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Homemade Cheese – from Georg


Take half a gallon of whole milk and heat on the stove to 200F. DO NOT LET BOIL. Take off heat. Add 1 oz. vinegar, stirring well. If it doesn't curdle, add another teaspoon of vinegar. Strain for one minute in a cheesecloth lined colander (I like a bowl under it to catch the whey - great for breadmaking- but be aware, that's where all the carbs go).

Then dump in a bowl with a tablespoon of butter and a teaspoon of baking soda. Mix well. The butter breaks up the lumps, and the baking soda neutralizes the acid so it won't continue to make whey. That's what makes your ricotta slightly lumpy and creamy. This cheese lasts one week, or can be frozen.

Queso blanco:

Take half a gallon of whole milk and heat on the stove to 180F. DO NOT LET BOIL. Take off heat. Add 1 oz. vinegar, stirring well. If it doesn't curdle, add another teaspoon of vinegar. Strain for one minute in a cheesecloth lined colander. Gather up the corners of the cheesecloth, and hang for an hour. That's why this is called a bag cheese. It will drip. Then you can put the cheese in the fridge. Let age in fridge 24 hours. Then you can eat. This cheese is best when cubed and tossed in a stir fry- it doesn't melt. It can also be used as a substitute for tofu in recipes (same texture - different taste). This cheese doesn't freeze as nice.

Note: different vinegars make different flavoured cheese. I like malt vinegar, and garlic vinegar. :)