Trip Report: South Africa, August 3-30, 1991
Richard Fairbank, 19 Crown Road, Shoreham-by-Sea, West Sussex, BN43 6GB, Great Britain;
A very modern country, impressively so by any standards, with very good
infrastructure (much better than in Britain) and road
signs. Scenically very varied, from spectacular mountains (Naudesnek Pass) to
industrial wastelands (Richard's Bay), but little
indigenous forest remains. The people were generally surprisingly friendly.
Violent crime appears to be on the increase although
most is confined to the townships. We encountered no problems whatsoever.
August is not the best time to visit South Africa, being mid winter.
Very few of the Palaearctic or Afrotropical migrants are
present. The latter are the more serious omissions, and this particularly
applies to Cuckoos, Nightjars, hirundines and some
wetland species. August is a good time to see seabirds, but it is often
too rough to charter boats to do so (in any event a days
charter is likely to cost in excess of £300). We had to settle for
seawatching. Day length is a consideration in winter, in Cape
Province it was getting light at c07:30hrs and was dark by c18:30hrs.
In Natal and Transvaal it got light, and dark, c30 minutes
Generally very good with no rain to speak of, although cold at
night in Cape Province and Mooi River and below freezing at
Naudesnek Pass. The cold was exacerbated by our being totally
unprepared for it with light clothing and thin sleeping bags.
Ceres, near Karoopoort experienced heavy snowfalls shortly after
we'd passed through there, and Naudesnek Pass can be closed by
snow for long periods in mid winter. Even in mid winter it was very hot at Langjang.
We hired a car from Imperial Car Rental at Cape Town airport.
An almost new 1.6 Toyota Corolla cost c£750 for 4 weeks
hire with unlimited kms (we did c9,500). There was no
additional charge for our dropping the car off at Johannesburg although
we had to pay a £10 cleaning charge due to its condition
on return (despite being assured at Cape Town that this would not be the
We camped everywhere apart from at Weza where we stayed one
night in the Ingeli Forest Motel (expensive at £36 for 3).
We used camp sites where available, they averaged about £2
per head, otherwise we made use of picnic sites. It is advisable to
book accommodation in national parks in advance. Nearly all food
was bought in general stores/supermarkets, our diet consisting
mainly of bread, cheese, tuna, fruit and chocolate bars.
All water in South African towns is drinkable.
National Parks
Very impressively run but often inflexibly so. Rather frustrating
not to be allowed out of camp after dark in most parks or not
to be able to leave one's vehicle in the Kruger and in most of
Mkuzi. Accommodation in the parks is cheap (both huts and camp
sites), but it is advisable to book in advance, essential at
Kruger (except Punda Maria) and probably Langjang. Avoid weekends
where possible. Most parks have very limited facilities. All
the shop at Mkuzi sold was charcoal, cold drinks and souvenirs, so
take your food in with you (there is no restaurant). Entrance
fees are moderate (£6 to enter the Kruger) but apply to every entry
(all the more reason to take sufficient supplies in with you).
Park gates are usually closed during the hours of darkness although
in the Kruger from up to half an hour before dusk until half an hour after dawn.
Books and Tapes
For identification Newman's Birds of Southern Africa
is the easiest book to use in the field although both Robert's Birds of
Southern Africa (5th Edition) by Gordon L. Maclean and Ian
Sinclair's Field Guide to the Birds of Southern Africa are helpful.
The latter has generally excellent photographs. Len Gillard's
Southern African Bird Calls (on 3 cassettes) is essential (although
had only very limited pulling power in winter). A fourth tape is
now available which includes Knysna Warbler, but we were
unable to get a copy in Cape Town where it was needed; it has nothing
else on it of major value. For sites and travelling Berruti
& Sinclair's Where to watch Birds in Southern Africa
is very good (but is out of print). Recently published Go Birding in
Transvaal by Brendan Ryan & John Isom (Struik, Cape Town 1990)
is packed with information, but the bits I cribbed on the
Kruger seemed very optimistic (we dipped on everything mentioned).
A good road atlas is a must. The Gardner, Harrison, Talbot
& Webb trip report, although for 1984/85 is still relevant and
includes some very useful site maps. A mammal book is useful.
South African birders are extremely helpful, and we rather wish
we'd made more use of the contacts we'd been given. This
was mainly due to not having time to write in advance due to short
notice of the trip (three weeks earlier we had been all set to
visit Mauritius and Madagascar, but civil unrest in the latter country
led to a last minute change of plan).
Nomenclature and Taxonomy
African bird names are a mess with little consistency between East
Africa and South Africa. I doubt West Africa is any better
but I've not been there yet. Names so far preferred in the non-passerine
volumes of the Birds of Africa tend to follow East African
bird names more often than South African. The names I've used have an
East African bias mainly because they are more familiar
to me from previous trips. To avoid confusion in the systematic list
the species number used in 5th Edition of Robert's has been
included after each species name in the systematic list. Taxonomically
the 2nd Edition of Howard & Moore is very similar to the
5th Edition of Robert's. It differs in lumping Hartlaub's with the
Australian Silver Gull and splitting Green and Grey-backed
The exchange rate was c4.8 Rand to the pound. Changing money
was no problem although the only bank at Cape Town
airport is before customs/immigration. Car hire was paid by credit
card, most other items by cash. The trip cost c£1100, crudely
split into £550 for flights, c£250 for car hire,
c£200 for petrol, food, accommodation and park entrance fees, c£100 for insurance,
films, travel to/from Heathrow etc.
Richard Fairbank, Paul Noakes and Nick Preston
3rd August 1991 -- arrived in Cape Town at 12:00hrs on British
Airways flight from London (via Johannesburg), drove through
Cape Town to Green Point (poor) and south along coast to Kommetjie.
Birded in scrub along coast to south-east of Kommetjie
finishing at tern roost on Kommetjie beach. Camped at Noordhoek
campsite near Chapman's Peak. 48 species seen, the
highlight of the day being a Spotted Eagle Owl spotlighted in a tree in the campsite.
4th August 1991 -- too rough for a pelagic so drove to Cape of
Good Hope for morning seawatch. Drove to Sir Lowry's Pass on N2
for afternoon and stayed until dark. Returned to Noordhoek campsite.
55 species seen, the highlight of the day being 3 Cape
Rockjumpers at Sir Lowry's Pass.
5th August 1991 -- still rough so again drove to Cape of Good Hope
for morning seawatch. Midday at Kirstenboch Botanical
Gardens then drove up N1 to Paarl where spent remaining daylight at
the monument (poor) and in Paarl Mountain Reserve
(better). Drove on R303 and R43 to Ceres in darkness but no campsite
there, so continued on R46 to picnic site at top of
Karoopoort and camped there (very cold). 52 species seen, the
highlight of the day being a female Cape Batis at Kirstenboch.
6th August 1991 -- birded around Karoopoort from dawn then north
on R355 (dirt) into the southern Karoo making many stops,
turning off on dirt track to west (signposted to Kagga Karma) into hills
to Katbakkies picnic area where camped. 67 species
seen, the highlight of the day being a Black Harrier hunting over the
southern Karoo.
7th August 1991 -- after a quick look around Katbakkies, returned
to R355 and slowly drove 170 kms north to Calvinia, stopping
regularly (very worthwhile). Made faster time on metalled R27 north to
Brandvlei and Kenhardt (last part in darkness). Camped
beside dirt road (R361) to Van Wyksvlei about 15kms south of Kenhardt.
53 species seen, the highlight of the day being a party
of 4 Burchell's Coursers by waterhole c140 kms south of Calvinia.
8th August 1991 -- drove slowly south-east down R361 to Van Wyksvlei
then west across to Brandvlei on R357, stopping regularly
(generally disappointing). At Brandvlei decided to visit Augrabies Falls
so drove back north to Kenhardt and on to Orange River
at Keimoes for dusk. Arrived at Augrabies at 19:30hrs, an hour after
the park had closed but were allowed in to camp. 66 species
seen, the highlight of the day being a total of 35 Namaqua Sandgrouse
mostly between Kenhardt and Van Wyksvlei.
9th August 1991 -- morning at Augrabies Falls (disappointing),
returned to Kenhardt and drove the first 30kms of the Van
Wyksvlei road, returned to Kenhardt then drove south to Calvinia and,
in darkness, across to Lambert's Bay on R27, N7 and R364
arriving at 22.15hrs. Camped in Lambert's Bay campsite. 59 species
seen, the highlight of the day being a close Black Korhaan
on the ground.
10th August 1991 -- first few hours at seabird colony in
Lambert's Bay then drove to Kransvlei Poort (to west of N7) where the
upper end of the gorge was most productive. Drove south down N7 to
Piketberg stopping numerous times in open country to north
before finding Sickle-winged Chat. Drove steadily to and through
Cape Town and on to Breadasdorp on N7 and R316, arriving at
dusk. As no obvious campsite in town left on R319 turning off south
after 8kms on the dirt road to De Hoop and camped on verge
after about 10kms. 72 species seen, the highlight of the day being
Jackass Penguins in the sea and among concrete blocks at
Lambert's Bay.
11th August 1991 -- woken by over 200 Blue Cranes leaving roost
on small lake opposite camp (South Pans Lake). Spent some
time looking at Cranes in fields nearby then continued on dirt road a
short distance past De Hoop towards Potberg (for Cape
Vulture) quickly returning to De Hoop. Most of day in reserve,
mainly in scrub along lagoon beside HQ but also driving to sea
(where 3 Southern Right Whales seen just offshore). Left De Hoop
and returned to South Pans Lake for dusk but despite staying
until well after dark no Cranes came in. Left at 19:00hrs and
drove to Alexandria Forest along R319, N2 and R72 arriving at
2.30am. Camped in picnic area on left c2kms past Forest Station.
84 species seen, the highlight of the day being the Whales
and Blue Cranes.
12th August 1991 -- most of day at Alexandria Forest
concentrating on trail behind Forest Station and the road and trail by the
picnic area. Left Alexandria Forest at 16:00hrs to drive to
Maclear (for Naudesnek Pass). Cut up to Grahamstown and followed
N2 through Ciskei and into Transkei (informal border crossing)
turning off north on R396, the last few kms north of Maclear being
on dirt. Camped in layby c20kms north of Maclear, arriving at
23.30hrs. Very cold (below freezing). 47 species seen, the
highlight of the day being 15 Chorister Robin Chats in Alexandria Forest.
13th August 1991 -- up as getting light and continued
along awful dirt road (still R396) to Naudesnek Pass through generally
birdless habitat, but a few productive stops were made before
arriving at the pass at 09.00hrs. Spent 3 hours around the pass,
mainly along the stream by the phone box and 2-3kms to the north.
Decided to return along R396 to Maclear and N2 rather than
risking Lower Pitseng Pass road which is reported to be worse!
Drove on to Weza, but combination of bad roads and traffic
delayed our arrival until dusk. Stayed in Ingeli Forest Motel
at an expensive £12 each. 45 species seen, the highlight of the day
being 3 Orange-breasted Rockjumpers at Naudesnek.
14th August 1991 -- morning on forest trail opposite Ingeli
Forest Motel (very good). Left Weza at midday along N2 and R56 to
Pietermaritzburg (passing through another informal border post at
Umzimkulu). Proceeded to Hilton Protea Nursery, just off N3,
where Gurney's Sugarbird was easily seen and on to the Southern
Bald Ibis colony at Mooi River Falls for dusk (reached by dirt
road north-east off the R622 17km east of Mooi River). Returned
along R622 to Mooi River where camped in caravan park. 54
species seen, the highlight of the day being 2 Orange Thrushes on
forest trail at Weza.
15th August 1991 -- at first light drove 10km south on N3
to the large lake to west (Wattled Crane roost), then turned west on
unnumbered dirt roads to Nottingham Road, north past Kamberg and
to Giants Castle arriving at 10.00hrs. Rest of day spent at
Giants Castle climbing unsuccessfully along ridge trail for
Yellow-breasted Pipit (but nice mountain views) and searching scrub
for Bush Blackcap (equally unsuccessfully). Returned to Mooi
River after dark. 55 species seen, the highlight of the day being
Wattled Cranes (35 off N3 and 2 between Kamberg and Giants Castle).
16th August 1991 -- at first light drove north along N3 to
Frere then along R74 to Winterton, spent most of morning on
Winterton-Colenso dirt road driving it twice to east and once to
west, but failed to find Blue Korhaan. Drove quickly south down
R74, N2 and R68 to Dhlinza Forest on edge of Eshowe. Arrived at
16:30hrs with an hour of light (in theory). A combination of a
dull afternoon and thick forest prevented us seeing anything
other than Square-tailed Drongo. Were reluctant to camp at Dhlinza
(an area having been cordoned off with police tape) so drove back
to N2 turning north to Enseleni where camped in the reserve
car park beside N2. Very noisy but nice not to be cold. 54
species seen, the highlight of the day being c150 Blue Cranes in a
large field c8kms west of Colenso.
17th August 1991 -- early morning in forest along the river
at Enseleni, quickly seeing several African Finfoots (feet?). An early
departure was delayed by a calling Gorgeous Bush Shrike which took
RJF and NAP two hours to get views of. Drove on to
Thalzhinkhla Pan at Richard's Bay where met local birders Peter
Outhwaite and Andrew Sutherland. Taken for walk around
Sharks Board by Andrew and an abortive trip to see African Pigmy
Goose nearby. Returned to Andrew's house where put up for
night. 82 species seen, the highlight of the day being at least
3 and possibly 5 African Finfoots along river at Enseleni.
18th August 1991 -- visited various sites around Richard's
Bay with Andrew (including Thalzhinkhla Pan and the harbour) but
unfortunately saw little of note before driving up N2 and R618 to
St. Lucia where Woodward's Batis was seen on the nature trail
(having failed at Dukuduku Forest). A brief look at St. Lucia
Airfield and back to N2 where left Andrew and continued north to
Mkuzi, turning off N2 towards False Bay and taking the dirt road
north, stopping frequently to look for Lemon-breasted Canary
(failed). Arrived at Mkuzi at 16:30hrs and spent last hour at Kwamalibala. Camped at Mkuzi. 125 species seen, the highlight of
the day being 2 Woodward's Batis at St. Lucia.
19th August 1991 -- all day at Mkuzi. Visited Kubube,
Kumasinga, Ensumo, Fig Forest, Airstrip and Enxwala. 107 species seen,
the highlight of the day being Eastern Bearded Scrub Robins around
Kumasinga car park.
20th August 1991 -- all day at Mkuzi. Visited Fig Forest,
Ensumo, Emantuma trail, Kumasinga, Kubube and Enxwala, staying out
on Beacon Road until 20:00hrs (with permission, although failed
to see Bronze-winged Courser -- too early in season?) 112
species seen, the highlight of the day being a superb Leopard
spotlighted beside Beacon Road for 10 minutes, almost
immediately after an African Wood Owl was seen.
