and on coping with change.
Sharon has been active in consulting over the last 8 years. Her practice
includes short and medium - term project relationships, as well as periods
of on-site management services. She has over 20 years in government service,
including Assistant Deputy Minister of Health and Regional Social Services
in Yukon Health and Social Services. Her employment history includes the
R.C.M.P. Crime Laboratory (forensic toxicology), Alberta Occupational Health
and Safety, and Alberta Community and Occupational Health (corporate policy,
planning, legislative, evaluation services and "skunkworks").
Sharon has been appointed to the Alberta Provincial Health Council,
a body which monitors and assesses the progress of health restructuring
to achieve a health system which is consumer focused, integrated accessible,
affordable and appropriate. The Council reports annually to the Legislature
through the Minister of Health. This macro-accountability body is the first
of its kind in the Canada health system.
She has an academic background in Pharmacy and Business, and holds
an M.Sc. (Pharmaceutical Chemistry) and an M.B.A.
Principal, Sharon J. Matthias Consulting, Matthias Enterprises Ltd.
1986 - Present
Management and policy consulting in public sector organizations, with
a focus on supporting 'system reengineering'. Most projects involve public
participation and group decision-making and require creativity, conceptual
problem solving and conflict resolution. Selected assignments:
System, Organization, or Program Design / Reengineering
Assisted three First Nations in northern Alberta to develop their Strategic
Health Plans and Business Plans for providing health services to their
members. Developed a service framework and approach that respects the First
Nations' perspective on health and healthy communities, with a balance
of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health, and that respects
the First Nations' approach to management and decision-making. An additional
plan for a Centre of Excellence in Aboriginal Health to deliver Second
and Third Level Services as well as corporate evaluation and policy services
collectively was developed as a part of the projects. The Plans will be
used to support a recommendation for transfer of responsibility for health
services from the federal government.
Designed and managed the project to develop the Health Plan and Business
Plan for a community health board which is providing or overseeing the
full spectrum of health services to First Nation and non-First Nation community
residents. The Plan will support health transfer negotiations with the
federal government. This project essentially designs from the ground up
a 'health system' based on integrated physical, mental, social and spiritual
dimensions of health, with a strategic emphasis on building capacity and
self reliant individuals, families and community.
Assessed the business support functions required to support a provincial
government central agency's business plan and the organization design options
to support the agency's principles for reengineering its operations. Recommended
organization design and operating procedures and transition requirements.
(with The Advisory Group) Conducted a province-wide survey of Albertans'
opinions about the health system and how they use health services. The
survey results provide a baseline for evaluating the Alberta Health System
within the context of results-based government programming and the Alberta
Government Business Plan.
(through Health Consulting Consortium) Developed the Health Profile Assessment
(including needs and strengths) for a Regional Health Authority. The profile
incorporated existing health information with extensive surveys of community
opinion. This approach integrates epidemiology and market-based research
to support development of results-oriented, client-focused programs.
(through Health Consulting Consortium) Assisted an Alberta Regional Health
Authority to develop a Business Plan, under tight timeframes, to create
a results-oriented, client-focused, integrated health system for a region
of Alberta.
Facilitated the development of the Community Supports Model, a new approach
to providing programs and services for people who need personal supports
or technical aids to live and actively participate in the community. Clients
of this approach include those with physical or mental disabilities, seniors,
and Albertans on early discharge from acute care hospitals. This project
brought together community representatives with government departments
of Health, Family and Social Services, Education and Community Development.
Participated in Information System development projects (HIPS for Alberta
Health, the Mental Health Information and Systems Plan and minimum data-set
for integrated Children's' Health and Hospital services in the Edmonton
region). (facilitated group sessions, conducted policy research and prepared
policy papers for selected segments)
Facilitated the development of a concept for an integrated population health
strategy for Alberta, involving communicable diseases, environmental health,
health promotion and health policy development.
Facilitated the multi-stakeholder development of a strategy for Health
Goals and Objectives for Alberta.
Facilitated the development of an integrated model of care for AIDS patients
and their families in the Edmonton area, involving more than 20 agencies
that provide various aspects of service, to support an application for
federal funding of a pilot project in Edmonton area.
