Trip Report: Philippines, March 30 - April 14, 1996
Richard Fairbank,
Assistant Registrar, University of Sussex, England;
The following is a report on short trip to selected sites in the
Philippines from 30 March to 14 April 1996 made by Nick Preston, Barry
Stidolph, John & David Cooper and myself.
We had no hassles at all and found the Philippines a very friendly,
inexpensive, country. The trip was very successful although hard work
due to low bird densities. I saw c165 species in total of which c70
were new for me (all but 3 being endemic). The best birds were
Red-bellied & Steere's Pittas, Wattled Broadbill, Philippine Frogmouth
& Eagle, Spotted Wood & Hombron's Kingfishers, Rufous Hornbill,
Philippine Bullfinch and Stripe-headed Rhabdornis, more or less in
that order. The trip cost about UK£850 in total.
30 March
Left London Heathrow at 11.00 hrs on Singapore Airlines
direct flight to Singapore.
31 March
Arrived Singapore 07.45 hrs leaving 09.35 hrs and arriving
in Manila at 12.50 hrs. Visited American Cemetery by taxi after
dumping bags at the Townhouse (a cheap hostel off Roxas Boulevard).
Sheer number of graves was awesome. 22 species seen including
Peregrine, wintering Violet-backed and White-cheeked Starlings, the
endemic Philippine Pigmy Woodpecker and two Barred Rails.
1 April
05.00 hrs flight to Cagayan de Oro (Mindanao) arriving 06.30
hrs. Chartered minibus to take the five of us the c100 km's to
Dalwanyan. After some delay Mrs Maghanoy arranged for five motorbikes
to take us and bags part way up to the rest house on Mount Katanglad.
Walked the last 3 km's, all uphill and quite steep in places.
Arrived at rest house mid afternoon. Very pleased to dump bags (which
contained food for next five days) and look around immediate vicinity.
21 species seen, nearly half being endemic.
2 April
Slow walk up to Philippine Eagle lookout where three hours
of observation produced distant views of two individuals, one visiting
the nest site which is overlooked (although hidden from view and at
least 1 km range). The eagle looks big but at that range I'm
distinctly unimpressed. Even less impressed to miss Stripe-breasted
Rhabdornis. Rest of day spent walking up to higher viewpoint and
back. A good day with nearly 40 species seen including a superb
Philippine Falconet, 3 Cinnamon Ibons and a flock of 35 Chinese
Goshawks presumably migrating north.
3 April
Taken across the valley by local guide Carlito to look for
Hombron's Kingfisher although soon only Barry and I remained with him,
Nick being ill. Amazingly Carlito's whistling (which had begun to get
on my nerves) paid off when Barry located one flying in to check us
out. A pair then called in response and we got excellent views
through the 'scope. Brilliant. Rest of day on what is best described
as a route march along little used forest trails culminating in
climbing down a sheer slope into the valley and back up the other side
coming out at the higher lookout. Frustratingly heard Philippine
Bullfinch but did not see it. 4 Apo Mynas from the lookout late
afternoon and a superb Philippine Frogmouth in the forest opposite the
rest house early evening. This amazing bird has wispy feathers above
its eyes and bill. Another good day with 45 species seen including 2
Yellow-breasted Fruit Doves and a Mindanao Hornbill.
4 April
Barry and I decided to go further up the mountain to
concentrate on the Bullfinch and Mountain Shrike. I got distracted by
a calling Bush Hen which I did not see despite rushing into the tall
grass it was calling from (not strictly in my Fieldcraft manual) and
when I met up with Barry at upper lookout discovered he'd seen 3
Bullfinches! Not best pleased, I dipped on another before having
excellent views of a pair above the highest lookout and saw two more
later in the day (very impressive but I do like Bullfinches). We
continued walking up the mountain for another hour before finding a
Mountain Shrike in an overgrown clearing, the walked slowly back. 40
species recorded including 4 Mountain Racket-tails flying over the
higher lookout, 2 Stripe-breasted Rhabdornis, 2 McGregor's
Cuckoo-Shrike and an Apo Sunbird. David saw Hombron's Kingfisher but
John and Nick dipped.
5 April
Last day at Katanglad so went back to the eagle lookout.