21st August 1991 -- left Mkuzi when gates opened (06:00hrs)
and as getting light and drove back south down dirt road to False
Bay. Most of morning spent on Mpophomeni Trail. Left False Bay at
13:00hrs driving back up dirt road to Mkuze town where
briefly looked for White-browed Robin Chat in hotel garden (failed).
Then drove north along N2 and R29 to Piet Retief. Turning
west off R29 at Panbult on the dirt road to Amersfoort.
Unfortunately it was dark before decent habitat was reached. Drove on to
Amersfoort where camped in municipal camp site (free). 66
species seen, the highlight of the day (and probably the trip) being a
very confiding male African Broadbill on Mpophomeni Trail.
22nd August 1991 -- all morning spent in high grassland
along Amersfoort-Panbult road and down side roads to south. Walked
through all types of habitat looking for larks but none could be found.
Left area at 13.00hrs
and drove north up R36 to Carlina and along R33 and R540 to Dullstroom.
Visited sites to north of Dullstroom (for
Pectoral-patched Cisticola and Yellow-breasted Pipit) but failed to see
anything. Stayed by conifers to south of town until 19:00hrs in
hope of Cape Eagle Owl but failed again (too
much traffic on road?). Drove east along R540 and R37 to Sabie
where camped. 42 species seen, the highlight of the day being 5
Blue Korhaan's along the Amersfoort-Panbult road.
23rd August 1991 -- left Sabie at dawn and drove to Kruger NP
entering by the Paul Kruger Gate. Drove steadily north stopping
at Satara and Olifants (where told couldn't camp) before finishing at
Letaba at 17:00hrs (all camp gates locked at 17.30hrs).
After much persuasion were allowed to camp despite not having a
reservation. 91 species seen, the highlight of the day being an
African Scops Owl in the spotlight for c30 minutes at Letaba campsite.
24th August 1991 -- drove slowly from Letaba (when allowed out
at 06:30hrs) to Punda Maria (no reservations needed) with a
successful detour for Verreaux's Eagle Owl (2nd layby off S46 SW of
Letaba) and an unsuccessful one for Dickinson's Kestrel (on
S564 kms south of Babalala). Camped at Punda Maria. 94 species seen,
the highlight of the day being seven Double-banded
Sandgrouse on roadside (2 single males, a pair and a pair with young).
25th August 1991 -- brief look round camp at Punda Maria before
gates opened at 06:30hrs. Drove north to Luvuvhu River bridge
(White-crowned Plover) stopping at waterholes en route and 12kms to north
looking for Spinetails without success. Drove both
east and west alongside the river, stopping at Pafuri Picnic site (one
of few places allowed out of car). Returned to Punda Maria
for 17:30hrs. 118 species seen, the highlight of the day being a pair
of White-faced Scops Owls roosting in roadside scrub beside
the main road (HI-8) c20 kms south of the Luvuvhu River.
26th August 1991 -- left Punda Maria at 06:30hrs, driving the
S99 loop road but seeing little. Drove south to Letaba again failing
to find Dickinson's Kestrel. Left Kruger on R71 at Phalaborwa at 17:00hrs
and drove to Tzaneen where camped in noisy
campsite. 106 species seen, the highlight of the day again being
Double-banded Sandgrouse still impressive crouching on
roadside (17 seen in total).
27th August 1991 -- Left Tzaneen at dawn and drove short
distance to Forest Drive. First visited Debenjeni Falls then continued
up dirt road to De Hoek forest station making a few stops in remnant
indigenous forest. Above De Hoek parked beside road at
start of main area of indigenous forest and walked up through it
and back. Left Forest Drive at Woodbush entrance and continued
along R71 to Pietersberg, stopping on bypass immediately to NW of
R37 turning for Short-clawed Lark. Drove north up R521 to
Langjang NP 20kms to north of Vivo. Last couple of hours walking
and driving around Langjang. Night at tented camp at
Langjang (having phoned for permission from Pietersberg). 88 species
seen, the highlight of the day being 4 Black-fronted Bush
Shrikes along the road above De Hoek forest station.
28th August 1991 -- Morning driving and walking around Langjang.
Left at noon returning to Pietersberg on R521 and then
south-west to Nylsvlei on N1, arriving to spend last half hour of
daylight at Vogelfontein. Visited Warwick Tarboten and slept in
his garage. 100 species seen, the highlight of the day being a group
of three Swallow-tailed Bee-eaters in scrub at Langjang NP.
29th August 1991 -- all day in Nylsvlei area, concentrating
on Sericea, Deelkraal, Vogelfontein and Hartbeestlaagte. Spent
second night in Warwick's garage. 110 species seen, the highlight
of the day being a male Coqui Francolin beside the road near
Nylsvlei (the species having narrowly missed this honour twice in the Kruger).
30th August 1991 -- left Nylsvlei after a brief look at
Deelkraal. Attempted to find Striped Pipit on slopes of Kranskop but failed
after much effort getting there through thick scrub. Continued down
N1 to Pretoria stopping in Botanical Gardens in outskirts.
Along R21/R22/R23/R554 for brief look at Benoni Pans (Leeupan and
Rondebult) then back to Jan Smuts Airport for 17:45hrs
flight to Heathrow (via Nairobi). 84 species seen, the highlight of
the day being two Red-breasted Wrynecks in Pretoria
Botanical Gardens.
Site Guide
(Most are included in Berruti & Sinclair's Where to watch
Bird's in Southern Africa).
Pelagic Trips off Cape Town: Contact Barry Rose to arrange
these, or turn up at Hout Bay and try to find a captain to negotiate
with. The cost is very likely to exceed £300 to hire a trawler
for a day. Pelagics arranged by South African birders (off Cape
Town and Durban), usually in late winter/early Spring (i.e. late
Sept-Nov.) would be considerably cheaper per person. We were
beaten by the weather as it was too rough for boats to go out.
Kommetjie (Cape Province): A small town on the west side
of the Cape Peninsular c15kms south of Hout Bay (marked on road
maps). The rocky promontory in the centre of town is the tern roost.
South of town is an extensive caravan park (closed in winter)
between the main road and the sea. The scrub in this area produced
several of the commoner Fynbos species. On 3rd Aug. 1991
15 Antarctic and 10 Crested Terns were seen at the roost shortly
before dusk (c18.00hrs).
Cape of Good Hope (Cape Province): A national park comprising
the southern third of the Cape Peninsular with extensive
Fynbos and coastline. Camping is not permitted in the park, and
the gates do not open (in winter) until half an hour after dawn.
The entrance fee is c4 Rand. Good seawatching in favourable conditions
from Cape of Good Hope (climb the trail above the car
park to a suitable vantage point). The Fynbos hold some
interesting species but most are easier elsewhere.
Sir Lowry's Pass (Cape Province): Situated on the N2 highway
c40 kms E of Cape Town. Park in the car park on the south side
of the road at the summit (a view point back to the Cape). Cross
the road and climb the gate taking the track heading left (north)
for c2kms. Cape Rockjumpers frequent the edges of the rocky outcrops
dotted along the ridge. The best place we found was by
the cannons at Gantouw Pass reached by turning left under the power lines
c1.5kms from road and climbing up a narrow trail to
the obvious saddle. Continuing north for another 1km along the original
track, Victorin's Warbler and Cape Siskin were seen in
scrub adjacent to the near corner of the large conifer plantation.
Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens (Cape Province): In the southern
suburbs of Cape Town, off Rhodes Drive, on the lower
eastern slopes of Table Mountain, the gardens are internationally famous.
The braille trail (see map in gardens) is reputed to be
good for Knysna Warbler but we failed.
Paarl Mountain Reserve (Cape Province): Immediately to the
west of Paarl, c40kms north-east of Cape Town. Turn north off
N1 on R45 to Paarl. After c1km turn left down Jan Phillips Drive
(dirt) which starts to climb. After c2kms at T-junction before a
small dam turn left to Paarl Monument (Protea Canary has been seen in
scrub at its base) or right to Paarl Mountain Reserve (on
left after c4kms). Entrance to the Mountain Reserve is free on weekdays
but the gates are locked before dusk.
Karoopoort and Southern Karoo (Cape Province): A gorge leading
down into the Karoo desert. Situated just off the R46 on the
R355 c45 kms north-west of Ceres, soon after the road turns to dirt.
We camped in the picnic area opposite the Karoopoort sign
at the top of the gorge. The reed-lined ditch beside the road c1km back
towards Ceres holds Namaqua Prinia, while the picnic
area just past the Sutherland turn-off at the base of the gorge
has Cinnamon-breasted Warbler along the edge of the rocky outcrop
behind it (evenings are best -- we failed in the morning). Continue
north into the Karoo stopping regularly. There are regular
picnic sites beside the R355 and those south of the Katbakkies turn
off all have taps. These often leak and so can be attractive.
The flat sandy desert opposite the first concrete picnic site
north of Karoopoort is good for Karoo Lark. We also saw Black
Harrier here.
Katbakkies (Cape Province): A picnic site (with taps) in a
gorge several kms to west of the R355 c35kms north of
Karoopoort. Take the turning on the left signposted to Kagga Karma
(c170kms south of Calvinia). Interesting species seen at
Katbakkies included Pririt Batis and Fairy Flycatcher in scrub
around picnic area, Cape Weaver in reedbed immediately to S, and
Cinnamon-breasted Warbler seen on the rocky outcrop at the entrance
to the gorge in the evening and again early the following
morning. An eagle owl flushed from the entrance to the gorge
just before dusk was unfortunately only a Spotted.
Katbakkies to Calvinia (Cape Province): Slowly driving north
up R355 was probably the best section of the Karoo and is worth
doing very slowly with plenty of stops. The waterhole by the wind
pump to west of road halfway to Tweefontein had
Black-headed Canary, Namaqua Sandgrouse and Burchell's Courser.
The scrub to west of road opposite the picnic site at
Tweefontein had Pririt Batis. The cultivated fields south of
Bloukranspas (c30kms south of Calvinia) had Grey-backed Finch
Lark and Ludwig's Bustard.
Kenhardt-Van Wyksvlei-Brandvlei (Cape Province): Rather
disappointing, the Karoo south of Calvinia seemed better. The
R27 from Calvinia to Uppington is a very fast very straight road
and forms the W section of the triangle. Van Wyksvlei is linked
to Kenhardt by R361 and to Brandvlei by R357 (both dirt). There
are supposed to be some Red Lark sites along the R361. We
found two areas of favoured red dunes (c30kms south of Kenhardt and
c30kms north of Van Wyksvlei) but were unable to find any
larks. I believe a better site for Red Lark exists near Namies,
south-west of Pofadder and that the Kenhardt-Pofadder dirt road
(via Bossiekom) is good for Sclater's and Stark's Larks. The
R361 seemed the best section and produced 5 Black Korhaan's, 35
Namaqua Sandgrouse and Ludwig's Bustard. Kori Bustard and
Black-eared Finch Lark were seen between Van Wyksvlei and
Brandvlei and another Ludwig's Bustard just north of Brandvlei.
Sociable Weaver colonies on telegraph poles are obvious beside
the R27 just south of Kenhardt. The R27 crosses the Orange
River just south of Keimoes (c50kms west of Uppington) and is
worth a quick look. Good numbers of egrets were seen flying
east along the river at dusk on 8th August.
Augrabies Falls (Cape Province): A National Park to
north of R64 c100kms west of Uppington. The falls are moderately
impressive, and as little of interest seen here I would not
recommend a visit. We saw Verreaux's and Booted Eagles and Black
Stork from viewpoints overlooking the Orange River Gorge and a
selection of passerines around the camp site including Dusky
Sunbird (common).
Lambert's Bay (Cape Province): Situated c250kms north
of Cape Town. The seabird colony on the small island opposite the
harbour is excellent. It is reached via the south pier, and
there is an observation tower overlooking the main gannetry. Penguins
breed in the fenced-off area by the observation tower (looking
rather zoo-like). We had better (less plastic) views under the
concrete caissons further down the pier and in the water behind
them (on the landward side). PN followed a small group into the
deserted house on the pier where they cowered under an old table
but was soon overcome by the smell.
Kransvlei Poort (Cape Province): Take the dirt road
to west 10kms S of Clanwilliam (signposted to Paleisheuwel). It soon
climbs up through a narrow gorge. We looked at the scrub around
the top of the gorge (climbing the gate on the left) and then
retraced the road back down c100m finding a Protea Canary on left
(west). The marshy area at the southern end of Clanwilliam
Dam (viewable from N7) just north of the Kransvlei Poort turn
off held a selection of commoner species. The high grassland by
the N7 between Piekenaarskloof Pass (Citrusdal) and Piketberg
was the only place where we found Sickle-winged Chat and also held
Grey-backed Finch Lark.
De Hoop (Cape Province): A superb National Park on
southern coast to east of Bredasdorp. Take the R319 north-east from
Bradesdorp towards Swellendam but turn right after 7kms on dirt
road signposted to Wydgelee. The road to De Hoop passes
through heavily cultivated land which despite looking sterile
holds a surprising number of species. We saw c200 Blue Cranes, 8
Stanley's Bustards, 2 Karoo Korhaans and 6 Clapper Larks in
c30kms before reaching the turning south to the reserve. By chance
we camped beside the road opposite South Pans Lake and were
awakened by the cranes leaving their roost there (although they
did not return up to dark that evening). South Pans is a small
lake to south of the Wydgelee road less than 10kms from R319.
c500m further on a track to north leads to two other smaller lakes.
Local farmers regard the cranes as a pest and c40 were
poisoned near De Hoop in Aug 1991 (shortly after we left).
We asked a farmer permission to drive up his track to get closer to
the cranes which was granted. Continuing past the De Hoop turning
leads to a ridge known as the Potberg. This is a breeding site
for Cape Vulture (breed in winter) but as we saw 16 shortly after
the De Hoop turn off we did not go any further. The entrance to
De Hoop is 10kms from the turn off. At De Hoop we concentrated
on the scrub between the headquarters/chalets and the lagoon
behind. The lagoon held impressive numbers of selected wildfowl
(250+ Cape Shoveller, 5000+ Crested Coot) while the scrub
produced Southern Tchagra, but not Knysna Woodpecker which also
occurs. We drove to the coast, a rather circuitous route to
pass to east of the high dunes and were rewarded with 3 close Southern Right Whales.
Alexandria Forest (Cape Province): Patches of temperate
forest surrounded by farm land. Reached by turning south on dirt road
from R72 immediately before reaching the edge of Alexandria from
Port Elizabeth. Turn left at junction (both signposted to State
Forest) and after several kms the reserve entrance in on right
and the picnic site (where we camped) is on left c2kms further on.
