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Almond Butter Spongecake - from Orit in Israel
Serves: 1
1 egg, separated
1 oz almond butter 1.2
1 tbsp. heavy cream (coconut milk would probably work just as well)
1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
1/8 tsp. stevia powder (or sweetener equivalent to 1 tbsp sugar - up
to 1.5gm carb)
Mix egg yolk with all the other ingredients to make smooth batter.
Whip egg white until stiff. Gently fold whipped egg white into batter.
Pour into small (3"x5.5") loaf pan lined with baking paper (or greased,
I suppose). Bake at low temp (160 C, or 250 F) for 25 minutes.
Nutritional information for entire recipe: carb 2.5gm, calories 315,
fat 26gm, sat. fat 7gm, protein 14gm.
Orit’s Variations on an Original Theme:
I made the quadruple batch in a loaf pan about twice as big as the original.
It came out more dense, less "spongey" - I suppose the whipped egg whites
could only lift the almond butter and cream so high. It still
tasted good. Also kept well in the fridge (but seemed to get
even denser there...). I guess if one wants a taller cake that is still
fluffy, one needs to make two low ones and layer them on top of each other.
Next I tried adding some cocoa powder to make "brownies". Since I
baked them in a big pan, they came out brownie-height but too "airy" (I
like my brownies dense). So I guess the next batch I won't separate
the eggs and whip the whites, we'll see how that works out.
Another possibility is a rollup type cake (like the French Christmas
Log). Bake a large sheetcake, turn upside down, spread your favourite
low-carb filling all over, and roll up.