Saw one bird twice, both times much closer than before. First it
glided down the valley in font of us and later circled up over us. My
earlier disappointment with the species immediately evaporated. Then
spent rather frustrating time trying to see Katanglad Parrotfinch and
only succeeded in getting very poor flight views. Walked down towards
Dalwanyan in early afternoon and got lift back to Cagayan in
Department of Tourism jeepney arriving after dark. 40 species seen,
mostly repeats, but did include male Pied Harrier and c75 Eye-browed
Thrushes on lower slopes and a Philippine Serpent Eagle and Nick and
John saw Hombron's Kingfisher allowing us all to rave about it.
6 April
At airport for 07.20 flight to Cebu (and later Bohol) but it
was cancelled due to low cloud (couldn't land) and the next flight was
not until 8th. Luckily the Cagayan Princess sailed that afternoon
direct to Bohol taking 7 hours and arriving just after dark at Jagna
where we were forced to say the night. 18 Red-necked Phalaropes at
sea but only one other species identified (Tree Sparrow).
7 April
Got first (04.30 hrs) bus towards Tagbilaran, changing at
Loay and getting the 06.30 bus to Bilar (which was delayed for 30 mins
while a puncture was mended). At Bilar got 2 motor-cycle rickshaws to
take us the 4 km's to Logarita Forest Station arriving before 09.00
hrs. Dumped our bags in pleasant guest house and headed for the
Valley Trail tense at the possibility of seeing a new Pitta. Started
well with a Ruddy Kingfisher on the way and within less than half an
hour on the trail heard a Steere's Pitta calling. It immediately
responded to tape playback and flew in to give stunning views. By
mid-day we'd seen two more and walking the trail a second time
produced a 4th! Rather frustratingly heard Philippine Scops Owl, Hawk
Owl and Frogmouth in the clearing by the guest house at night, but
despite going out after each one failed to see anything apart from a
rather nice flying lemur. 20 species seen including Philippine Trogon
and first Coletos.
8 April
On Valley Trail soon after dawn, walking it twice during
the day (but no more pittas and frustratingly only heard Winchell's
Kingfisher), once continuing to come out on Swimming Pool Trail.
Visited the Scout Camp Clearing in late afternoon where Nick wandered
off just before dusk and came running back shortly after having found
a Wattled Broadbill. We rushed to the site but it had move on
although David refound it further down the track as the light was
going. Luckily I had my spotlight and we got excellent views of 2
pairs as they were preparing to roost. 27 species seen including 2
Philippine Trogons, 3 Samar Hornbills, 4 Black-faced Coucals,
Black-chinned Fruit Dove and Samar Tailorbird.
9 April
Early morning in Scout Camp Clearing (but no sign of the
Broadbills) and then walked the Valley Trail where an absolutely
amazing Red-bellied Pitta was found by Barry, Nick and me. We watched
it for about an hour before being able to drag ourselves away to find
John and David, returning almost immediately to watch it again. 25
species seen including Blue-crowned Racket-tail (over the Scout Camp
Clearing), Philippine Trogon, Ruddy Kingfisher and 2 Samar Hornbills.
10 April
Up in early hours after calling Philippine Hawk Owl we gave
good views in spotlight. Gave the Valley Trail a break starting with
Swimming Pool Trail where I saw a female Broadbill. Then walked out
in nearby paddies and were amazed when two white birds flying round
the forest edge turned out to be Philippine Cockatoos and not egrets
(we nearly didn't bother looking at them)! They then appeared to be
prospecting nest hole sites. Visits to Scout Camp Clearing and Valley
Trail were unproductive although John and David had seen Winchell's
Kingfisher in flight on the latter. 27 species seen including 9
Pacific Golden Plovers and a Black-faced Coucal.
11 April
On the Valley Trail at dawn for last time. We watched the
Red-bellied Pitta for another hour and I saw another Steere's Pitta
but we again failed to get an acceptable view of Winchell's Kingfisher
and I only saw 5 other species! Left Logarita soon after 09.00 hrs by
jeep (with bags tied on roof) for Bilar where after a short wait we
got a bus to Tagbilaran and then motor-cycle rickshaws to airport.