Park at the reserve to get a permit (c1 Rand). There is a good
trail on left c200m back towards the main road (Brown Bush
Robin and Olive Bush Shrike -- responds well to tape, Knysna
Woodpecker has been seen) and good forest around the picnic site
(Brown Bush Robin behind toilets) and along the road past it.
Chorister Robin Chat is common. We found another trail on left
less than 1km past the picnic site which descended into a clearing
(Lazy Cisticola).
Naudesnek Pass (Cape Province): The R396 from Maclear
to Barkly East crosses the southern Drakensberg at Naudesnek Pass
(3000m) just south of Lesotho. The pass is the most accessible
highland area and holds a number of specialties which are fairly
easy to see. Just over the pass there is a corrugated iron
telephone box. The stream and moorland behind it are worth exploring
for Orange-breasted Rockjumper. We drove around a bit to
find Sentinel Rock Thrush and Drakensberg Siskin. Mountain Pipit is
common in austral summer but we failed in August. The approach
to the pass was generally rather birdless but stopping when
birds were seen was worthwhile. The road to Naudesnek is
particularly bad, though we managed with a saloon car. Very cold at
night (sub-zero). Can be blocked by snow for long periods in mid winter.
Weza (Transkei): Patches of indigenous mist-belt forest
surrounded by conifer plantations, but hard to get at. See map for
directions on how to get into forest opposite Ingeli Forest Motel.
The trail opposite the motel runs up through indigenous forest for
several kms before dropping down again (we returned at this point).
This is a very good site for Orange Thrush, and we also saw
Narina's Trogon, Starred Bush Robin, Yellow-throated Woodland Warbler
and Green-backed Twinspot.
Hilton Protea Nursery (Natal): On the outskirts of
Pietermaritzberg, this is a very reliable site for Gurney's Sugarbird. We saw
5 on our visit. Take the N3 north out of Pietermaritzberg and
turn west to Hilton and continue straight on through the town. Go
straight across (west) at traffic lights at Mt Michaels Road/R103
crossroads. Take second turning on left and after c500m the
nursery is overlooked on the left. The nursery is small, more
like a large overgrown garden, and as it is situated in a suburban
area is easy to miss.
Mooi River Falls (Natal): A breeding/roost site for
Southern Bald Ibis reached by dirt road north-east off the R622 17km east of
Mooi River (signposted Middlerus 25kms). Continue to river (c15kms).
Cross bridge and turn right after c1km down track to
Alma Riding School and the Falls. Fork left before the farm past
some native houses and park at edge of fields. Walk across
fields to river and gorge. At least 82 Ibis were present although
few arrived after we did c30 mins before dusk.
Mooi River (Natal): There is a Wattled Crane roost site
beside the N3 c10kms south of Mooi River, just N of the Nottingham
Road turn off. The roost site is a largish lake to west of N3, but
viewable from it. We got slightly closer by turning N off the road
to Nottingham Road on a farm track and driving through several fields.
We also saw Wattled Crane beside a reservoir between
Kamberg and the Giants Castle turn off at Rockmount. This is the
same site as on Nick Gardner's site map and is immediately to
west of road after the Mooi River turning and the D12.
Giants Castle (Natal): A nature reserve c50kms west of Mooi
River (reached on dirt roads). Spectacular scenery, being on the
edge of the Drakensberg escarpment. A site for Yellow-breasted Pipit
(mountain slopes high on Langalibalele Pass trail) and
Bush Blackcap (scrub around headquarters), we failed on both after
much effort. Not recommended, apart from the views.
Frere-Winterton-Colenso (Natal): An area of dry grassland
and rocky hillsides with limited cultivation. Turn off N3 at Frere on
R74 to Winterton. This section holds Melodious Lark but we failed to
find it. In Winterton a dirt road goes east to Colenso
passing under the N3 half way there. We drove this dirt road
three times attempting to find Blue Korhaan but failed. We saw
White-bellied Bustards in grassland just to southwest of Winterton/N3
junction, 9 Southern Bald Ibis and 3 Stanley's Bustards on
the Winterton-N3 section of the dirt road and c150 Blue Cranes
in a large cultivated field on left of road c10kms before Colenso.
Dhlinza Forest (Natal): On edge of Eshowe. Turn off N2
on R68 to Eshowe. In town turn left at traffic lights into Main Street.
Fork right and then turn right down side road to Oval. The road
becomes a track and enters the forest, drive into centre (Bishop's
Seat), park and explore few narrow trails. A very dark, foreboding
forest. The atmosphere was heightened by not arriving until
an hour before dusk on a very gloomy day and finding a large
area taped off as if the scene of a murder. We were reluctant to
stay overnight and left with only a Square-tailed Drongo to show
for the visit. Spotted Thrush is common here but has a slightly
different call from that on Gillard's tape and so does not respond
to it. Spotted Thrush is easier to see at Ngoye (the Woodward's
Barbet site further south) not visited by us.
Enseleni (Natal): A small riverine forest reserve between
the N2 and the Enseleni River to north of Empangeni. The river here
is an excellent site for African Finfoot (we saw at least 3 and
possibly 5). The entrance is c1km south of the bridge over the river
to E of N2 (the car park is not recommended for camping being very noisy).
Richard's Bay (Natal): We visited several sites around
Richard's Bay, being taken to most of them by Peter Outhewaite and
Andrew Sutherland. For detailed directions contact them. The
most productive were Thalzhlinkhla Pan and the Sharks Board.
The former is reached by taking the second turning to the harbour
when approaching Richard's Bay from the south, and turning right
on a dirt track along the outside of the harbour perimeter fence
for c1km to a hide on right (the pan can also be viewed from
c1km further along this track. From the pan return to main road
and turn right to Richard's Bay turning left shortly down a track to
the Sharks Board. The Sharks Board grounds consist of scrub,
secondary forest and the edge of a mangrove swamp (beware of
St. Lucia (Natal): We only visited the small nature trail
near the headquarters (on entering St. Lucia turn right for c1km and it is
on the right) which is a good site for Woodward's Batis (they are
also present in Dukuduku Forest half way along the R618 into
St. Lucia) and the airfield (turn left on entering St. Lucia and
its on right just before the national park gate). Southern Banded
Snake Eagle is regularly seen on telegraph poles along the R618.
We failed and were further frustrated with a brief view of an
African Cuckoo-Falcon.
Mkuzi (Natal): A superb national park with plenty of
animals. There is a camp site just inside the park and a curio shop by the
headquarters, neither sell food. It is worth asking the head ranger
for permission to drive on Beacon Road after dark
(Bronze-winged Courser occurs though we were too early in the season
for them). Returning on Beacon Road after dark we saw
Leopard and African Wood Owl. The best areas for daytime birding are
Kubube and Kumsinga (Pink-throated Twinspots in
adjoining scrub), Nsumu Pan and the Fig Forest (the latter is one
of the few places where one is allowed out of a vehicle). Pel's
Fishing Owls are regularly seen in the fig forest; it is worth asking
if any roost sites are known. Fiery-necked Nightjar is common,
being very vocal at dusk in August 1991, they respond well to tape.
False Bay (Natal): Signposted from Hluhluwe, to east
of N2 between St. Lucia and Mkuze. Park c100m on right of entrance
gate and take Mpophomeni trail opposite. The trail goes through
fairly open forest for c9kms (a longer return is possible). The
highlight for us was a male African Broadbill immediately before
the trail forks to return. Gorgeous Bush Shrike was common on
the early part of the trail (I saw 4) .
Amersfoort (Transvaal): The high grassland to east of
Amersfoort adjacent to the Panbult road (dirt) holds Blue Korhaan. Both
Rudd's and Botha's Larks occur in this area but are very localized.
We birded from road and explored all different habitats on foot
but failed on the larks. Early morning is a good time to find the
Korhaans, in the more open and slightly rocky areas.
Dullstroom (Transvaal): Cape Eagle Owl occurs in the conifers
just south of town (it is the only Eagle Owl in the area). 5kms
north-west of Dullstroom a dirt road leads off R540 signposted to Wanhoop.
Pale-crowned Cisticola occurs a few kms along this
road in the obvious marshy area on left (opposite a small pool).
Yellow-breasted Pipit occurs on the ridge 2kms further on. We
failed on all of these. Sentinel Rock Thrush and
Buff-streaked Chat were seen on small outcrop to west of road half
way between the small pool and R540.
Kruger National Park (Transvaal): A superb National Park
with good facilities (camp sites, rondavells, restaurants and shops),
although prior booking is probably essential apart from at Punda Maria.
Weekends get very busy and so are best avoided.
Birding can be very frustrating as it is prohibited to leave one's
vehicle apart from in camps and at a few picnic areas. With the
number of dangerous animals around this is probably not unreasonable.
Offenders are liable to a fine and/or instant ejection from
the park. More annoying is the fact that all camp gates are locked
from half an hour before dusk to half an hour after dawn.
Other visitors stopping to ask what you are looking at can get rather
trying, a large notice to put in rear window saying either
"please pass we're birding" or "piss off we're birding" would be useful.
Good birding can be had anywhere, especially by water, all
rivers and waterholes are worth checking. Highlights for us
included African Scops Owls at Letaba (using a tape and spotlight
enabled us to get amazing views at the edge of the camp site),
White-faced Scops Owl in roadside scrub S of Pafuri and
Verreaux's Eagle Owl in riverine trees c3kms south-east of Letaba
(where the 2nd small loop to left off S46 overlooks the river).
Both Double-banded Sandgrouse and Buff-crested Bustard were common
along the roadside in the northern half of the park,
Forest Drive (Transvaal): A small area of indigenous forest
surrounded by conifers accessible by dirt road c12kms W of
Tzaneen on the old R61 to Pietersberg (via Magoebasklopf). From
Tzaneen turn off right on dirt road signposted to De Hoek
Forest Station. A signposted turning on right drops steeply down
to Debenjeni Falls (African Black Duck and Mountain Wagtail --
early morning probably best). Continuing past the turn off the
road climbs and passes through a small patch of decent forest just
below De Hoek forestry station. The larger area of indigenous
forest is several kms past the forest station and continues for c3kms
almost to the ridge. We parked at the start of the good forest
(after a couple of false starts finding it) and walked to the top and
back. We found nowhere where it was possible to get off the
track. We saw two small bird flocks, both had a pair of
Black-fronted Bush Shrikes in them. Continuing on over the
ridge the road drops through conifers and rejoins the R71.
Langjang National Park (Transvaal): Situated c20kms
north of Vivo (and c125kms N of Pietersberg) many species more readily
associated with Botswana are found here. The headquarters are
to W of R521 and the reserve to east. Booking in advance is
advisable to obtain access (tel 01-5562-1211). No food is
available (stock up in Pietersberg as towns to north are very small).
The headquarters has many birds, we saw Groundscraper Thrush,
Crimson-breasted Shrike, Pied Babbler and Barred Camaroptera
on the lawn. The reserve hold these and many other species
(e.g. Kalahari Scrub Robin, Violet-cheeked Grenadier, Great
Sparrow and Swallow-tailed Bee-eater). Ask for location of
waterholes and which tracks are driveable. There are no dangerous
mammals at Langjang, and one is allowed to walk anywhere in
the park. The reserve must be left at dusk.
Nylsvlei (Transvaal): More species have been recorded in
this area than in any other of comparable size in Southern Africa.
This is partly due to Warwick Tarboten's unrivaled knowledge of
the locality, and detailed directions for many localized species
can be obtained from him. Vogelfontein was the best place for
wetland species during our visit. We saw Coqui Francolin twice
on the approach road and Lesser Galago's soon after dusk (bright
orange eyes bounding around in roadside vegetation).
Pretoria Botanical Gardens (Transvaal): Turn east off
N1 onto N4 and then leave at first exit (3-4kms), turning immediately
left at traffic lights to parallel N4 (now heading west). The
Botanical Gardens are on left after c2kms. We found a pair of
Red-breasted Wrynecks on the edge of the open parkland to
centre-left of entrance (close to the large rocky outcrop).
Benoni Pans (Transvaal): We visited two areas to east of
Johannesburg and south of Jan Smuts Airport. Leeupan is to west of,
and viewable from, R23 south of Benoni and backs on to a rubbish
dump. It is a large, open, fairly shallow pool which provided
us with our only Lesser Flamingo and White-winged Black Tern
of the trip, and a reasonable selection of ducks and waders.
Rondebult is a small nature reserve to south of R554 but partly
hidden from it. A few hides overlook a reed fringed pool. We saw
little here other than an injured Blue Crane (presumably in care).
Species Seen by RJF
(including Robert's number from 5th Edition)
- Ostrich (1): 2 Cape of Good Hope 4th, 1 Karoo 8th, 40 De Hoop
11th, 9 Kruger (incl. 6 on 26th), 2 on 28th, 15 Nylsvlei 29th
- Jackass Penguin (3): 18 (incl. 2 juveniles) at Lambert's Bay on Aug 10th.
- Great Crested Grebe (6): 4 at De Hoop on Aug 11th.
- Little Grebe (8): 2 on 10th, 50 De Hoop on 11th, 10 on 13th, 2 on
15th, 10 Richard's Bay, 32 Nylsvlei.
- Shy Albatross (11): 6+ off Cape of Good Hope on Aug 4th and 4+ on 5th.
- Black-browed Albatross (12): 2+ off Cape of Good Hope on Aug 4th and 1+ on 5th.
albatross sp.(11-14): 4 off Kommetjie on Aug 3rd may have been Yellow-nosed.
Giant Petrel sp. (17/18): 1 off Cape of Good Hope on Aug 4th.
- Antarctic Fulmar (19): 2 off Cape of Good Hope on Aug 4th.
- Broad-billed Prion (29): 6 off Cape of Good Hope on Aug 4th and 3 on 5th.
- White-chinned Petrel (32): 8 off Kommitjie on Aug 3rd, 50+ off Cape of
Good Hope on 4th and c20 on 5th.
- Sooty Shearwater (37): 500+ off Cape of Good Hope on Aug 4th and 100+ on 5th.
- White Pelican (49): 10 De Hoop on Aug 11th, 2 Thalzhinkhla Pan on
17th and 6 on 18th, 1 Mkuzi on 20th.
- Pink-backed Pelican (50): 1 Thalzhinkhla Pan on 17th and 6 on 18th,
2 Mkuzi on 19th and 1 on 20th.
- Cape Gannet (53): 4 Kommitjie on 3rd, 150 Cape of Good Hope on
4th, 50 on 5th, 10000 Lambert's Bay on 10th, 10 De Hoop.
