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Luvmedo Oyster Stew

1 8oz can Oysters in juice(I use Pacific Pearl Cove brand, 2g carbohydrates per serving which they say is 1/4 cup)
3/4 cup Whipping cream plus juice from oysters and water to make 2 cups liquid (it needs to look like the consistency of milk)
1/2 stick butter
1/2 tsp. Worcestershire sauce (I like a bunch of it!)
Pepper to taste (I prefer fresh ground)

In a pot over medium heat melt butter, add seasonings, add liquids and bring to a simmer. Lower heat and add oysters, do not boil oysters they will get rubbery and icky tasting when overcooked. It is ready to eat when the oysters are warmed through. I usually can't help but taste it to make sure the seasonings are right, I like it a bit spicy, and you can add salt if you desire. It could be 4 servings, but I eat half of that batch myself.