Flew to Manila at 14.50 hrs arriving at 16.45. Chartered taxi to take
us to Lucena, 3-4 hours south of Manila and the closest town to Quezon
National Park (although still c20 km's short of it). Stayed at Fresh
Air Hotel in north of town.
12 April
Early jeepney into the centre of Lucena where we quickly
chartered another jeepney to take us to Quezon National Park. Road
there very poor and didn't arrive until 07.30 hrs. Walked the Summit
Trail hearing a distant Red-bellied Pitta and two frustratingly close
White-browed Shamas but saw little. Walked down the road to the park
entrance at Malicboy (where the 'resident' Indigo-banded Kingfisher
was a delight) then got another jeepney back to the Summit Trail
again. Frustratingly heard the 2 White-browed Shamas on the Summit
Trail again but still could not see them despite much effort. Walked
back down to the entrance seeing family party of 3 Rufous Hornbills
from viewpoint in the rain. Bus back to Lucena and motor-cycle
rickshaws to Fresh Air Hotel. Arranged an early jeepney to get us to
Summit Trail for first light next morning. 27 species including 2
Stripe-headed Rhabdornis, 4 Luzon Hornbills and single Philippine Hawk
Eagle, Guaiabero, Rough-crested Malkoha and Sooty Woodpecker, but very
few small birds.
13 April
Arranged jeepney took us to Quezon at 04.00 hrs, arriving
at the start of the Summit Trail just as it was getting light. Walked
part of the Summit Trail, seeing 2 Spotted Wood Kingfishers and Rufous
Coucal near the start (but only hearing the 2 Shamas again). Walked
down the road to the viewpoint (Rufous Hornbills still in area but
much better views today) and back, a bit more of the Summit Trail and
then back to the entrance at Malicboy where after another look at
Indigo-banded Kingfisher our jeepney then took us to Pagbiliao Fish
Ponds for a couple of hours mid afternoon. Good selection of waders
in nice plumage. Returned to Lucena for bags and then got 18.00 hrs
bus to Manila arriving about 22.00 hrs. Taxi to Townhouse. 25
species seen at Quezon including Green Racket-tail, 20+ Chinese
Goshawks and 3 excellent Stripe-headed Rhabdornis. 40 species at
Pagbiliao including Yellow Bittern, Banded Rail and White-bellied Sea
14 April
Taxi to Manila Airport soon after first light. Left Manila
at 08.30 hrs arriving Singapore 11.30 hrs, departing 12.30 hrs and
arriving at Heathrow at 18.50 hrs.
Species List
The following lists species seen by Richard Fairbank in the Philippines in
April 1996. Species not seen by RJF but by other members of the group are
included (Nick Preston, Barry Stidolph and John & David Cooper). The
sites visited were American Cemetery in Manila (afternoon of 31 March),
Mount Katanglad, south of Cagayan de Oro, Mindanao (1-5 April), Logarita,
central Bohol (7-11 April), Quezon National Park (12 & 13 April) and
Pagbiliao Fish Ponds (afternoon of 13 April), the last two both south of
Lucena in southern/central Luzon.
- Streaked Shearwater [Calonectris lucomelas]: 3 from Cagayan Princess just
north of Cagayan [DC only].
- Purple Heron [Ardea purpurea]: 3 at Pagbiliao Fish Ponds.
- Little Egret [Egretta garzetta]: c100 at Pagbiliao Fish Ponds.
- Yellow-billed Egret [Egretta intermedia]: c150 at Pagbiliao Fish Ponds.
- Great White Egret [Egretta alba]: 5 at Pagbiliao Fish Ponds.
- Striated Heron [Butorides striatus]: 8 at Pagbiliao Fish Ponds.
- Yellow Bittern [Ixobrychus sinensis]: one flushed from a ditch at
Pagbiliao Fish Ponds.
- Osprey [Pandion haliaetus]: 2 at Pagbiliao Fish Ponds.
- Barred Honey Buzzard [Pernis celebensis]: 2 over the Eagle lookout at
Katanglad on 2 April.
- Brahminy Kite [Haliastus indus]: singles at Katanglad, Logarita and
- White-bellied Sea Eagle [Haliaeetus leucogaster]: one at Pagbiliao [not
appreciated by the egrets]!