- White-breasted Cormorant (55): 80 Cape, 500 Lambert's Bay, 20 De
Hoop, 30 Thalzhinkhla, 18 Mkuzi, 1 Kruger, 21 Nylsvlei.
- Cape Cormorant (56): 20 Kommitjie on Aug 3rd, 1000 Cape of Good
Hope on 4th, 1000 on 5th, 500 Lambert's Bay on 10th.
- Bank Cormorant (57): 1 off Green Point and 1 off Kommitjie on Aug 3rd,
10 at Lambert's Bay on Aug 10th.
- Long-tailed Cormorant (58): 40 Orange River, 100 De Hoop, 33 Mooi River,
20 Richard's Bay, 1 Dullstroom, 55 Nylsvlei.
- Crowned Cormorant (59): 8 Green Point-Kommitjie on Aug 3rd.
- African Darter (60): 27 seen on 11 dates incl. 6 at Thalzhinkhla Pan,
7 at Mkuzi (6 on 19th) and 6 Nylsvlei.
- Grey Heron (62): 37 seen on 14 dates incl. 10 at De Hoop on Aug 11th
and 10 at Vogelfontein on Aug 29th.
- Black-headed Heron (63): 19 seen on 11 dates incl. 4 near Mooi River
on 15th, 4 on 16th and 5 at Vogelfontein on 29th.
- Goliath Heron (64): 2 Thalzhinkhla Pan on 18th, 1 Mkuzi on 19th and 2
on 20th, and singles in Kruger on 23rd, 24th and 26th.
- Purple Heron (65): 10 at Thalzhinkhla Pan on Aug 17th and 1 on 18th, 3
at Vogelfontein on Aug 29th.
- Great White Egret (66): 2 Richard's Bay, 1 Mkuzi, 3 Kruger, 60
Nylsvlei incl. 50 on Aug 29th.
- Little Egret (67): 1 Kommitjie Aug 3rd, 2 De Hoop Aug 11th, 1
Richard's Bay, 2 Mkuzi, 1 Kruger, 1 Vogelfontein Aug 29th.
- Yellow-billed Egret (68): 150 at Nylsvlei on Aug 29th, most at Vogelfontein at dusk.
- Black Egret (69): 4 at Vogelfontein on Aug 28th and 8 there on 29th.
- Cattle Egret (71): 815 seen on 16 dates incl. 200E along Orange
River at dusk on 8th, 100 on 10th and 200 Vogelfontein on 29th.
- Squacco Heron (72): 2 Thalzhinkhla Pan 17th and 4 on 18th, 1 Mkuzi
19th and 1 on 20th, 2 Vogelfontein 28th and 40 on 29th.
- Green-backed Heron (74): 2 Kruger on Aug 25th and 1 on 26th.
- Night Heron (76): 10 at Vogelfontein at dusk on Aug 28th and 15 at dusk on 29th.
- Hammerkop (81): 1 De Hoop, 2 Winterton 16th, 2 Mkuzi 19th and 1
on 20th, 1 Kruger 23rd, 2 Kranskop 30th.
- Black Stork (84): 2 over Augrabies Falls on Aug 9th, 4 over Naudesnek
Pass on Aug 13th and 1 at Amersfoort on Aug 22nd.
- Wooly-necked Stork (86): 2 at Thalzhinkhla Pan on Aug 17th and 1
on 18th, 1 at Mkuzi on 19th and 1 in Kruger on 23rd.
- African Open-billed Stork (87): 4 at Mkuzi on Aug 19-20th.
- Marabou (89): 1 at Mkuzi on Aug 20th, 6 in Kruger on Aug 23rd, 6
on 24th, 1 on 25th and 2 on 26th.
- Yellow-billed Stork (90): 1 at Mkuzi on Aug 19-20th, 1 in Kruger
on Aug 24th and 2 on 26th, 4 Nylsvlei on 28th and 5 on 29th.
- Sacred Ibis (91): 443 seen on 14 dates incl. 40E at Orange River
at dusk of Aug 8th and 300 at Vogelfontein roost on Aug 29th.
- Southern Bald Ibis (92): 82+ at Mooi River Falls colony at dusk
on 14th, 9 Winterton-Colenso on 16th, 1 Amersfoort 22nd.
- Glossy Ibis (93): 1 on Aug 10th, 7 Thalzhinkhla Pan, 2 Mkuzi, 600
Nylsvlei (500 at roost on 29th), 1 Leeupan 30th.
- Hadada Ibis (94): 121 seen on 16 dates from Aug 11th incl. 50 on
14-16th and 14 at Mkuzi on Aug 20th.
- African Spoonbill (95): 1 by N2 4th, 6 nr Piketberg, 20 De Hoop,
8 on 15th, 3 Thalzhinkhla, 10 Mkuzi 19-20th, 10 Nylsvlei.
- Greater Flamingo (96): 1 on 6th, 20 Richard's Bay 18th, 2 Vogelfontein
dusk on 29th, 100 Leeupan 30th.
- Lesser Flamingo (97): 1 at Leeupan on Aug 30th.
- White-faced Whistling Duck (99): 1 Thalzhinkhla, 235 Mkuzi on
19th, 150 on 20th, 50 Nylsvlei 28th, 100 on 29th, 1 Leeupan.
- White-backed Duck (101): 8 Richard's Bay on Aug 17th, 2 Vogelfontein on Aug 28th and 7 on 29th.
- Egyptian Goose (102): 319 seen on 22 dates incl 100 on 6th and 100 De Hoop on Aug 11th.
- South African Shelduck (103): 20 in Karoo Aug 6th, 2 on 7th,
20 on 8th, 4 Piketberg on Aug 10th, 4 De Hoop Aug 11th.
- Yellow-billed Duck (104): 5 Piketberg, 20 De Hoop, 50 on 13th,
2 on 15th, 8 on 16th, 50 Nylsvlei 28th, 50 on 29th, 6 on 30th
- African Black Duck (105): 2 on Debenjeni Falls on Aug 27th.
- Mallard (-): 8 in Pretoria Botanical Gardens on Aug. 30th.
- Cape Teal (106): 2 in Karoo on Aug 6th and 2 on 7th, 10 at De Hoop on Aug 11th.
- Hottentot Teal (107): 2 on Thalzhinkhla Pan on Aug 18th.
- Red-billed Teal (108): 8 nr Piketberg on Aug 10th, 50 at
Vogelfontein on Aug 28th and 20 on 29th, 2 Leeupan Aug 30th.
- Cape Shoveller (112): 2 Karoo 6th, 3 Piketberg, 250 De Hoop,
2 nr Mooi River 15th, 2 Vogelfontein 28-29th, 10 Leeupan.
- Southern Pochard (113): 30 at De Hoop on Aug 11th, 10 at
Vogelfontein on Aug 28th and 4 on 29th.
- African Pigmy Goose (114): 7 on Thalzhinkhla Pan on Aug 18th.
- Knob-billed Goose (115): 4 at Mkuzi on Aug 19th.
- Spur-winged Goose (116): 1 Piketberg, 10 De Hoop, 75 nr Mooi River, 26
Mkuzi, 1 Kruger, 20 Nylsvlei, 10 Leeupan.
- Secretarybird (118): 1 Karoo on 7th, 2 on 8th, [2 over Naudesnek Pass
on 13th (NAP)], 2 nr Colenso, 2 Vogelfontein on 29th.
- Lammergeier (119): 1 adult and 1 immature over Naudesnek Pass on Aug 13th.
- Hooded Vulture (121): 3 seen in Kruger on Aug 23rd, 1 on 24th, 1 on 25th and 10 on 26th.
- Cape Vulture (122): 16 Potberg/De Hoop, 2 Naudesnek, 1 Giants
Castle 15th, 4 Winterton 16th, 1 Mkuzi 19th, 1 Kruger 25th.
- African White-backed Vulture (123): 1 Mkuzi 19th and 10 on 20th,
20 Kruger on 23rd, 4 on 24th, 40 on 25th and 50 on 26th.
- Lappet-faced Vulture (124): 3 in Kruger on Aug 23rd and 2 on 26th.
- White-headed Vulture (125): 1 at Mkuzi on Aug 20th, 3 in Kruger
on Aug 24th and 2 on 26th.
- Yellow-billed Kite (126): 1 on Aug 10th, 1 on 13th, 1 on 17th, 3 on
18th, 3 on 19th, 1 on 20th, 1 on 21st, 1 on 26th.
- Black-shouldered Kite (127): 46 seen on 12 dates incl 8 on Aug
10th, 10 on Aug 27th and 10 on Aug 28th.
- African Cuckoo-Faclon (128): 1 seen badly from R618 W of St.
Lucia on Aug 18th.
- Verreaux's Eagle (131): 2 at Katbakkies on Aug 6th and 2 at Augrabies Falls on Aug 9th.
- Tawny Eagle (132): 2 in Kruger on Aug 23rd, 1 on 24th and 1 on 26th.
- Whalberg's Eagle (135): 1 at Mkuzi on Aug 19th, 1 on Aug 21st and 1 in Kruger on Aug 25th.
- Booted Eagle (13): 4 at Augrabies Falls on Aug 9th.
- Long-crested Hawk-Eagle (139): 2 from R618 W of St. Lucia on Aug 18th.
- Martial Eagle (140): 1 at Mkuzi on Aug 19th, 2 in Kruger on Aug 23rd, 1 on 24th and 1 on 25th.
- Brown Snake Eagle (142): 1 in Kruger on Aug 24th and 1 on 26th, 1 on Aug 28th.
- Black-chested Eagle (143): 1 on Aug 21st, 1 in Kruger on Aug 25th, 1 on Aug 28th.
- Bateleur (146): 1 at Mkuzi on Aug 19th, 10 in Kruger on Aug
23rd, 7 on 24th, 1 on 25th and 6 on 26th.
- African Fish Eagle (148): 1 Augrabies, 1 De Hoop, 4 Thalzhinkhla
17th, 1 on 18th, 2 Mkuzi 19th, 1 Kruger 23rd and 1 on 26th.
- Jackal Buzzard (152): 2 on 4th, 1 on 10th, 3 on 12th, 3 on
13th, 1 on 14th, 1 on 16th, 2 on 22nd.
- Lizard Buzzard (154): 1 Mkuzi on Aug 20th, 1 Kruger on Aug 26th, 2 Nylsvlei on Aug 29th.
- Red-breasted Sparrowhawk (155): 1 by entrance gate of De Hoop on Aug 11th.
- Ovampo Sparrowhawk (156): 1 in Kruger on Aug 25th, 1 female at Nylsvlei on Aug 30th.
- African Little Sparrowhawk (157): 1 at Nylsvlei on Aug 29th.
- Great Sparrowhawk (158): 1 nr Sharks Board on Aug 17th, 1 at Nylsvlei on Aug 29th.
- African Goshawk (160): 1 from R618 W of St. Lucia on Aug 18th, 1 at Mkuzi on Aug 20th.
- Pale Chanting Goshawk (162): 1 in Karoo on Aug 6th, 8 on
7th, 25 on 8th and 5 on 9th, 1 nr Langjang Aug 27th.
- Dark Chanting Goshawk (163): 1 in Kruger on Aug 23rd, 1 on 25th and 1 on 26th.
- African Marsh Harrier (165): 2 at Thalzhinkhla Pan on
Aug 17th, 1 St. Lucia Airfield on 18th, 1 Vogelfontein on Aug 29th.
- Black Harrier (168): 1 in Karoo near first lay-by on Aug 6th.
- Harrier-Hawk (169): 2 on 16th, 1 on 17th, 1 on 18th, 1 on
21st, 1 on 24th, 2 on 25th, 2 Forest Drive, 1 on 28th, 2 Kranskop.
- Peregrine (171): 1 male beside R536 c12kms E of Sabie on Aug 23rd.
- Lanner (172): 1 probable at Paarl on Aug 5th.
- Common Kestrel (181): 27 seen on 13 dates, all but 2 before Aug 16th.
- Greater Kestrel (182): 1 in Karoo on Aug 8th.
- Pigmy Falcon (186): 4 at Augrabies Falls on Aug 9th.
- Coqui Francolin (188): 2 in Kruger on Aug 24th and 3 on 26th,
1 male at Nylsvlei on Aug 28th and 1 male on 29th.
- Crested Francolin (189): 2 on Aug 18th, 3 on 23rd, 5 on 25th and
3 on 26th, 15 on 27th, 10 on 28th, 6 on 29th and 1 on 30th.
- Grey-winged Francolin (190): 2 by R364 on Aug 10th, 3 at De Hoop
on Aug 11th, 4 nr Naudesnek Pass on Aug 13th.
- Redwing Francolin (192): 3 Amersfoort-Panbult road on Aug 22nd.
- Cape Francolin (195): 3 on 3rd, 1 on 4th, 6 on 5th, 5 on 6th,
2 on 7th, 1 on 10th and 6 on 11th.
- Natal Francolin (196): 2 in Kruger on Aug 23rd, 8 on 25th and
6 on 26th, 2 at Nylsvlei on Aug 29th.
- Swainson's Francolin (199): 3 on Aug 16th, 1 on 21st, 2 on 22nd,
2 on 24th, 4 on 25th, 10 on 29th.
- Common Quail (200): heard at De Hoop on Aug 11th.
- Helmeted Guineafowl (203): 309 seen on 13 dates, especially in E,
incl. 50 on 11th, 40 on 25th and 50 on 28th.
- Crested Guineafowl (204): 25 at Mkuzi on Aug 19th and 1 on 20th,
10 at Pafuri on Aug 25th.
- Little Button Quail (205): 1 flushed and seen well in flight beside
dirt road from False Bay to Mkuzi on Aug 18th.
- Wattled Crane (207): 35 on lake by N1 10 kms S of Mooi River and
2 on marsh between Kamberg and Giants Castle on 15th.
- Blue Crane (208): c100 + 107 South Pan Lake and 17 De Hoop road
on 11th, 2 Maclear-Naudesnek on 13th, c150 nr Colenso on
- 16th, 1 (injured) Rondebult on 30th.
- Crowned Crane (209): 2 on lake by N1 10 kms S of Mooi River on Aug 15th,
2 by Amersfoort-Panbult road on Aug 22nd.
- Black Crake (213): 1 Augrabies 9th, 1 Thalzhinkhla 17th, 4 Kruger 23rd,
1 on 24th, 4 on 26th, 1 Nylsvlei 28th, 2 on 29th.
- Purple Gallinule (223): 5 at Thalzhinkhla Pan on Aug 17th, 10 at
Vogelfontein on Aug 28th and 50 on 29th.
- Moorhen (226): 1 Keimoes 8th, 3 Thalzhinkhla 17th, 10 Nylsvlei
29th, 1 Pretoria Botanical Gardens 30th.