Facilitated the development of the program design for the Self Managed
Care element of Alberta Home Care, requiring facilitation of a consensus
among home care, social services and financial systems specialists, persons
with disabilities and seniors.
Facilitated the development of the first phase of the Alberta Program for
the Early Detection of Breast Cancer, bringing together women, professional
groups and services agencies to design this outcome-based population health
program and its implementation.
Oversaw the development of the conceptual design of a Continuum of Continuing
Care for clients of Yukon Health and Social Services.
Strategic Planning
Facilitated a number of strategic planning retreats, including:
College of Family Physicians of Canada - Alberta Chapter;
Department of Family Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, U of A;
Canadian Blood Agency;
Grand Council of Treaty 8 First Nations.
Co-facilitated with Hutchinson and Associates: Jasper Health Council (combined
hospital, health unit and FCSS boards), Ft. McMurray Hospital Board.
Issue Identification and Resolution
Facilitated the workshop for the Task Force on Foreign Qualifications,
which allowed members of the Task Force to reach consensus on issues and
develop recommendations.
Public workshops for the Federal Government Green Plan (in the Western
Region and in Ottawa) brought together interested parties to develop the
public input on specific topic areas.
Facilitation of meetings with an engineering firm and environmental groups
allowed identification of common ground and development of a collaborative
Facilitated Yukon Government/First Nations working party on Family Violence
Policy Development
Secretariat, including preparation of final report, for the Alberta Drug
Plan Review Committee.
Secretariat, Alberta Utilization Monitoring Committee (January - June,
(with Hutchinson Associates) Examined current issues in rural physician
recruitment in Alberta and identified factors to assist Alberta communities
in recruiting physicians. Report "Pockets of Good News" distributed to
over 2000 individuals and groups.
Prepared various policy documents for Alberta Health, including conceptual
policy framework for comprehensive registration policy,
Policy support to Federal/Provincial/Territorial Committee on Uniform Interpretation
of "resident".
Developed policy material to support a major city's transition to meet
the new requirements of the Alberta Municipal Government Act. Included
development of detailed policy and procedures for new Assessment Review
Wrote policy papers and discussion documents to aid in public discussion
of major government policy including "Alternative Strategies in Health
Care" for the Premier's Commission on Future Health Needs for Albertans,
"Occupational Safety and Health Legislation: Key Provisions and Future
Trends in Canada U.S.A. and England, with Implications for the Canadian
Federal Jurisdiction" for Labour Canada; Conference proceedings for "The
Lieutenant-Governor's Conference - Celebrating Alberta's Families", and
"Committing to Action: A Roundtable to Discuss Health and Safety in Small
Organization/System Design and Transition Management
Participated in the management review, organization restructuring and transition
management for Alberta Occupational Health and Safety.
While in government service, was the transition coordinator for the installation
of support services in Alberta Community and Occupational Health and designed
the management system for Spectrum of Continuing Care for Health and Social
Services clients.
(in addition to accountability element in program development projects
described earlier)
Assisted an interdepartmental steering committee to develop a model recommendations
for the involvement of a lay committee in the accountability framework
for specific human services programs.
Developed the conceptual framework for accountability in the mental health
sector, to assist in developing the information systems strategic plan.
Facilitated a workshop and developed a concept paper on the role and development
of standards in the health system.
Evaluated the Labour / Government Employee Secondment Program for Labour
Developed framework for accountability mechanisms between government and
funded agencies and within government departments.
Designed evaluation plan for HIV/AIDS prevention strategies for young adults.
Assistant Deputy Minister, Health and Regional Social Services 1991
- 1993
Yukon Health and Social Services
Responsible for managing resources and services of the health care system,
and for Regional Operations of Yukon Social Services. Health programs are
delivered directly by Yukon Government, through funded agencies, or are
contracted through the federal government (e.g. hospital, community nursing
stations, environmental health, mental health). Required ongoing liaison
with Council of Yukon Indians and First Nations. Major strategic issues
Implementing the Yukon Health Act and transfer of resources from the federal
Implementation strategies for self-government,
Developing a Continuum of Continuing Care to integrate community and institutional
Integration of Health and Social Services,
Developing a health promotion strategy,
Developing the accountability framework for managing program effectiveness
in funded agencies, and
Creating effective links with other sectors (education, economic development,
justice) for "healthy communities".
