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"Hungarian" Beef and Cabbage – from Tracy Miller

I lb. hamburger
1/2 to 1/4 small head of cabbage, shredded
1/2 can or less of Hunts tomato sauce (or other sugar-free)
Dash each salt, pepper, garlic powder
Small dash cinnamon.

Brown ground beef with salt, pepper, and garlic powder; drain - reserve 1 Tbsp. fat. Move beef to one side, cook (wilt) cabbage in the remaining tbsp. of beef fat in other side. When wilted, mix together and add tomato sauce.  Continue to cook for about 10 more minutes. Add tiny dash of cinnamon (to taste). That's it.  Basically it tastes like stuffed cabbage leaves without the hassle of stuffing and rolling (and without the rice, of course).