- Crested Coot (228): 5350 seen on 12 dates incl. 5000 at De Hoop
on Aug 11th, 100 on 13th and 100 at Leeupan on 30th.
- African Finfoot (229): 1-2 males and 2-3 females seen along river
at Enseleni on Aug 17th.
- Kori Bustard (230): 1 nr Van Wyksvlei on Aug 8th, 3 in Kruger
on Aug 26th and 1 at Langjang on Aug 27th.
- Stanley's Bustard (231): 8 South Pans Lake- De Hoop on 11th,
3 nr Winterton on 16th, 4 by Amersfoort-Panbult road on 22nd.
- Ludwig's Bustard (232): 1 S of Calvinia and 1 N of Brandvlei
on Aug 7th, 1 N of Van Wyksvlei on Aug 8th.
- White-bellied Bustard (233): 2 between Winterton and Colenso (just E of N1) on Aug 16th.
- Blue Korhaan (234): 5 along Amersfoort-Panbult road on Aug 22nd.
- Karoo Korhaan (235): 5 in Karoo on Aug 6th, 13 on 7th, 4 on 8th,
2 on 9th, 2 South Pans Lake Aug 11th.
- Buff-crested Bustard (237): 1 in Kruger 23rd, 7 on 24th, 1 on
25th, 10 on 26th, 5 Langjang 27th, 7 on 28th, 3 Nylsvlei 29th.
- Black-bellied Bustard (238): 1 female in flight in spotlight at
Mkuzi on Aug 20th, 1 male in Kruger on Aug 24th.
- Black Korhaan (239): 5 males in Karoo on Aug 8th, 2 males on 9th,
1 male De Hoop on 11th.
- African Jacana (240): 15 on 17th, 10 on 18th, 8 on 19th, 5 on 20th,
1 on 25th, 1 on 26th, 2 on 28th, 50 on 29th.
- Lesser Jacana (241): 1 at Thalzhinkhla Pan on Aug 17th and 1 on 18th.
- African Black Oystercatcher (244): 12 Kommitjie on Aug 3rd, 1 on
beach at Lambert's Bay on Aug 10th.
- White-fronted Sand Plover (246): 30 at Kommitjie on Aug 3rd, 1 on
beach at Lambert's Bay on 10th, 1 in Kruger on 24th.
- Kittlitz's Sand Plover (248): 150 De Hoop 11th, 4 Thalzhinkhla
17th, 4 on 18th, 3 Mkuzi 19th, 1 Kruger 26th, 7 Nylsvlei 29th.
- Three-banded Plover (249): 22 seen on 11 dates incl. 2 on 3rd, 3
on 8th, 4 on 25th, 5 on 26th and 2 on 29th.
- Greater Sand Plover (251): 2 distant probables at Richard's Bay on Aug 18th.
- Crowned Plover (255): 126 seen on 14 dates incl. 40 at De Hoop
on Aug 11th and 10 in Kruger on 25th and 20 on 25th.
- Senegal Plover (256): 2 in ploughed field near entrance to False Bay on Aug 21st.
- Blacksmith Plover (258): 112 seen on 20 dates incl. 10 on Aug
3rd, 20 on 10th, 15 on 11th, 10 on 29th and 10 on 30th.
- White-crowned Plover (259): 2 distant at Letaba on Aug 23rd,
2 at Luvuvhu Bridge and 1 at Pafuri on Aug 25th.
- Wattled Plover (260): 3 at St. Lucia Airfield on Aug 18th, 4 at
Mkuzi Airstrip on 19th, 8 Amersfoort-Panbult road on 22nd.
- Common Sandpiper (264): 1 on 15th, 1 on 17th, 2 on 18th, 1 on 19th,
1 on 20th, 1 on 25th, 1on 26th.
- Wood Sandpiper (266): 1 on 15th, 2 on 18th, 2 on 19th, 3 on 25th,
3 on 26th, 3 on 28th, 25 on 29th.
- Marsh Sandpiper (269): 1 at Mkuzi on Aug 19th, 1 at Leeupan on Aug 30th.
- Greenshank (270): 2 on 11th, 10 on 18th, 1 on 19th, 12 on 20th,
1 on 23rd, 1 on 26th, 2 on 29th.
- Curlew Sandpiper (272): 20 De Hoop on 11th, 50 Mkuzi on 19th,
5 on 20th, 1 Vogelfontein on 29th, 2 Leeupan on 30th.
- Little Stint (274): 3 at Mkuzi on Aug 19th, 8 at Vogelfontein
on Aug 29th, 4 at Leeupan on Aug 30th.
- Ruff (284): 2 at Thalzhlinkhla on 18th, 3 at Mkuzi on 19th, 50 at
Vogelfontein on 29th, 20 at Leeupan on 30th.
- African Snipe (286): 1 at Vogelfontein on Aug 28th and 4 on 29th.
- Whimbrel (290): 2 at Richard's Bay on Aug 18th.
- Avocet (294): 13 at Kommitjie on 3rd, 2 in Karoo on 6th, 2 on 8th,
10 De Hoop, 5 Mkuzi on 19th, 4 on 20th, 1 Leeupan 30th.
- Black-winged Stilt (295): 48 seen on 12 dates incl. 15 De Hoop on
11th, 4 Mkuzi on 19th, 4 on 20th and 10 at Leeupan on 30th.
- Spotted Stone Curlew (297): 4 Kommitjie 3rd, [1 Mkuzi 19th], 1
Pietersberg + 2 Langjang 27th, 2 Langjang+ 2 Nylsvlei 28th.
- Water Dikkop (298): 2 at Pafuri on Aug 25th.
- Burchell's Courser (299): 4 in Karoo on Aug 7th, by windmill and
waterhole to W of R355 between Katbakkies and Tweefontein.
- Collared Pratincole (304): 6 at Thalzhlinkhla Pan on Aug 17th and
5 on 18th, 6 at Mkuzi on Aug 19th.
- Kelp Gull (312): 30 Cape coast 3rd, 200 Cape of Good Hope 4th,
100 on 5th, 200 Lambert's Bay 10th, 30 De Hoop 11th.
- Grey-headed Gull (315): 1 Cape of Good Hope 4th, 6 Lambert's Bay,
10 Richard's Bay 17th, 20 on 18th, 4 False Bay, 3 Benoni.
- Hartlaub's Gull (316): 100 Green Point-Kommitjie on 3rd, 30 Cape of
Good Hope 4th, 10 on 5th, 100 Lambert's Bay on 10th.
- Caspian Tern (322): 1 at Richard's Bay on Aug 18th, 1 at Mkuzi on Aug 19th.
- Crested Tern (324): 10 Kommitjie 3rd, 20 Cape of Good Hope 4th,
150E on 5th, 15 Lambert's Bay 10th, 10 Richard's Bay 18th.
- Antarctic Tern (329): 15 on beach at Kommitjie at dusk on Aug 3rd,
4E past Cape of Good Hope on 4th, 1 prob. E there on 5th.
- Whiskered Tern (338): 40 Thalzhinkhla Pan on Aug 17th, 20 on 18th,
10 Mkuzi on 19th, 1 on 20th, 1 Leeupan on 30th.
- White-winged Black Tern (339): 1 at Leeupan on Aug 30th.
- Namaqua Sandgrouse (344): 14 in Karoo on Aug 7th, 35 on 8th and 10 on 9th.
- Double-banded Sandgrouse (347): 4 in Kruger on Aug 23rd, 7 on 24th,
3 on 25th and 17 on 26th.
sandgrouse sp.: 2 at Langjang on Aug 28th.
- Feral Rock Dove (348): present in Cape Town.
- Speckled Pigeon (349): 51 seen on 12 dates incl. 6 on 4th, 6 on
9th, 6 on 10th, 12 on 14th and 8 on 15th.
- Olive Pigeon (350): 6 at Paarl on Aug 5th and 6 at Weza on Aug 14th.
- Delegorgue's Pigeon (351): 2 seen in flight in indigenous forest at
Forest Drive on Aug 27th.
- African Mourning Dove (352): 6 in Kruger on Aug 23rd, 4 on 24th and 1 on 26th.
- Red-eyed Dove (353): 5 on 17th, 6 on 18th, 1 on 19th, 1 on 20th,
4 on 21st, 1 on 25th and 1 on 27th. Probably overlooked earlier.
- Ring-necked Dove (354): 375 seen on 21 dates incl. 50 on 7th, 50 on
8th, 75 on 9th and 50 on 26th.
- Laughing Dove (355): 184 seen on 17 dates incl. 30 on 7th, 20 on
10th, 15 on 23rd and 30 on 30th.
- Namaqua Dove (356): 2 Karoo on 8th, 4 Augrabies Falls on 9th,
2 Kruger 24th and 3 on 26th, 6 Langjang 27th and 5 on 28th.
- Emerald-spotted Wood-Dove (358): 4 on 18th, 1 on 19th, 2 on
20th, 2 on 21st, 8 on 25th, 5 on 26th and 2 on 28th.
- Tambourine Dove (359): 1 at Mkuzi on Aug 19th and 1 on 20th,
1 Mpophomeni Trail on Aug 21st, 1 Pafuri on Aug 25th.
- Lemon Dove (360): 2 seen in flight at Alexandria Forest on Aug 12th.
- African Green Pigeon (361): 1 in Kruger on Aug 23rd, 3 on 24th and 2 on 26th.
- Cape Parrot (362): 3 at Punda Maria on Aug 26th, 2+ at Forest Drive on Aug 27th.
- Brown-headed Parrot (363): 2 in Kruger on Aug 23rd, 12 on 25th and 8 on 26th.
- Kynsa Turaco (370): 3 at Alexandria Forest on Aug 12th, 4 at
Weza on 14th, 2 at St. Lucia on 18th, 10 at Forest Drive on 27th.
- Purple-crested Turaco (371): 2 at Enseleni and 1 at Sharks
Board on Aug 17th, 2 in fig forest at Mkuzi on 20th.
- Go-away Bird (373): 1 False Bay-Mkuzi 18th, 50 Kruger 23rd,
45 on 24-26th, 20 Langjang 27-28th, 10 Nylsvlei 29-30th.
- African Emerald Cuckoo (384): 1 male and 1 female at start
of St. Lucia forest trail.
- Klaas's Cuckoo (385): heard at Sharks Board on Aug 17th,
1 male and 1 female at Mkuzi campsite on Aug 20th.
- Yellow-bill (387): 3 at Sharks Board on Aug 17th, 2 at St.
Lucia forest trail on 18th, 1 in fig forest at Mkuzi on 20th.
- Urchell's Coucal (391): 1 at Sharks Board 17th, 1 on 18th,
1 False Bay-Mkuzi on 21st, 1 Kruger on 25th, 1 Pretoria BG 30th.
- Barn Owl (392): 1 heard at Nylsvlei on Aug 28th and 29th
and seen twice in early hours on Aug 30th.
- African Wood Owl (394): 1 seen well in spotlight beside
Beacon Road, Mkuzi on Aug 20th.
- African Marsh Owl (395): 1 at Vogelfontein on Aug 28th and
1 (same?) on 29th. 1 dead on barbed wire on 29th.
- African Scops Owl (396): 1 seen very well in spotlight for
c30 minutes at Letaba campsite on 23rd with another calling nearby.
- White-faced Scops Owl (397): 2 roosting together in roadside
scrub c20kms S of Luvuvhu River on Aug 25th.
- Pearl-spotted Owlet (398): 1 in spotlight at Langjang camp on
Aug 27th, heard at dawn of 28th.
- Spotted Eagle Owl (401): 1 Noordhoek on 3rd, 1 by N2 on 4th,
1 Mitchell Pass on 5th, 1 Katbakkies on 6th, 1 Karoo on 7th, 1
Augrabies on 8th, 1 dead on barbed wire Karoo on 9th, 5 De Hoop-Alexandria on night of 11-12th.
- Verreaux's Eagle Owl (402): 1 immature in riverine trees c3kms
S of Letaba on 2nd loop to left off S46 on Aug 24th.
- Fiery-necked Nightjar (405): heard at Mkuzi on 18th, 4 seen on
19th, 12 seen on 20th, heard Punda Maria on 25th.
- African Black Swift (412): 15 at De Hoop on 11th, 25 Mooi River
Falls on 14th, 10 Thalzhlinkhla on 17th.
- White-rumped Swift (415): 10 at Clanwillian Dam on Aug 10th,
20 in Kruger on 25th and 3 on 26th.
- Horus Swift (416): 10 in Kruger on Aug 24th.
- Little Swift (417): 1 on 5th, 30 on 8th, 1 on 11th, 2 on 18th,
40 on 22nd, 50 on 24th, 30 on 25th and 100 on 30th.
- Alpine Swift (418): 138 seen on 11 dates incl. 12 in Karoo on
Aug 6th, 50 at Augrabies on 9th and 50 at De Hoop on 11th.
- African Palm Swift (421): 1 on 14th, 2 on 21st, 10 on 23rd,
2 on 24th, 2 on 25th, 1 on 28th and 3 on 29th.
- Speckled Mousebird (424): 30 on 11th, 15 on 12th, 4 on 18th,
10 on 20th, 10 on 21st, 1 on 23rd, 4 on 25th and 3 on 30th.
- White-backed Mousebird (425): 10 in Karoo on Aug 6th, 30 on 7th and 20 on 9th.
- Red-faced Mousebird (426): 15 Mkuzi on 19th and 10 on 20th,
5 Kruger on 25th, 6 Langjang 27th and 50 on 28th, 4 Pretoria BG.
- Narina's Trogon (427): 2 on Ingeli forest trail at Weza on
14th, 1 male on Mpophompeni trail on 21st, 1 Forest Drive on 27th.
- Pied Kingfisher (428): 1 on 3rd, 1 on 10th, 4 on 17th, 1 on
18th, 3 on 20th, 1 on 24th, 1 on 25th, 1 on 26th and 1 on 29th.
- Giant Kingfisher (429): 1 Orange River 8th, 2 Giants Castle
15th, 1 on 16th, 1 Thalzhlinkhla 17th, 1 Kruger 23rd, 1 on 25th, 1 on
26th, 1 Debenjeni Falls 27th.
- Malachite Kingfisher (431): 1 Keimoes 9th, 2 Enseleni and 4
Richard's Bay 17th and 3 on 18th, 1 Amersfoort, 1 Nylsvlei 29th.
- Brown-hooded Kingfisher (435): 4 on 18th, 4 on 19th, 6 on 20th,
3 on 21st, 2 on 23rd, 1 on 24th and 1 on 26th.
- Striped Kingfisher (437): 1 in Kruger on Aug 25th, 1 at Nylsvlei on Aug 29th.
