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Diem’s Bread Pudding
Start by making:
Desiree's muffin recipe
1/2 tsp. vegetable oil
4 eggs separated
1/2 tsp. cream of tartar
1/4 cup low fat cottage cheese
2 T soy flour (I substituted Proformix apple cinnamon powder)
1 package of artificial sweetener
I added 1 tsp. cinnamon. I separated the eggs and whipped the egg whites with cream of tartar. I mixed the other ingredients in another bowl. I added a little of the egg white mixture into the cottage cheese egg mixture to lighten the batter, then added the rest of the egg whites and folded it in. Poured into paper lined muffin tins (12) and baked 30mins at 300 degrees.
I substituted 2 T proformix apple cinnamon flavor for the 2 T of soy flour (I was trying to make apple cinnamon muffins) and added the spices to make spice muffins. They came out fine and were very light and "eggy" looking and tasting, but I needed more sweetness.
I didn't want to waste them, so I was wondering what I could do with them. (Other than slather SF jelly on them). I took them and sliced them into cubes and air-dried them overnight.
I took the "bread cubed muffins" and put it in a casserole pan. Then I took 2 eggs, and 1 cup cream and mixed it together with more sprinkles of cinnamon. Poured the mixture over the "bread cubes" and sprinkled some log cabin syrup made with Splenda on top and nuked it in the microwave for 6. It's great! Bread pudding, made from Desiree's muffin recipes and a few other experimentals.
I think next time, I’ll pour the whole batter into a loaf pan and bake it like a loaf of bread. the result is very light, and is probably good for French toast as well.
Pudding mixture: take 2 eggs and 1 cup cream and mix with 1 tsp. vanilla.
Pour over bread cubes. Top with low carb pancake syrup. Bake
in 350 oven about 20-30 minutes. (I nuked mine in microwave for 6
minutes, I was impatient).