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Veal Chops with Chile – from Kevin Dow

Make sure to ask your butcher to remove the chine bone, cut the rib bone to 5 inches, and then french it.  Also, ask if they will pound to 1/4 inch thickness for you.

4 veal chops (approximately 8 oz each) -- as above
6 tbsp. olive oil
Minced garlic
Juice of 2 limes

  1. Heat grill or broiler
  2. Combine olive oil, lime juice, garlic and sprinkle with above herbs to taste.
  3. Season both sides veal chop with salt and pepper (so both sides taste good) and place in mixture to coat both sides.
  4. Marinate 1-2 hours
  5. Cook about 2 minutes each side for medium (3 minutes for medium well)

  6. Sprinkle with herbs to taste for plating