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Beef Burgoyne
2 ½ pounds round steak or London broil, in 2 inch cubes
2 T. Olive Oil
3 garlic cloves chopped
½ tsp. dried thyme
3 bay leaves
Salt and pepper to taste
½ cup canned consommé, or more as needed
½ cup burgundy wine, or more as needed
6 whole shallots
1 pound market mushrooms
1 tbsp. flour, if needed
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Trim any extra fat and pat the meat dry with paper towels. Heat the oil in a dutch oven and, when it's hot, brown the meat all over. Add the garlic, thyme, and bay leaves. Add salt and pepper and the liquids. Bring to a boil on top of the stove, cover the stew, and bake in the oven for 1 hour.
Check for moisture; if the stew seems to be getting dry, add another
1/2 cup each of the liquids. Add the shallots. Bake another 1 1/2 hours.
Half an hour before serving, add the mushrooms and stir in well. If, when
the stew is ready, the sauce seems thin, remove the solids and sprinkle
1 tablespoon of flour over the sauce. Cook the sauce down a bit over high
heat and add the solid back in before serving.