- White-fronted Bee-eater (443): 1 Mkuzi on 20th, 1 Mkuzi hotel
on 21st, 1 Kruger on 23rd, 1 on 24th, 8 on 25th and 4 on 26th.
- Little Bee-eater (444): 2 False Bay-Mkuzi on 18th, 1 Mkuzi on
20th, 1 Kruger 25th and 2 on 26th, 1 Langjang 27th and 4 on 28th.
- Swallow-tailed Bee-eater (445): 3 seen on two occasions at Langjang on Aug 28th
- Lilac-breasted Roller (447): 2 on 18th, 1 on 20th, 3 on 21st,
45 in Kruger incl. 15 on 24th, 5 on 27th, 5 on 28th and 1 on 29th.
- Rufous-crowned Roller (449): 3 in Kruger on Aug 24th, 1 on
25th, 2 on 26th, 1 Langjang on 27th and 1 on 28th.
- African Hoopoe (451): 3 at Mkuzi on Aug 18th, 1 at Amersfoort on
22nd, 1 at Kruger 23rd, 1 on 24th and 1 on 26th.
- Green Wood-Hoopoe (452): 1 at Alexandria Forest on 11th, 8 at Mkuzi
on 20th, 15 in Kruger on 25th and 4 on 26th.
- Scimitarbill (454): 1 False Bay-Mkuzi on 18th, 4 Mkuzi on 20th, 1
Kruger on 23rd, 3 on 25th, 1 Langjang on 27th and 2 on 28th.
- Trumpeter Hornbill (455): 2 Alexandria Forest on 11th, 4 Mkuzi
19th and 4 on 20th, 1 Kruger on 23rd, 3 on 25th and 16 on 26th.
- Grey Hornbill (457): 5 in Kruger on Aug 23rd, 4 on 24th and 2 on
26th, 1 Kranskop on 30th.
- Red-billed Hornbill (458): 30 in Kruger on Aug 23rd, 6 on 24th,
2 on 25th and 2 on 26th, 1 Langjang on 28th.
- Yellow-billed Hornbill (459): 4 on 19th, 6 on 20th, 95 in Kruger
incl. 50 on 23rd, 6 on 27th, 10 on 28th, 4 on 29th, 1 on 30th.
- Crowned Hornbill (460): 2 at Mkuzi on Aug 20th, 2 at False Bay
on 21st, 2 in Kruger on 26th.
- Ground Hornbill (463): 3 in Kruger on Aug 25th and 3 on 26th.
- Black-collared Barbet (464): 2 False Bay-Mkuzi on 18th, 1 Mkuzi
on 20th, 2 Kruger 25th, 2 on 26th, 1 Pretoria BG on 30th.
- Pied Barbet (465): 5 Augrabies Falls on 9th, 1 False Bay-Mkuzi
on 18th, 4 Langjang on 27th, 2 on 28th, 2 Pretoria BG on 30th.
- White-eared Barbet (466): 2 Enseleni and 6 Sharks Board on
17th, 4 St. Lucia on 18th, 2 Mkuzi on 20th.
- Red-fronted Tinkerbird (469): 1 Alexandria Forest on 12th,
1 at Enseleni on 17th, 1 at Mkuzi on 19th.
- Yellow-fronted Tinkerbird (470): 2 at Nylsvlei on Aug 29th.
- Golden-rumped Tinkerbird (471): 2 at Sharks Board on 17th,
1 Mkuzi on 19th, 1 on 20th, 1 False Bay on 21st.
- Crested Barbet (473): 1 in Kruger on 24th, 3 on 25th, 1 on 26th,
3 at Nylsvlei on 29th and 2 at Nylsvlei and 2 in Pretoria BG 30th.
- Greater Honeyguide (474): 2 at De Hoop on Aug 11th, 1 in Kruger
on 25th, 1 at Nylsvlei on 29th.
- Scaly-throated Honeyguide (475): 1 at Alexandria Forest on Aug
12th, 1 on Mpophomeni trail, False Bay on 21st
- Lesser Honeyguide (476): 1 at Alexandria Forest on Aug 12th,
1 Mkuzi on 19th and 1 on 20th, 1 Nylsvlei on 29th and 1 on 30th.
- Whalberg's Honeyguide (478): 1 at Richard's Bay on Aug 18th.
- Ground Woodpecker (480): 2 at Paarl Mountain on 5th, 9
Maclear-Naudesnek on 13th, 6 at Giants Castle on 15th.
- Bennett's Woodpecker (481): 1 briefly at Nylsvlei on 29th
Aug and 2 on 30th.
- Golden-tailed Woodpecker (483): 1 at St. Lucia on Aug 18th, 1 at
Mkuzi on 20th, 2 on Mpophomeni trail on 21st.
- Cardinal Woodpecker (486): 1 at St. Lucia on Aug 18th, 2 in Kruger
on 24th and 1 on 25th.
- Bearded Woodpecker (487): 2 in Kruger on 23rd and 1 on 26th, 1 at
Langjang on 27th.
- Olive Woodpecker (488): 1 at Alexandria Forest on Aug 12th and 2
at Forest Drive on Aug 27th.
- Red-breasted Wryneck (489): 2 in Pretoria Botanical Gardens on Aug 30th.
- African Broadbill (490): a superb male watched for c15 minutes
on the Mpophomeni trail, just before the fork, on Aug 21st.
- Melodious Lark (492): a lark flushed 3 times in a tall grass
field by Amersfoort-Panbult road on 22nd was probably this species.
- Rufous-naped Lark (494): 2 Frere-Winterton on 16th, 1 Langjang
on 28th, 1 Nylsvlei on 29th.
- Clapper Lark (495): 2 probables near Piketberg on Aug 10th, 6 on De Hoop road on 11th.
- Sabota Lark (498): 2 on 8th, 10 on 9th, 1 on 18th, 1 on 21st,
54 seen 23-29th incl. 20 on 27th and 15 on 28th.
- Long-billed Lark (500): 1 in Karoo on 7th, 1 on 8th and 1 on 9th.
- Short-clawed Lark (501): 2 beside Pietersberg by-pass
(immediately to NE of R71/R37 crossroads) on Aug 27th.
- Karoo Lark (502): 4 in Karoo opposite first lay-by on Aug 6th.
- Spike-heeled Lark (506): 12 in Karoo Aug 6th, 5 on 7th, 35 on 8th,
2 Frere-Winterton 15th, 12 Amersfoort-Panbult road 22nd.
- Red-capped Lark (507): 2 on 6th, 75 on 7th, 2 on 8th, 2 on 11th,
1 on 15th, 2 on 16th, 10 on 22nd and 2 on 30th.
- Large-billed Lark (512): 1 in Karoo on Aug 6th, 2 on 7th, 4 on
8th and 2 nr Piketberg on 10th.
- Large-billed/Sabota Lark: 50 in Karoo on Aug 7th.
- Chestnut-backed Finch-Lark (515): 2 Frere-Winterton on 16th,
1 in Kruger on 23rd, 3 on 24th, 1 on 26th, 1 Langjang on 27th.
- Grey-backed Finch-Lark (516): 1 female in Karoo on Aug 7th,
5 nr Piketberg on 10th.
- Black-eared Finch-Lark (517): 1 male in flight nr Van Wyksvlei on Aug 8th.
- White-throated Swallow (520): 2 Amersfoort-Panbult road on Aug
22nd, 2 at Vogelfontein on 29th.
- Wire-tailed Swallow (522): 1 Richard's Bay 18th, 2 Mkuzi 19th,
1 on 20th, 10 Kruger 23rd, 4 on 24th, 5 on 25th and 1 on 26th.
- Pearl-breasted Swallow (523): 2 probs. in Kruger on Aug 24th,
1 at Vogelfontein on 29th.
- Red-breasted Swallow (524): 2 probs False Bay 21st, 3 Kruger
23rd, 2 on 24th, 4 on 26th, 2 Nylsvlei on 29th, 2 on 30th.
- Mosque Swallow (525): 2 in Kruger on Aug 25th.
- Lesser Striped Swallow (527): c100 seen between 17-21st and 23-30th
incl. 10 on 18th, 21st, 24th, 26th, 30th and 20 on 25th.
- South African Cliff Swallow (528): 10 between Frere and Winterton on Aug 16th.
- Rock Martin (529): 5 on 3rd, 2 on 4th, 10 on 6th, 4 on 9th, 2 on
10th, 5 on 11th and 1 on 15th.
- Brown-throated Sand Martin (533): c180 seen most between 6-11th
with 40 on 8th, 30 on 9th, 50 on 11th, 10 on 18th and 29th.
- Banded Martin (534): 4 between Alexandria Forest and Alexandria on Aug 12th.
- Black Roughwing Swallow (536): 15 at Enseleni on Aug 17th, 2
at Richard's Bay on 18th, 2 at Mkuzi on 20th.
- Black Cuckoo-Shrike (538): 1 male at Mkuzi on Aug 19th and 1 female on 20th.
- Grey Cuckoo-Shrike (540): 1 at Weza on Aug 14th and 1 at Forest Drive on 27th.
- Fork-tailed Drongo (541): 130 seen but only 10 before 16th, max. 20 in Kruger on 24th.
- Square-tailed Drongo (542): 2 at Dhlinza on 16th, 2 Mkuzi on
19th, 2 on 20th, 2 False Bay on 21st, 2 Forest Drive on 27th.
- Black-headed Oriole (545): 8 Alexandria Forest on 12th, 1
Mkuzi on 20th, 2 Kruger on 23rd and 1 on 26th, 1 Nylsvlei on 29th.
- Cape Rook (547): 1 on 7th, 12 on 10th, 10 on 11th, 4 on 13th, 2 on 15th and 1 on 16th.
- Pied Crow (548): 53 seen on 13 dates incl 4 on 5th and 10th,
15 on 16th, 8 on 17th and 4 on 21st and 27th.
- White-naped Raven (550): 1 Kommitjie 3rd, 1 Cape of Good Hope
4th, 2 Karoo 6th, 2 Naudesnek 13th, 4 Giants Castle 15th.
- Southern Grey Tit (551): 2 at Karoopoort on Aug 6th.
- Southern Black Tit (554): 2 on 14th, 1 on 18th, 2 on 19th,
6 on 20th, 2 on 21st, 1 on 23rd, 2 on 25th, 4 on 26th and 4 on 28th.
- African Penduline Tit (558): 2 in Kruger on Aug 23rd.
- Arrow-marked Babbler (560): 6 in Kruger on Aug 23rd, 8 on 24th
and 3 on 25th, 2 at Nylsvlei on Aug 29th.
- Pied Babbler (565): 8 at Langjang on Aug 27th and 2 on 28th.
- Cape Bulbul (566): 2 Kommitjie on 3rd, 10 on 5th, 10 Karoo on
6th, 8 on 10th, 6 De Hoop on 11th.
- African Red-eyed Bulbul (567): 6 in N Karoo on Aug 8th, 20 at Augrabies Falls on 9th.
- Common Bulbul (568): 181 seen on 14 dates from Aug 12th incl.
20 on 18th, 21st and 25th and 40 on 26th.
- Terrestrial Brownbul (569): 10 Alexandria Forest on 12th, 3 St.
Lucia on 18th, 2 Mkuzi on 19th and 4 on 20th, 5 Kruger on 25th.
- Yellow-streaked Greenbul (570): 6 at Forest Drive on Aug 27th.
- Sombre Greenbul (572): 4 on 5th, 2 on 11th, 20 on 12th, 1 on
17th, 1 on 19th, 1 on 21st, 1 on 23rd and 4 on 27th.
- Yellow-bellied Greenbul (574): 1 Sharks Bd 17th, 1 St. Lucia
18th, 1 Mkuzi 19th, 1 on 20th, 4 False Bay 21st, 2 Kruger 25th.
- Eastern Nicator (575): 1 in Emantuma camp at Mkuzi on Aug 20th.
- Kurrichane Thrush (576): 1 at Mkuzi on 20th, 2 in Kruger on 23rd,
3 on 24th, 2 on 25th, 1 on 26th, 2 at Kranskop on 30th.
- Southern Olive Thrush (577): 2 on 5th, 2 on 9th, 8 on 12th, 3 on 14th, 4 on 15th, 1 on 27th.
- Orange Thrush (579): 2 in forest at Weza on Aug 14th (3/4 way up
Ingeli forest trail, just before 1st stream and 'Forest Myrtle').
- Groundscraper Thrush (580): 2 Kruger 23rd, 6 on 24th, 4 on 26th,
1 Langjang 27th, 2 Nylsvlei on 28th, 1 on 29th, 1 on 30th.
- Cape Rock Thrush (581): 3 at Sir Lowry's Pass on Aug 4th, 3 below
Naudesnek Pass on 13th, 1 at Giants Castle on 15th.
- Sentinel Rock Thrush (582): 3 at Naudesnek Pass on Aug 13th, 3
just N of Dullstroom on 22nd.
- Mountain Wheatear (586): 8 Karoo 6th, 1 on 7th, 9 Augrabies 9th,
1 Piketberg 10th, 2 Naudesnek 13th, 1 Winterton 16th.
- Capped Wheatear (587): 1 Karoo 7th, 2 Piketberg 10th, 30 De Hoop
11th, 1 Naudesnek 13th, 1 Mooi R. 14th, 3 Leeupan 30th.
- Buff-streaked Chat (588): 7 Maclear-Naudesnek 13th, 1 Mooi River
14th, 3 Dullstroom 22nd.
- Red-tailed Chat (589): 2 on 4th, 10 on 6th, 2 on 9th, 3 on 10th,
2 on 13th, 2 on 15th, 1 on 17th.
- Tractrac Chat (590): 2 in Karoo on Aug 7th, 2 on 8th and 4 on 9th.
- Sickle-winged Chat (591): 3 N of Piketberg on Aug 10th.
- Karoo Chat (592): 8 in Karoo on Aug 6th, 4 on 7th, 6 on 8th and 2 on 9th.
- Cliff Chat (593): 1 Maclear-Naudesnek on Aug 13th, 1 in Kruger on 23rd.
- Arnott's Chat (594): 4 at N end of S56 in Kruger on 24th and 7
in middle of S60 in Kruger on 25th.
- Southern Ant Chat (595): 2 Karoo 7th, 8 on 8th, 5 Naudesnek
13th, 6 Winterton 16th, 12 Amersfoort 22nd, 2 Pietersberg 27th.
- Stonechat (596): 77 seen on 15 dates incl. 20 on 13th, 10 on 15th and 15 on 22nd.
- Chorister Robin-Chat (598): 15 in Alexandria Forest on Aug
12th, 1 at Giants Castle on 15th, 1 at Forest Drive on 27th.