- Philippine Serpent Eagle [Spilorins (cheela) holospilus]: singles at
Katanglad, Logarita and Quezon.
- Pied Harrier [Circus melanoleucus]: a superb male hunting over grassland
at the foot of Katanglad.
- Besra [Accipiter virgatus]: one at Logarita.
- Chinese Goshawk [Accipiter solensis]: a flock of 35 NW over Katanglad on
2nd, one at Logarita and 30+ at Quezon [where seemed to be commonest
- PHILIPPINE or MONKEY-EATING EAGLE [Pithecophaga jefferyi]:
Only seen from
the Eagle lookout at Katanglad: a pair circling distantly on 2 April, with
one subsequently visiting the nest site [both disappointing at > 1km
range]. One seen majestically gliding down the valley past the lookout on
5th was presumably that later seen circling overhead [much more impressive
at close range].
- Philippine Falconet [Microhierax erythrogonys]: a superb individual in
one of the clearings at Katanglad on 2 April and 2 at Quezon on 13th.
This very smart species has an amazing, almost undulating, flight.
- Peregrine [Falco peregrinus]: Singles at the American Cemetery and
Katanglad, both rather pale grey individuals.
- Red Jungle Fowl [Gallus gallus]: heard in remote forest at Katanglad, one
flushed at Logatira.
- Banded Rail [Rallus philippensis]: one gave excellent views at Pagbiliao
Fish Ponds.
- Barred Rail [Rallus torquatus]: 2 together at the American Cemetery.
- White-browed Crake [Porzana cinerea]: one at Pagbiliao Fish Ponds
[DC/JFC only].
- Bush Hen [Amaurornis olivecea]: heard on Katanglad.
- White-breasted Waterhen [Amaurornis phoenicurus]: one in paddies
at Logarita [DC/JFC only].
- Moorhen [Gallinigo chloropus]: 2 in paddies adjoining Logarita.
- Pacific Golden Plover [Pluvialis fulva]: 9 in paddies adjoining Logarita.
- Whimbrel [Numenius phaeopus]: c50 at Pagbiliao Fish Ponds.
- Marsh Sandpiper [Tringa stagnatalis]: c150 at Pagbiliao Fish Ponds.
- Greenshank [Tringa nebularia]: c50 at Pagbiliao Fish Ponds.
- Wood Sandpiper [Tringa glareola]: c75 at Pagbiliao Fish Ponds.
- Terek Sandpiper [Xenus cinereus]: one at Pagbiliao Fish Ponds.
- Common Sandpiper [Tringa hypoleucos]: c25 at Pagbiliao Fish Ponds.
- Grey-tailed Tattler [Heteroscelus brevipes]: 2 at Pagbiliao Fish Ponds.
- Swinhoe's Snipe [Gallinago megala]: single snipes flushed at American
Cemetery and Pagbiliao Fish Ponds were probably this species.
- Red-necked Stint [Calidris ruficollis]: c75 at Pagbiliao Fish Ponds.
- Long-toed Stint [Calidris subminuta]: 3 at Pagbiliao Fish Ponds.
- Sharp-tailed Sandpiper [Calidris acuminata]: 8 at Pagbiliao Fish Ponds.
- Curlew Sandpiper [Calidris ferruginea]: 8 at Pagbiliao Fish Ponds.
- Red-necked Phalarope [Phalaropus lobatus]: 18 from Cagayan Princess
(Cagayan to Jagna crossing).
- Gull-billed Tern [Gelochelidon nilotica]: 2 at Pagbiliao Fish Ponds.
- tern sp. [Sterna sp.]: 2 from Cagayan Princess.
- Whiskered Tern [Childonias hybrida]: 15 at Pagbiliao Fish Ponds.
- Feral Rock Dove [Columbia liva]: one in American Cemetery was only one
- Pompadour Green Pigeon [Treron pompadora]: 2 in Scout Camp clearing at
- White-eared Brown Dove [Phapitreron leucotis]: 2 at Katanglad and 1-3
daily at Logarita.
- Yellow-breasted Fruit Dove [Ptilnopus occipitalis]: 2 in forest at
Katanglad were excellent.