Executive Director, Management Support Services, 1987 - 1989
Alberta Community and Occupational Health
Provided executive and management support services (strategic planning,
policy issues management, evaluation and management audit, and legislative
Established the division within the newly formed department, and guided
the development of the department's vision and mandate statement.
Created a "skunkworks" capacity to develop innovative solutions for
issue areas in department operations. Community and Occupational Health
encompassed Public Health, Mental Health, Preventive Social Services and
Occupational Health and Safety.
Western Career Assignment Program for Executive Development 1985
- 1987
Sponsored by Alberta Occupational Health and Safety, selected as one
of three Government of Alberta participants on the inaugural program. After
the education segment, completed three job assignments:
Evaluation Branch, Office of the Comptroller-General, Government of Canada
and Labour Canada, to design and implement the evaluation of the Labour-Government
Employee Secondment Program.
Alberta Occupational Health and Safety, to design and carry out a futures
study for occupational health and safety in the next decade, including
interviews throughout Canada with representatives of government, business,
labour and academia.
Alberta Community and Occupational Health and Safety, to be the transition
coordinator for the installation of the support services for the new department.
Development of a Competency Analysis Profile for Occupational Hygienists
and Occupational Hygiene Technologists to support human resource management
Alberta Occupational Health and Safety
1978 - 1985
Initially an occupational hygienist with responsibility for worksite
inspections and toxicological research to support Occupational Exposure
Limits. Promoted through progressively responsible management roles to
Manager, Standards and Projects, providing Health Services legislative
development and province-wide programs. Developed and implemented the New
Plants and Chemical Hazards Information Program, and the Worksite Internal
Responsibility Program. (Studies for M.B.A. were taken part-time during
this period).
Salesperson, Kellough Real Estate 1975 - 1977
Residential Real Estate Salesperson in the Edmonton area.
Section Head, R.C.M.P. Crime Detection Laboratory, Edmonton 1968
- 1975
Initially an Alcohol Toxicologist, then as Section Head, Alcohol Section
supervising professional staff (both regular and civilian members), was
responsible for laboratory, expert witness support and breathalyzer operator
training to assist in the investigation and criminal charges for impaired
driving and other alcohol-related crimes for the R.C.M.P. and municipal
police forces in Alberta, N.W.T. and Yukon, and the Canadian Forces in
Education, Qualifications and Professional Designations
Western Career Assignment Program for Executive Development
M.B.A., University of Alberta
M.Sc. (Pharmaceutical Chemistry), University of Alberta
B.S.P. (Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy), with distinction, University
of Saskatchewan
Honored Fellow, Canadian Institute for Conflict Resolution
Member, International Association for Public Participation Practitioners
Professional Development
A wide variety of short courses, seminars and personal reading related
to management skills. Workshops in Negotiation Skills and Conflict Resolution.
Current areas of interest include how to incorporate aspects of chaos theory;
respecting diversity, individual differences and personal authority; post-modernist
thought and results-orientation to system/organizational design and feedback
Members of Health Committee or Chief and Council:
Beaver First Nation, Dene Tha' First Nation, Tallcree First Nation
Chair, NUNEE Health Authority
Fort Chipewyan, Alberta
Ms Ellen Hambrook
Chair, Provincial Health Council of Alberta
(403) 422 0026
Mr. Ron Henriet, Executive Director or Lloyd Mackenzie, Director of
North Peace Tribal Council
High Level, Alberta
Ed Anderson, Chair
Alberta East Central Regional Health Authority
Stettler, Alberta
Gary McPherson, Chairman and Fran Vargo, Executive Director,
Premier's Council on the Status of Persons with Disabilities
(403) 422-1095
Eric Boyd, Executive Director
Canadian Paraplegic Association
Ottawa, Ontario
Dr. David Moores
Chair, Department of Family Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, U of A.
(403) 492-6611
Mr. Bernie Doyle, Executive Director
Canadian Blood Agency
Ottawa, Ontario
Mr. Steve Petz
ADM Integrated Services
Saskatchewan Health
Mr. Dave Wattling
President, EDM Management Systems Inc.
(403) 448 2492