- Red-capped Robin-Chat (600): 6 Enseleni 17th, 1 St. Lucia
18th, 1 Mkuzi 20th, 2 Mpophomeni Trail 21st, 1 Pafuri 25th.
- Cape Robin-Chat (601): 5 on 3rd, 4 on 4th, 10 on 5th, 1 on 6th,
3 on 9th, 2 on 10th, 8 on 11th, 4 on 12th, 1 on 14th, 4 on 15th.
- White-throated Robin-Chat (602): 2 Mkuzi camp site 20th, 1 Punda
Maria and 1 Pafuri 25th, 1 Langjang 28th, 1 Kranskop 30th.
- White-starred Bush-Robin (606): 2 Alexandria Forest 12th, 2 Weza
14th, 1 Mpophomeni Trail 21st, 3 Forest Drive 27th.
- Cape Rockjumper (611): 3 at Sir Lowry's Pass on Aug 4th.
- Orange-breasted Rockjumper (612): 3 at Naudesnek Pass on Aug 13th.
- White-browed Scrub-Robin (613): 1 False Bay-Mkuzi on 18th, 4 at
Mkuzi on 19th, 1 on 20th, 1 in Kruger on 24th, 2 on 25th, 2
at Langjang on 27th, 2 on 28th, 1 at Kranskop on 30th.
- Karoo Scrub-Robin (614): 2 at Paarl on 5th, 8 in Karoo 6th, 2 on
7th, 6 on 8th, 5 Augrabies on 9th, 6 Kransvlei Poort on
- Kalahari Scrub-Robin (615): 4 at Langjang on Aug 27th, 8 on 28th, 2 Nylsvlei on 29th.
- Brown Scrub-Robin (616): 3 at Alexandria Forest on Aug 12th.
- Eastern Bearded Scrub-Robin (617): 3 at Mkuzi on Aug 19th and 3
on 20th, 2 in Kruger on 24th and 3 on 25th.
- Layard's Tit-Babbler (622): 6 in Karoo on 6th and 3 on 7th.
- Southern Tit-Babbler 623): 2 in Karoo on 6th, 1 on 8th, 3 at
Langjang on 28th, 2 at Nylsvlei on 29th, 1 at Kranskop on 30th.
- African Reed Warbler (631): 1 at Mkuzi on Aug 19th, 1 at Vogelfontein on 29th.
- Cape Reed Warbler (635): 2 at Keimoes on 8th, 1 at Augrabies on
9th, 3 at Richard's Bay on 17th, 2 on 18th, 1 at Mkuzi on
- Little Rush Warbler (638): 1 at Sharks Board on Aug 17th, 1 in
Fig Forest at Mkuzi on 20th.
- Victorin's Warbler (641): 1 at Sir Lowry's Pass on Aug 4th.
- Yellow-throated Woodland Warbler (644): (1 Alexandria Forest 12th),
5 Weza 14th, 1 Giants Castle 15th, 1 Forest Drive 27th.
- Bar-throated Apalis (645): 2 Karoo 5th, 4 De Hoop 11th, 2 Alexandria
Forest 12th, 4 Weza, 2 Giants Castle 15th, 4 Forest Drive.
- Yellow-breasted Apalis (648):3 on 12th and 17th, 1 on 14th and 18th,
3 on 19th, 2 on 20th, 5 on 21st, 2 on 24th, 1 on 25th and 26th.
- Rudd's Apalis (649): 2 at Sharks Board on 17th, 2 at St. Lucia
trail on 18th, 2 at Mkuzi on 19th.
- Long-billed Crombec (651): singles on 6th, 9th, 11th, 20th, 21st
and 24th, 4 on 25th, 1 on 27th and 6 on 28th.
- Yellow-bellied Eremomela (653): 2 in Karoo on 6th, 1 on 7th, 2 on
8th, 4 on 9th, 1 in Kruger on 23rd.
- Green-capped Eremomela (655): 1 in Kruger on Aug 23rd.
- Burnt-necked Eremomela (656): 4 at Mkuzi on 19th, 3 in Kruger on
23rd, 1 at Langjang on 27th and 2 on 28th, 1 Nylsvlei on 29th.
- Green-backed Camaroptera (657): 1 on 12th, 1 on 14th, 2 on 17th,
2 on 18th, 1 on 19th, 2 on 20th, 1 on 21st, 1 on 24th.
- Grey-backed Camaroptera (657): 1 in Kruger on Aug 26th, 1 at Kranskop on 30th.
- Barred Camaroptera (658): 8 at Langjang on Aug 27th and 1 on 28th.
- Cinnamon-breasted Warbler (660): 2 at entrance to Katbakkies
gorge at dusk on Aug 6th and 1 there early on 7th.
- Cape Grassbird (661): 1 nr Kommitjie on Aug 3rd, 2 Cape of
Good Hope on 4th, 1 at Giants Castle on 15th.
Note: some of the following Cisticola identifications may have been optimistic!
- Zitting Cisticola (664): 2 at Richard's Bay on 17th, 1 on 18th,
2 at Mkuzi on 19th, 4 at Nylsvlei on 29th.
- Desert Cisticola (665): 1 at Langjang on Aug 28th.
- Cloud Cisticola (666): 3 Maclear-Naudesnek on Aug 13th.
- Wing-snapping Cisticola (667): 12 in tall grass fields along
lower (east) section of Amersfoort-Panbult road on Aug 22nd.
- Grey-backed Cisticola (669): 3 Cape of Good Hope Aug 4th, 1 in
Karoo on 6th, 1 on 9th, 2 Clanwilliam on 10th.
- Wailing Cisticola (670): 10 Maclear-Naudesnek on Aug 13th, 4 at
Giants Castle on 15th.
- Rattling Cisticola (672): 15 on 18th, 5 on 19th, 8 on 20th, 2
on 21st, 25th and 30th, 5 on 23rd, 4 on 24th and 29th, 1 on 27th.
- Red-faced Cisticola (674): 2 bordering Fig Forest at Mkuzi on Aug 20th.
- Winding Cisticola (675): 6 at Thalzhinkhla Pan on Aug 17th and 2 on 18th.
- Levaillant's Cisticola (677): 4 at Giants Castle on 15th, 4
nr Winterton on 15th, 4 at Amersfoort on 22nd.
- Lazy Cisticola (679): 2 in clearing down track past picnic
site at Alexandria Forest on Aug 12th.
- Piping Cisticola (681): 2 at Cape of Good Hope on 4th, 1
Maclear-Naudesnek on 13th, 1 Kruger on 24th, 1 Nylsvlei on 29th.
- Tawny-flanked Prinia (683): 2 on 18th and 19th, 6 on 20th, 2
on 21st, singles on 23-26th, 4 on 29th.
- Black-chested Prinia (685): 6 in Karoo on Aug 8th, 2 at Nylsvlei on 29th.
- Spotted Prinia (686): 4 seen on Aug 3rd, 6 on 4th, 8 on 5th,
10 on 6th, 8 on 7th, 4 on 11th, 1 on 13th and 3 on 15th.
- Namaqua Prinia (687): 1 in reeds beside road c500m before Karoo Poort on Aug 6th.
- Rufous-eared Prinia (688): 2 in Karoo on 7th, 6 on 8th and 2 on 9th.
- Dusky Flycatcher (690): 12 Alexandria Forest on 12th, 1
Enseleni on 17th, 2 St. Lucia on 18th, 1 Mkuzi on 20th and 1 on 21st.
- Ashy Flycatcher (691): 1 at Enseleni on 17th, 2 at Mkuzi on
19th, 1 on 20th, 1 in Kruger on 23rd.
- Fan-tailed Flycatcher (693): 2 at Mkuzi on Aug 19th, 2
on 20th, 1 on Mpophomeni trail on 21st.
- South African Black Flycatcher (694): 1 on 18th, 2 on 19th,
3 on 20th, 2 on 23rd, 3 on 24th, 1 on 25th and 2 on 26th.
- Mariqua Flycatcher (695): 2 in Kruger on 23rd, 10 at
Langjang on 27th and 10 on 28th, 6 at Nylsvlei on 29th.
- Pale Flycatcher (696): 4 at Mkuzi on Aug 19th.
- Chat Flycatcher (697): 25 in N. Karoo on Aug 8th and 2 on 9th.
- Fiscal Flycatcher (698): 1 at Kransvlei Poort on 10th, 4 De
Hoop 11th, 2 Richard's Bay on 18th, 1 at Mkuzi on 19th.
- Cape Batis (700): 1 Kirstenbosh BG on 5th, 2 Kransvlei Poort 10th,
7 Alexandria Forest 12th, 3 Weza 14th, 2 Giants Castle 15th.
- Chinspot Batis (701): 3 on 18th, 4 on 19th, 3 on 20th, 1 on 21st,
4 on 23rd, 4 on 25th, 4 on 26th, 3 on 27th and 4 on 28th.
- Pririt Batis (703): 1 in Karoo on 6th, 2 on 7th, 1 on 8th and 2 on 9th.
- Woodward's Batis (704): 2 along St. Lucia forest trail on Aug 18th.
- Black-throated Wattle-eye (705): 2 at Enseleni on Aug 17th, 2 at Pafuri on 25th.
- Fairy Flycatcher (706): 2 in Karoo on 6th, 2 on 7th, 2 on 8th,
1 at Kransvlei Poort on 10th , 2 at Kranskop on 30th.
- Crested Flycatcher (708): (2 at Alexandria Forest on 12th),
1 male at Forest Drive on Aug 27th.
- African Paradise Flycatcher (710): 1 at Sharks Board on 17th,
1 nr Dukuduku on 18th, 5 Mkuzi on 19th and 3 on 20th.
- African Pied Wagtail (711): 1 on 8th, 2 on 9th, 2 on 19th,
3 on 20th, 2 on 23rd, 2 on 25th and 2 on 26th.
- Mountain Wagtail (712): 2 at Debenjeni Falls on Aug 27th.
- Cape Wagtail (713): 20 on 3rd, 4 on 4th and 6th, 2 on 7-9th,
4 on 10th, 6 on 11th, singles on 14th and 16-17th and 3 on 30th.
- Richard's Pipit (716): 37 seen on 16 dates incl. 10 on 16th,
4 on 18th and 4 on 22nd.
- Long-billed Pipit (717): 1 probable at Giants Castle on 15th.
- Striped Pipit (720): (1 probable was flushed from ridge at
Giants Castle by NAP on 15th).
- Orange-throated Longclaw (727): 6 on 11th, 1 on 12th, 6 on
13th, 4 on 14th, 5 on 15th, 8 on 16th, 2 on 21st and 8 on 22nd.
- Yellow-throated Longclaw (728): 2 at Enseleni and 1 at Richard's
Bay on Aug 17th.
- Fiscal Shrike (732): 130 seen on 20 dates incl 12 on 7th,
20 on 8th, 12 on 10th and 10 on 22nd, 27th and 30th.
- Long-tailed Shrike (735): 25 Kruger 23rd, 12 on 24th, 4 on
25th and 6 on 26th, 4 Langjang 27th and 6 on 28th, 1 Nylsvlei 29th.
- Southern Boubou (736): 1 Paarl 5th, 3 De Hoop 11th, 3
Alexandria Forest 12th, 2 Giants Castle 15th, 1 Pafuri 25th, 2 Nylsvlei
29th, 1 Kranskop 30th.
- Crimson-breasted Shrike (739): 7 at Langjang on Aug 27th and
4 on 28th, 2 at Nylsvlei on 29th.
- Black-backed Puffback (740): 29 seen on 11 dates incl. 3 on
12th, 14th, 21st and 28th, 5 on 19th and 4 on 20th.
- Brubru Shrike (741): 1 at Mkuzi on 19th, 1 in Kruger on
23rd, 2 at Langjang on 27th and 1 on 28th.
- Southern Tchagra (742): 4 at De Hoop on Aug 11th.
- Brown-headed Tchagra (743): 1 False Bay-Mkuzi on Aug 18th, 1 in Kruger on 25th.
- Black-headed Tchagra (744): 2 at Mkuzi on 20th, singles in
Kruger on 23-26th, 1 at Langjang on 27th and 5 on 28th.
- Bokmakierie (746): 2 seen on 3rd, 1 on 5th, 3 on 6th, 1 on
8th, 1 on 11th, 1 on 13th, 1 on 14th and 1 on 30th.
- Gorgeous Bush-Shrike (747): 1 Enseleni on Aug 17th, heard R
ichard's Bay 18th, 1 Mkuzi on 19th, 4 Mpophomeni trail on 21st.
- Sulphur-breasted Bush-Shrike (748): 1 Mkuzi 19th and 20th, 2
Mpophomeni, 1 Kruger 24th and 26th, 2 on 25th, 1 Langjang 27th.
- Black-fronted Bush-Shrike (749): 4 in indigenous forest at
Forest Drive on 27th. (2 pairs in flocks with Yellow-streaked Bulbuls).
- Olive Bush-Shrike (750): 1 male at Alexandria Forest on Aug 12th.
(PN and NAP saw a 2nd individual there).
- Grey-headed Bush-Shrike (751): 1 at Nylsvlei on Aug 29th.
(PN and NAP saw a 2nd individual there).
- Long-crested Helmet-Shrike (753): 4 on 19th, 1 on 20th, 10 on
23rd, 3 on 24th, 10 on 25th, 5 on 26th, 6 on 27th and 1 on 28th.
- Retz's Red-billed Helmet-Shrike (754): 7 in N Kruger on Aug 25th.
- Southern White-crowned Shrike (756): 2 in Kruger on 23rd and 2 on
25th, 10 at Langjang on 27th and 4 on 28th.
- Starling (757): 100 on 3rd, 10 on 4th, 50 on 5th, 20 on 6th, 10 on
7th, 10 on 10th and 30 on 11th.
- Common Myna (758): 2 Pietermaritzberg on 14th, 6 Mooi River on 16th,
4 Richard's Bay on 17th and 20 on 18th.
- African Pied Starling (759): 15 on 6th, 30 on 7th, 20 on 8th, 30
on 10th, 250 on 11th, 1 on 13th and 40 on 14th.
- Wattled Starling (760): 100 at De Hoop on Aug 11th.
- Red-winged Starling (761): 12 on 3rd, 10 on 4th, 30 on 5th, 4
on 6th, 10 on 11th, 4 on 13th, 2 on 14th and 2 on 15th.
- Burchell's Glossy Starling (762): 100 in S Kruger on 23rd, 4
at Nylsvlei on 29th and 2 on 30th.
- Long-tailed Glossy Starling (763): 25 in N Kruger on 25th.
- Cape Glossy Starling (764): 2 on 12th, c200 on 11 dates from
Aug 18th incl. 50 on 23rd and 75 on 24th (but see below).