- Black-chinned Fruit Dove [Ptilnopus lechancheri]: singles on two days at
Logarita, a fine adult and a rather dull immature.
- Philippine Cuckoo Dove [Macropygia (tenuirostris) philippensis]: 8 at
Katanglad and 2 at Logarita.
- Red Turtle Dove [Streptopelia tranquebarica]: c20 at American Cemetery.
- Spotted Dove [Streptopelia chinensis]: 2 at Pagbiliao.
- Zebra Dove [Geopelia striata]: c25 at American Cemetery, 4 at Katanglad
and 2 at Pagbiliao.
- Luzon Bleeding Heart [Gallicolumba luzonica]: one at start of the Summit
Trail at Quezon [NAP only].
- Emerald Dove [Chalcophaps indica]: singles at Logarita and Quezon.
- Philippine Cockatoo [Cacatua haematuropygia]: a pair at Logarita,
prospecting nest holes along the Swimming Pool trail. Possibly the only
wild individuals away from Palawan.
- Ring-necked Parakeet [Psittaula krameri]: a pair in the American Cemetery.
- Guaiabero [Bolbopsittacus lunulatus]: one in fruiting tree from summit
trail at Quezon.
- Blue-crowned Racket-tail [Prioniturus discursus]: one flew over Scout
Camp clearing at Logarita.
Green/Blue-crowned Racket-tail [Prioniturus luconensis/discursus]: one
near summit at Quezon was seen perched briefly. Identified at time as
Green it is now thought likely to have been Blue-crowned.
- Mindanao Montane Racket-tail [Prioniturus waterstradti]: 4 flew over upper
lookout at Katanglad.
- Philippine Hanging Parrot [Loriculus philippensis]: 16 at Katanglad, one
at Logarita and 5 at Quezon. Mostly flight views, a few were seen very
well perched.
- Philippine Hawk Cuckoo [Cuculus (hyperythus) pectoralis]: 3 seen and
several heard at Katanglad.
- Oriental Cuckoo [Cuculus saturatus]: two cuckoos at Logarita and one at
Quezon were thought to
be this species.
- Indonesian Cuckoo [Cuculus sepulcralis]: heard at Katanglad, one seen at
- Rough-crested Malkoha [Phoenicophaeus supercillosus]: one from Summit
Trail at Quezon.
- Philippine Coucal [Centropus viridis]: 4 seen at Katanglad.
- Lesser Coucal [Centropus bengalensis]: a coucal in roadside vegetation at
Quezon was thought to be this species.
- Black-faced Coucal [Centropus melanops]: 6 at Logarita.
- Rufous Coucal [Centropus unifufus]: one from Summit Trail at Quezon.
- Philippine Scops Owl [Otus megalotis]: heard next to the headquarters at
Logarita but frustratingly not seen.
- Giant Scops Owl [Mimizuku gurneyi]: heard close to the resthouse at
Katanglad but frustratingly not seen.
- Philippine Hawk Owl [Ninox philippensis]: one spotlighted and one heard
by the headquarters at Logarita.
- PHILIPPINE FROGMOUTH [Batrachostomus septimus]: brilliant views of one
spotlighted low down in forest opposite the resthouse at Katanglad. It
had amazing tufts of wispy feathers above its eyes and bill, quite
bizarre. Several were heard at Logarita.
- Great Eared Nightjar [Eurostopodus macrotis]: seen or heard by resthouse
each evening at Katanglad and one flushed during the day near the upper
lookout. Two seen at Logarita.
- Philippine Nightjar [Caprimulgus (macrurus) manillensis]: 3 by resthouse
at Katanglad and one at Logarita.
- Philippine Swiftlet [Collocalia mearnsi]: c20 over cultivated areas at
- Grey Swiftlet [Collocalia (vanikorensis) amelis]: 11 at Logarita.
- Pigmy Swiftlet [Collocalia troglodytes]: c55 at Logarita and 10 at
- Glossy Swiftlet [Collocalia esculenta]: c60 at Katanglad.
- Needletail sp. [Hirundopus sp.]: 4 briefly shot over the road at Quezon
but were not specifically identified.
- White-whiskered Tree Swift [Hemiprocne comata]: two most days at
Katanglad and one at Logarita.
- Philippine Trogon [Harpactes ardens]: 4 seen at Logarita and one at
Quezon, others heard.
- Common Kingfisher [Alcedo atthis]: 6 at Pagbiliao Fish Ponds.
- Indigo-banded Kingfisher [Ceyx cyanopectus]: one on small river at
entrance to Quezon.
- Ruddy Kingfisher [Halcyon coromanda]: one or two seen most days at
Logarita on main track from
headquarters to the start of the Valley Trail.
- White-breasted Kingfisher [Halcyon smyrnensis]: one on small river at
entrance to Quezon.
- Winchell's Kingfisher [Halcyon winchelli]: heard and seen very badly in
flight on Valley Trail at Logarita (a canopy species).
- Collared Kingfisher [Halcyon chloris]: two at American Cemetery, one on
lower slopes of Katanglad, two at Logarita and one at Pagbiliao Fish
- Spotted Wood Kingfisher [Halcyon lindsayi]: a pair at the start of the
Summit Trail at Quezon gave excellent views.
- Hombron's Kingfisher [Halcyon hombroni]: a pair across the valley at
Katanglad gave excellent views.
- Mindanao Hornbill [Penelopides (panini) affinis]: one at Katanglad
- Luzon Hornbill [Penelopides (panini) manilloe]: 6 at Quezon, on the
Summit Trail and along the higher part of the road.
- Samar Hornbill [Penelopides (panini) samarensis]: 5 around the Scout Camp
Clearing at Logarita.
- Rufous Hornbill [Buceros hydrcorax]: a pair with a juvenile seen on both
days from the viewpoint
at Quezon. Very impressive.
- Coppersmith Barbet [Megalaima haemacephala]: one seen at Quezon, others
- Greater Goldenback [Chrysocolaptes lucidus]: one at Katanglad [DC/JFC
- Sooty Woodpecker [Mulleripecus funebris]: one on the Summit Trail at
- White-bellied Woodpecker [Dryocopus javensis]: one at Katanglad, two at
Logarita and one at Quezon.
- Philippine Pigmy Woodpecker [Dendrocopos maculatus]: one in American
Cemetery and 9 at Katanglad.
- WATTLED BROADBIL [Eurylaimus steeri]: two pairs at dusk by the
experimental plantation near the Scout Camp Clearing gave brilliant views
by spotlight and a female along the Swimming Pool Trail at Logarita.
Third best bird of the trip (only beaten by next two species).
- RED-BELLIED PITTA [Pitta erythrogaster]: an amazing individual gave
prolonged views on the Valley Trail at Logarita on two dates and was
easily the bird of the trip. One was also heard on the Summit Trail at
- STEERE'S or AZURE-BREASTED PITTA [Pitta steeri]: 5 along the Valley Trail
at Logarita, 4 on the first day and one on the last morning but none
between! All but one were seen as a result of tape playback. Second best
bird of the trip.
- Swallow [Hirundo rustica]: c40 at Katanglad and 5 at Logarita.
- Pacific Swallow [Hirundo tahitica]: c20 at Pagbiliao Fish Ponds.
- Striated Swallow [Hirundo striolata]: 8 in gorge between Katanglad and
Cagayan de Oro.
- Bar-bellied Cuckoo-Shrike [Coracina striata]: a male at Logarita.
- Blackish Cuckoo-Shrike [Coracina coerulescens]: two at Quezon, just above
the entrance.
- McGregor's Cuckoo-Shrike [Coracina striata]: two above the higher lookout
at Katanglad.
- Pied Triller [Lalage nigra]: two at American Cemetery and 4 on lower
slopes of Katanglad.
- Scarlet Minivet [Pericrocotus flammeus]: 4 in Scout Camp Clearing at
- Yellow-wattled Bulbul [Pycnonotus urostictus]: one seen briefly at
Logarita (and one missed at Quezon).
- Oriental Yellow-vented Bulbul [Pycnonotus goiavier]: c10 at American
Cemetery, c35 at Katanglad and one at Pagbiliao Fish Ponds.
- Philippine Bulbul [Hypsipetes philippensis]: c40 at Katanglad, c40 at
Logarita and c20 at Quezon.
- Balicassiao [Dicrurus balicassius]: 10-12 daily at Quezon.