- Greater Blue-eared Glossy Starling (765): 5 in Kruger on 25th
and 50 on 26th. Probably overlooked on 23rd and 24th.
- Black-breasted Glossy Starling (768): 6 at Enseleni on Aug
17th, 20 at False Bay on 21st.
- Pale-winged Starling (770): 10 at Karoopoort on Aug 6th, 5
in Karoo on 7th and 15 on 9th.
- Red-billed Oxpecker (772): 8 in Kruger on Aug 23rd, 10 on
25th and 10 on 26th.
- Cape Sugarbird (773): 5 at Cape of Good Hope on 4th, 2 Cape
of Good Hope and 18 at Paarl on 5th, 4 at Kransvlei Poort on 10th.
- Gurney's Sugarbird (774): 5 at Hilton Protea Nursery on Aug 14th.
- Malachite Sunbird (775): 2 on 4th, 3 on 5th, 8 on 6th, 2 on
7th, 3 on 10th, 4 on 11th, 2 on 15th.
- Orange-breasted Sunbird (777): 3 at Cape of Good Hope on 4th,
4 on 5th, 2 at Karoopoort on 6th.
- Mariqua Sunbird (779): 1 False Bay-Mkuzi 18th, 2 Mkuzi 19th,
1 on 20th, 4 Kruger 23rd, 1 on 24th, 1 Nylsvlei 29th.
- Neergaard's Sunbird (782): 1 male on Mpophomeni trail on Aug 21st.
- Lesser Double-collared Sunbird (783): 4 on 3rd, 2 on 4th,
4 on 5th, 6 on 6th, 2 on 7th, 4 on 10th, 10 on 11th, 6 on 12.
- Greater Double-collared Sunbird (785): 2 at Hilton Protea
Nursery on Aug 14th, 4 at Forest Drive on 27th.
- White-bellied Sunbird (787): 1 on 18th and 19th, 2 on 20th,
23rd and 24th, 4 on 25th, 3 on 26th, 2 on 27th, 6 on 28th and 1 on 30th.
- Dusky Sunbird (788): 25 at Augrabies Falls on Aug 9th.
- Grey Sunbird (789): 1 at Alexandria Forest on Aug 12th.
- Olive Sunbird (790): 2 at Sharks Board on Aug 17th and 1 St. Lucia on 18th.
- Scarlet-chested Sunbird (791): 1 in Kruger on 23rd, 2 on 24th and 2 on 26th.
- Amethyst Sunbird (792): 10 at Alexandria Forest on 12th,
1 at Weza on 14th, 3 at Forest Drive on 27th and 2 at Langjang on 28th.
- Collared Sunbird (793): 4 on 12th, 4 on 17th, 6 on 18th, 5 on 19th, 3 on 20th and 6 on 21st.
- Cape White-eye (796): 88 seen on 13 dates incl. 12 on 5th, 12 on 9th and 30 on 12th.
- Yellow White-eye (797): 1 in Fig Forest at Mkuzi on 19th and 4 on 20th, 1 in Kruger on 25th.
- Red-billed Buffalo Weaver (798): 20 in Kruger on 23rd, 6 on 25th and 1 on 26th.
- White-browed Sparrow-Weaver (799): 3 in Karoo on 9th, 10
at Langjang on 27th, 4 on 28th, 10 at Nylsvlei on 29th and 2 on 30th.
- Sociable Weaver (800): 12 just S of Kenhardt on 8th and
50 at start of Kenhardt-Van Wyksvlei road on 9th.
- House Sparrow (801): 10 on 8th, 10 on 9th, 2 on 16th, 2 on 22nd, 10 on 24th and 2 on 26th.
- Great Sparrow (802): 20 at Langjang on Aug 28th.
- Cape Sparrow (803): c400 seen on 11 dates but only 14
outside Aug 6-11th. Max. 100 on 7th and 150 on 8th.
- Grey-headed Sparrow (804): 2 on 15th and 16th, 10 on 21st,
15 on 22nd, 20 on 23rd, 24th and 26th, 40 on 25th, 10 on 27th and 28th.
- Yellow-throated Petronia (805): 1 Naudesnek-Maclear 13th,
5 Mkuzi 20th, 1 Kruger on 23rd, 1 on 24th, 4 on 25th and 5 on 26th.
- Scaly-feathered Finch (806): 10 in N Karoo on 9th, 10 at
Langjang on 27th, 15 on 28th, 3 at Nylsvlei on 29th.
- Grosbeak Weaver (807): 3 in Alexandria Forest on 12th, 4
at St. Lucia on 18th.
- Dark-backed Weaver (808): 4 in Alexandria Forest on 12th, 4
at Mkuzi on 19th, 2 on 20th, 4 at False Bay on 21st.
- Spectacled Weaver (810): 2 at St. Lucia on 18th, 2 at Mkuzi
on 19th, 3 on 20th, 1 in Kruger on 23rd, 1on 24th and 2 on 25th.
- Spotted-backed Weaver (811): 5? on 18th, 5? at Mkuzi on 19th,
2 males in Kruger on 23rd, 1 on 24th and 1 on 25th.
- Cape Weaver (813): 25 at Katbakkies on 6th, 5 Clanwilliam on
10th, 1 at De Hoop on 11th.
- Vitelline Masked Weaver (814): 20 on 6th, 1 on 8th, 1 on 9th,
15 on 10th, 10 on 14th, 10 on 22nd, 20 on 29th and 20 on 30th.
- Lesser Masked Weaver (815): 1 male at Mkuzi on 20th, 1 female in Kruger on 25th.
- Yellow Weaver (817): 3 at Thalzhlinkhla Pan on 17th, 10 on 18th, 1 at Mkuzi on 20th.
- Brown-throated Weaver (818): 1 at Thalzhlinkhla Pan on 17th and 5 on 18th
- Red-headed Weaver (819): 1 male at Pafuri on 25th and 1 in Kruger on 26th.
- Red-billed Quelea (821): 30 in Kruger on 26th, 10 at
Langjang on 28th and 5000+ at Nylsvlei on 29th.
- Red Bishop (824): 100 at Clanwilliam Dam on 10th, 1
Naudesnek-Maclear on 13th, 50 at Mooi River on 14th.
- Golden Bishop (826): 10 Naudesnek-Maclear on 13th.
- Yellow-rumped Bishop (827): 1 on 4th, 1 on 5th, 6 on 10th, 1 on 11th, 10 on 15th.
- Fan-tailed Widowbird (828): 15 at Thalzhlinkhla Pan on 18th.
- White-winged Widowbird (829): 50 Frere-Winterton 16th, 2 on
18th, 5 Kruger 24th and 3 on 25th, 20 Nylsvlei 29th.
- Long-tailed Widowbird (832): 11 on 13th, 50 on 14th, 40 on 15th, 30 on 16th, 100 on 22nd.
- Melba Finch (834): 1 on 18th, 1 on 21st, 1 on 24th, 8 on 25th,
1 on 27th, 6 on 28th, 6 on 29th, 2 on 30th.
- Green-backed Twinspot (835): 3 at Weza on Aug 14th.
- Pink-throated Twinspot (838): 4 at Kumsinga, Mkuzi on Aug 19th.
- Blue-billed Firefinch (840): 2 at Alexandria Forest on Aug 12th,
2 in Kruger on 25th, 3 at Forest Drive on 27th.
- Jameson's Firefinch (841): 4 outside Mkuzi on Aug 21st, 1 at Langjang on 27th.
- Red-billed Firefinch (842): 6 in Kruger on Aug 25th.
- Cordon-bleu (844): 74 seen on 12 dates from 18th, incl. 8 on
21st, 20 on 25th, 15 on 26th and 10 on 30th.
- Violet-cheeked Grenadier (845): 15 at Langjang on Aug 27th and 3 on 28th.
- Common Waxbill (846): 76 in Karoo on 6th, 5 on 8th, 10 on 9th,
2 Frere-Winterton on 16th, 4 on 17th.
- Black-cheeked Waxbill (847): 12 at Langjang on Aug 27th and 4 on 28th.
- Grey Waxbill (848): 1 at Mkuzi on Aug 19th.
- Swee Waxbill (850): 2 at Forest Drive on Aug 27th.
- Quail Finch (852): 2 several times in flight Amersfoort-Panbult
road on Aug 22nd, 3 at waterhole in Kruger on 24th.
- Zebra Waxbill (854): 1 nr Kamberg on Aug 15th.
- Cut-throat Finch (855): 1 at Punda Maria camp on Aug 25th,
2 at Langjang on 27th.
- Red-headed Finch (856): 2 Frere-Winterton on Aug 16th.
- Pin-tailed Whydah (860): 30 False Bay-Mkuzi on Aug 18th and
10 there on 21st, 1 in Kruger on 25th.
- Shaft-tailed Whydah (861): 6 at Langjang on Aug 28th.
- Yellow-fronted Canary (869): 140 seen on 10 dates, daily from
17-21st (8, 50, 4, 2, 40) and 24-28th (1, 10, 15, 6, 4).
- Yellow-rumped Seedeater (870): 10 by Orange River on Aug 8th,
6 at Langjang on 28th, 3 at Nylsvlei on 29th.
- Yellow-crowned Canary (872): 3 at Kommitjie on Aug 3rd, 6 at
Paarl on 5th, 10 in S Karoo on 7th, 1 at Giants Castle on 15th.
- Forest Canary (873): 10 at Alexandria Forest on Aug 12th, 1 at Weza on 14th.
- Cape Siskin (874): 2 at Sir Lowry's Pass on Aug 4th.
- Drakensberg Siskin (875): 20 at Naudesnek Pass on Aug 13th.
- Black-headed Canary (876): 20 in Karoo on Aug 7th and 40 on 8th.
- Yellow Canary (878): 10 in Karoo on Aug 7th, and 50 on 8th.
- White-throated Canary (879): 10 in Karoo on 6th, 4 on 7th, 15
on 8th, 10 on 9th, 6 at De Hoop on 11th.
- Protea Canary (880): 1 at top end of Kransvlei Poort on Aug 10th.
- Streaky-headed Seedeater (881): 2 at Paarl on Aug 5th and 3 at
Giants Castle on 15th.
- Golden-breasted Bunting (884): 1 on 13th, 1 Mkuzi 18th, 2 on 19th,
3 Kruger 24th, 1 on 26th, 2 Langjang 27th, 1 Nylsvlei 28th.
- Cape Bunting (885): 1 Kommitjie 3rd, 3 C. of Good Hope 4th, 1 on 5th,
10 Karoo 6th, 30 on 7th, 4 on 10th, 25 Naudesnek 13th.
- Lark-like Bunting (887): 500+ in N Karoo on Aug 8th and 100+ on 9th.
Mammals Seen by RJF
(other significant sightings in [ ])
- Southern Right Whale: 3 off De Hoop on Aug 11th. Excellent.
- Lesser Galago: 2 at Nylsvlei on evening of 28th and 2 on 29th.
Only one seen well. First detected by bright orange eyes beside
- Chacma Baboon: seen at Cape of Good Hope, Mkuzi and Kruger.
- White-throated Guenon: 1 at De Hoek on Aug 27th.
- Vervet Monkey: seen at Augrabies Falls, Mkuzi and Kruger.
- Natal Red Rock Rabbit: 1 in Karoo on Aug 6th.
- ground squirrel sp.: seen in Karoo on Aug 8th and 9th.
- Black-backed Jackal: singles in Kruger on Aug 24th and 25th.
- Cape Grey Mongoose: singles at Cape of Good Hope on Aug 4th and 5th.
- Southern Dwarf Mongoose: a group of 7 in Kruger on Aug 23rd.
- Slender Mongoose: 2 in Kruger on Aug 23rd, seen on 24th.
- Yellow Mongoose: seen in Karoo.
- Bushy-tailed Meercat: 3 in Karoo on Aug 8th, seen at De Hoop on 11th and Amersfoort on 22nd.
- Cape Clawless Otter: 1 in Orange River at Keimoes on Aug 8th.
- Spotted Hyena: 1 at Mkuzi on Aug 20th, 1 in Kruger at Letaba on 23rd and 1 in Kruger on 25th.
- [Caracal: 1 seen at Alexandria Forest on Aug 12th (PN). Ignored by RJF
thinking it was a stray dog!]
- [Serval: 1 seen at Giants Castle on Aug 15th (PN).]
- Lion: 2 in Kruger on Aug 23rd, 1 on 24th and 2 on 25th.
- Leopard: 1 beside Beacon Road, Mkuzi after dark on Aug 20th was seen very
well in spotlight for c10 minutes. It was superb.
- Elephant: small numbers seen in Kruger. Adults only.
- Rock Hyrax: common in suitable habitat.
- Cape Mountain Zebra: 2 at Cape of Good Hope on Aug 4th.
- Burchell's Zebra: common at Mkuzi and in Kruger incl. 50 on Aug 23rd.
- White Rhinoceros: 1 with calf along Breacon Road, Mkuzi on Aug 20th.
- Warthog: common at Mkuzi and in Kruger incl. 20 on Aug 23rd.
- Hippopotamus: common at Ensumo Pan, Mkuzi, incl. 20 on Aug 23rd, and seen in Kruger.
- Giraffe: common at Mkuzi and in Kruger incl. 25 on Aug 23rd.
- Buffalo: a few seen in Kruger.
- Eland: a few seen at De Hoop on 11th and at Giants Castle on 15th. Like large cows.
- Greater Kudu: a few seen in Kruger incl. 6 on 23rd.
- Nyala: common at Mkuzi and in Kruger. Quite nice.
- Bushbuck: a few seen in Alexandria Forest on Aug 12th.
- Gemsbok: seen in Karoo on Aug 7th.
- Springbok: seen in Karoo on Aug 7th-9th.
- Klipspringer: a few at Augrabies Falls on Aug 9th.
- Waterbuck: a few seen in Kruger.
- Reedbuck: a few at Ensumo Pan, Mkuzi. Viking heads.
- Blue Wildebeest: common at Mkuzi and in Kruger.
- Val Roebuck: seen at De Hoop on Aug 11th.
- Bontebok: seen at Cape of Good Hope on Aug 5th and at De Hoop on 11th.
- Impala: very common at Mkuzi and in Kruger incl. 250 on Aug 23rd.
- Steenbok: seen in Karoo on Aug 7th and 8th and De Hoop on 11th.
- Common Duiker: a few seen at Mkuzi on Aug 19th and 20th.
- Red Duiker: 1 seen at Mkuzi on Aug 19th.
Other Animals
- Cape Flat Rock Lizard: 1 Augrabies on Aug 9th.
- tortoise sp.: 1 in Karoo on Aug 7th.
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This page served by Urs Geiser;;
September 16, 1997; updated June 11, 1999