- Spangled Drongo [Dicrurus bracteatus]: one at Katanglad and 2-6 daily at
- Philippine Oriole [Oriolus (xanthonotus) steerii]: two near Scout Camp
Clearing at Logarita [DC/JFC only].
- Black-naped Oriole [Oriolus chinensis]: two in American Cemetery and 1-2
daily at Logarita.
- Philippine Fairy Bluebird [Irena cyanogaster]: several near Scout Camp
Clearing at Logarita [DC/JFC only].
- Large-billed Crow [Corvus macrorhynnchos]: 4 at Pagbiliao Fish Ponds.
- Elegant Tit [Parus elegans]: c20 at Katanglad, but not seen there every
day. Seen badly at Quezon.
- Sulphur-billed Nuthatch [Sitta (frontalis) oenochlamys]: 1-10 daily at
- Stripe-headed Rhabdornis [Rhabdornis mysticalis]: 2-3 daily at Quezon.
Very smart.
- Stripe-breasted Rhabdornis [Rhabdornis inornatus]: two at Katanglad (the
others saw more). Not a patch on the previous species.
- Streaked Ground Babbler [Ptilocichia mindanensis]: probably heard at
Logarita (Indonesian Cuckoo has a very similar call) where it was seen by
most of the others but not me.
- Black-crowned Tree Babbler [Stachyris nigricapitata]: one on the Valley
Trail at Logarita.
- Brown Tit-Babbler [Macronous striaticeps]: 6 at Katanglad and 6 at
- White-browed Shortwing [Brachypteryx montana]: heard most days at
- White-browed Shama [Copsychus luzoniensis]: heard both days at Quezon
but not seen despite much effort.
- Pied Stonechat [Saxicola caprata]: two on lower slopes of Katanglad and 4
at Pagbiliao Fish Ponds.
- Blue Rock Thrush [Monticola solitarius]: a female at the American
Cemetery and a male at Quezon.
- Eye-browed Thrush [Turdus obscurus]: c85 at Katanglad including a flock
of c75 on lower slopes.
- Golden-bellied Flyeater [Gerygone sulphurea]: 6 in the American Cemetery.
- Arctic Warbler [Phylloscopus borealis]: singles at Katanglad, Quezon and
Pagbiliao Fish Ponds.
- Philippine Leaf Warbler [Phylloscopus olivaceous]: one from the Valley
Trail at Logarita.
- Dubois Leaf Warbler [Phylloscopus cebuensis]: one on the Summit Trail at
Quezon (did not have a particularly yellow throat so perhaps a Dubious
Leaf Warbler)!
- Mountain Leaf Warbler [Phylloscopus trivirgatus]: 6 at Katanglad.
- Oriental Reed Warbler [Acrocephalus orientalis]: 3 at Pagbiliao Fish
- Striated Warbler [Megalurus palustris]: two at the American Cemetery, 7 at
Katanglad and 3 at Pagbiliao Fish Ponds.
- Rufous-capped Tailorbird [Orthotomus (cucullatus) heterdaemus]: 5 at
- Yellow-breasted Tailorbird [Orthotomus samarensis]: one actually on the
Valley Trail at Logarita.
- Zitting Cisticola [Cisticola juncidis]: one on the lower slopes of
Katanglad [NAP only].
- Long-tailed Ground Warbler [Bradypterus caudatus]: an all dark bird seen
badly flying across the path at my feet on Katanglad was assumed to be
this species.
- Rufous-tailed Jungle Flycatcher [Rhinomyias ruficauda]: two on the Valley
Trail at Logarita.
- Grey-streaked Flycatcher [Muscicapa griseisistica]: 18 at Katanglad.
- Island Verditer [Muscicapa panayensis]: 15 at Katanglad.
- Snowy-browed Flycatcher [Ficedula hyperthya]: a male at Katanglad.
- Little Pied Flycatcher [Ficedula westermanni]: 5 at Katanglad.
- Blue Fantail [Rhipidura superciliaris]: 3 on the Valley Trail at
- Blue-headed Fantail [Rhipidura cyaniceps]: 3 on Summit Trail at Quezon.
- Black and Cinnamon Fantail [Rhipidura nigrocinnamomea]: 16 at Katanglad.
- Pied Fantail [Rhipidura javanica]: 3 at American Cemetery in Manila.
- Black-naped Monarch [Hypothymia azurea]: 7 at Logarita.
- Yellow-bellied Whistler [Pachycephala philippensis]: 8 at Katanglad and 3
at Logarita.
- Grey Wagtail [Motacilla flava]: 6 at Katanglad and singles at Logarita,
Quezon and Pagbiliao.
- Yellow Wagtail [Motacilla flava]: c30 in paddies at Logarita.
- Richard's Pipit [Anthus ricardi]: two in paddies at Logarita.
- White-breasted Wood Swallow [Artamus leucorhynchus]: two at Katanglad,
3 at Logarita and one at Quezon.
- Brown Shrike [Lanius cristatus]: c15 at American Cemetery in Manila, 6 at
Katanglad and 7 at Logarita.
- Mountain Shrike [Lanius validirostris]: one in clearing c90 mins walk
above the upper lookout at Katanglad.
- Long-tailed Shrike [Lanius schachs]: c20 at Katanglad.
- Short-tailed Glossy Starling [Aplonis minor]: c50 at Katanglad.
- Asian Glossy Starling [Aplonis panayensis]: two at Tagbilaran Airport,
- Violet-backed Starling [Sturnus philippensis]: c80 at American Cemetery in
- White-cheeked Starling [Sturnus cineraceus]: c6 at American Cemetery in
- Crested Myna [Acridotheres cristatellus]: 3 at American Cemetery in
Manila and c10 at Pagbiliao.
- Apo Myna [Basilornis mirandar]: 4 at upper lookout at Katanglad.
- Coleto [Aplonis minor]: c20 at Logarita and 7 at Quezon.
- Purple-throated Sunbird [Nectarina sperata]: one male by headquarters at
- Olive-backed Sunbird [Nectarina jugularis]: one at Dalwangan and 3 at
- Hachisuka's Sunbird [Aethopyga primigeus]: 5 at Katanglad.
- Apo Sunbird [Aethopyga boltoni]: one about 60 mins walk above upper
lookout at Katanglad.
- Naked-faced Spiderhunter [Aracnothera clarae]: one near the Summit Trail
at Quezon.
- Olive-capped Flowerpecker [Dicaeum nigrilore]: 5 at Katanglad.
- Flame-crowned Flowerpecker [Dicaeum anthonyi]: one seen by David near
rest house at Katanglad.
- Bicoloured Flowerpecker [Dicaeum bicolor]: two at Katanglad.
- Philippine Flowerpecker [Dicaeum australe]: one male in Scout Camp
Clearing at Logarita, also two probables near resthouse at Katanglad.
- Orange-bellied Flowerpecker [Dicaeum trigonostigam]: two at Logarita and
3 at Quezon.
- White-bellied Flowerpecker [Dicaeum hypoleucum]: 6 at Katanglad.
- Pigmy Flowerpecker [Dicaeum pygmaeum]: singles at Katanglad and Quezon.
- Fire-breasted Flowerpecker [Dicaeum ignipectus]: 6 at Katanglad.
- Mountain White-eye [Zosterops montana]: 25-75 daily at Katanglad.
- Goodfellow's White-eye [Lophozosterops goodfellowi]: 6 at Katanglad.
- Cinnamon Ibon [Hypocriptadius cinnamomeus]: c15 at Katanglad.
- Tree Sparrow [Passer montanus]: c100 at American Cemetery, c30 at
Katanglad, c20 at Logarita and c20 at Pagbiliao.
- Katanglad Parrotfinch [Erythrura coloria]: two seen very badly in flight
at Katanglad.
- White-bellied Munia [Lonchura leucogaster]: 3 at Katanglad.
- Scaly-breasted Munia [Lonchura punctulata]: 6 at Pagbiliao Fish Ponds
- Chestnut Munia [Lonchura malacca]: one at Katanglad and 3 at Pagbiliao
Fish Ponds.
- White-cheeked Bullfinch [Pyrrhula leucogenys]: four above upper lookout
at Katanglad.
Return to trip reports.
This page served by Urs Geiser;;
September 3, 1996; updated March 31, 1999